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Signed Up November 24, 2012
Last Posted March 10, 2015 at 1:53 AM
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KohakuMikeikeikeikeikeikevirgins are always so mad :)
you should get laid hooli, honest advice.

I don't normally weigh into these kinds of things, but bitch please. Does this look like the face of a man who has never stuck his penis into anything?
Like seriously, get fucked.

yes it does. also looks like he should move on with his life and grow up.

posted about 11 years ago
hooliMikeikeikeikeikeikeVintage Mike!wow you look like the way you act in mumble
like an annoying faggot

virgins are always so mad :)
you should get laid hooli, honest advice.

posted about 11 years ago


Vintage Mike!

posted about 11 years ago
#16 first casualty of this young season in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendI'm willing to fill in whatever for a week if it means keeping you guys alive. I can pay my own shit and I'm just roster riding right now anyway

edit: oh well if you guys already have it sorted out then \('_.)/

just want to give my opinion about this guy, he sucks.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 show +frags and -frags in TF2 General Discussion

how about who cares

posted about 11 years ago
#4 open scout LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

haters gonna hate

also who cares about minus frags?

posted about 11 years ago
#97 LFT Scout high-open/low-im in Recruitment (looking for team)
TechnobladeMikeikeikeikeikeike im only a dick to those who are a dick to me.Stop replying to negative comments. They are not being jerks to you, they merely post their opinions and experiences with you in the past. Don't take insult. Don't start arguing. You're looking for a team, not defending your internetz honor. Don't be a dick to people who are a dick to you, IGNORE THEM.

Flaming them when they post their mildly negative comments just makes their points more and more apparent and believable. Bragging about having never lost a MGE match makes you look arrogant and, quite frankly, not very smart, as MGE is a training mod and stats don't matter in it.

anyone who takes what im saying seriously doesn't understand a single word i've said. but your post is good advice, i've never had a looking thread before and wasn't expecting people to get mad at me for not joining their team and try to make sure i didn't get a team because i didn't join theirs. but hey, i had a good laugh. now i know who the bads are in the community. thanks.

synchro2sy_morphiendPerhaps Sunny was the first MGE allstar. A veritable proto-mike to which his kind owe all direction for their species. Maybe shitlord is genetic.http://i.snag.gy/pvzNQ.jpg


posted about 11 years ago
#94 LFT Scout high-open/low-im in Recruitment (looking for team)
2sy_morphiendFor those of who have grown moss over their CPUs like I, you might remember a player by the name of Sunny. Now sunny had big dreams after playing in twl div 3, in fact he knew that despite his lack of experience and objectively bad play, he was simply being held back by his team. This lead Sunny to create one of the greatest looking threads of all time, in which he stated in no uncertain terms that he was forming a mid-high team around himself which he was going to take to the top of open/cevo-a. Despite everyone telling him that he and his team were awful this man would not take no for an answer and pressed on until he had signed his name on TF2 history.

Perhaps Sunny was the first MGE allstar. A veritable proto-mike to which his kind owe all direction for their species. Maybe shitlord is genetic.

im only a dick to those who are a dick to me.

posted about 11 years ago
#89 LFT Scout high-open/low-im in Recruitment (looking for team)

i just want to point out i have chocolate all over my mouth.

capnfapnHoly shit mike are you trying to be a dick? Everything was going fine on the first page and then you decided to be a douche.
I can't comment on your skill because I've never played with you.

what does your heart tell you?


posted about 11 years ago
#86 LFT Scout high-open/low-im in Recruitment (looking for team)
Devonliterally been here since S12?

"looking for an im team because ive been here since s12" and i dont even know if youve played for an actual team ever. lol

just because you suck at improving and learning doesn't mean i do. we all improve at a different pace, one season of playing for me is more than all the season's you have played, apparently. also nice alt account, scared to talk to me on your real account in fear you'll look like a dumb idiot? who is this salty sally?

posted about 11 years ago
#84 LFT Scout high-open/low-im in Recruitment (looking for team)
DeRobertCMikeikeikeikeikeikehaters be sippin on dat haterade.I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. But I am fairly certain I am the first person to bring this saying to TF2. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my saying go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.


Devonso because i can keep up with im scouts, it means im IM worthy?? and i have 0 league experience?
great logic

i dont know what is dumber, my jokes or this post.
no actually it means you aren't IM worthy. which is what mason was trying to say, that im not IM worthy because i can keep up with IM teams playing against other mid-top IM teams. you got it.

posted about 11 years ago
#77 LFT Scout high-open/low-im in Recruitment (looking for team)
synchroThis guy has the ego of teng and the personality of saltysally.

God help us.

Oh and don't try to pull that "is this because I didn't join your time" line again because I almost tried you out, but I recognized you from a scrim where you were pretty much mid open as far as I could tell. Glad I dodged the bullet.

uuhhhhh... is this because... i didn't join your time?
i just find it amazing how i've never really talked to any of you and you all post in my thread like you know me. well guess that's how it goes in tiny tiny communities full of apes with ego-trips. i've literally only played since Season 12. I know none of you and you all know me.


hahaha did you get the joke?

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Where is Spadez Now? in Off Topic

haha this is a great thread, man us tf2 guys are the best at making threads.

posted about 11 years ago
#73 LFT Scout high-open/low-im in Recruitment (looking for team)
2sy_morphiendBest of luck looking ace

round 2
doesn't respond...again
anyways, on a team /thread

posted about 11 years ago
#71 LFT Scout high-open/low-im in Recruitment (looking for team)
2sy_morphiendMikeikeikeikeikeikewho knows maybe literacy hinders your ability to make fairly accurate deductions by filling your head with words you don't understand or are irrelephant... or maybe you're not trying to read this thread and by clicking that link you are distracting yourself from the fairly accurate deduction you were making? perhaps the real purpose of this thread wasn't about me looking for a team at all but to actually help improve your deduction skills, to recognize a joke when you see it and laugh instead of getting mad, the mystery deepens...
I'm really baffled by so many people reading my posts like I'm deeply involved with the situation. Though I'm sure the critical thinking ability of an MGE allstar is unparalleled by modern man.

the least you could have done is pretend you understood what i was saying but no you ignored it and took the only two words out of what i said that you understood (critical thinking). and responded with non-sense probably unsure if you were insulted or not since you can't fairly deduct any information about what i said with just literacy and a link to this thread alone, but still able to assume i probably did since you insulted me. one can't be too sure if you understood what i said because you didn't actually respond at all. well played.

posted about 11 years ago
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