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Signed Up August 28, 2012
Last Posted March 10, 2016 at 3:22 AM
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#9 DeutschLAN 2016: Announcement! in LAN Discussion
MankyProblem with highlander is that there is not much viewership on the pro games, even though there are a lot of players playing the gamemode, pro scene is not so popular.
LAN finals having 400-500 viewers is kind of...dubitable.

It's hardly about the viewers. It's about the experience. It's about staying in a 9-person house with all your PCs arranged in the living room, just like at home. Afterwards,visiting and chilling with other gamers at their houses in between games. It's about enjoying ridiculous German alcohol prices. I can safely say everyone who attended had a blast.

My deutschlan experience was basically being at home and playing video games while chatting to friends, who are sat next to me instead and I'm in some large house in a scenic nature park in Germany instead of my shitty room. Other things:

  • One man making spaghetti for about 20 people (and subsequently knocking the power off for their house)
  • Stealing a slice of watermelon from the neighbours BBQ
  • Having a real life rock, paper, scissors match and attempt at a 18-man fist fight to decide who starts on red.
  • The copious amount of free pizza and croissants.
posted about 8 years ago
#62 Raptor cut from Planet Express in News
schockywould appreciate it if someone could explain me why my comment about "chemistry" gets minus-frags? like, do you just hate/dislike me or do you think a team does not need a good chemistry?

Because the lack of chemistry is not necessarily Raptor's fault but he is the one who suffered by being cut.

posted about 9 years ago
#33 League of Legends World Championships in Esports

the EUphoria is too strong

posted about 9 years ago
#1196 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

I listened at the wrong time. I'm trying to relax for bedtime :(

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Spy Clip Funny in Off Topic

Old clip, though I still think it's one of the better made parodies

posted about 9 years ago
#684 post your desktop in Off Topic

Anyone else use taskbar at the top? I get a lot of shit for using it that way. Just makes more sense to me. If all my chrome tabs are at the top, my eyes shouldn't have to travel far when I get a Steam message or smth.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 DeutschLAN 2015: Thoughts from Stinson_Out in TF2 General Discussion

We love you Stinson!

Seriously, this LAN was a huge success. I actually had a serious bout of post-LAN depression and so did my other teammates. We got eat REAL FOOD (that we made ourselves) alongside the immense amount of free pizza that got delivered to us. Nieheim is a beautiful location on the hills - very scenic and quaint German town.

People bringing their own BBQs, an array of food (horse sausages HELLO?) and a buttload of waffles from Netherlands and Belgium. This is what the LAN experience should be like.

posted about 9 years ago
#25 TFTV Twitch Emotes in TF2 General Discussion

Can we have a 'lol hl' emote please

posted about 9 years ago
#47 your favorite disney song in Off Topic

french version is awesome imo

Is that Phil Collins singing in French?

Also, this is from the soundtrack of Treasure Planet. Not your traditional Disney song but a Disney movie nonetheless. Underrated movie imo.

I'm not here by Johnny Rzeznik

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Couch surfing in Off Topic

I signed up for CS (London, England). Feels more like a dating website for travellers tbh.

I haven't hosted anyone because I haven't managed to get in contact with anyone who fits my schedule. I'm a bit reluctant to hand over keys to strangers. I'm usually away from home between 9am-7pm.

If anyone wants to go sightseeing in London, UK hmu. Just bring your own food - can barely afford to feed myself as it is.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 ETF2L 1v1 Scout Cup #2 in Events

24 hours to go till the cup starts! Still some space left!

posted about 9 years ago
#1 ETF2L 1v1 Scout Cup #2 in Events

Good day! ETF2L is proudly announcing it's second 1v1 Scout Cup! Here is your chance to show off hours of practice on MGE servers. There are keys, hardware, steam games, etc. to be won!

The rules are simple: you face another scout until one of you kills the other 20 times. The competition is open to all nationalities as long as you are able to play on the schedule round times. Put your Scattergun to the test!

More information and signups here!

posted about 9 years ago
#69 A quick survey on cyber bullying in Off Topic
flameslightly off/on topic though i don't think your questions help your topic.

deindividuation is more the theory that you'll tend to do things with other people that you'd never do by yourself because you lose your sense of individuality and become a part of a group instead of an individual.

The anonymity is a result of being part of the group. For example if carter thought alfa was an idiot, he'd probably not just go in mumble with him and be like "hey idiot" but if carter were in mumble with showstopper, alec, rando, and cyzer and all of them were calling alfa an idiot, then carters sense of self is gone perceptually because the group is doing it so he becomes 'anonymous' and deindividuized because its all of them doing it, not because they're masked behind an alias or anything like that.

I forgot to reply to this sooner, sorry!

Social identity model of de-individuation effects (SIDE) is actually a critique of de-individuation. It's a bit more technology/social-media-oriented which is why it is one of the most used theories for explaining cyber bullying. It's an explanation for individual behaviour when anonymity is in play. There is no 'loss of self-hood'. Outgroup aggression is increased if you are anonymous to the outgroup (but known to the ingroup = circlejerk). etc etc etc

posted about 9 years ago
#63 A quick survey on cyber bullying in Off Topic
DeerMorefineWaldoUnless this is a social experiment to prove how completely unproductive public surveys are, I don't think you'll get anything of value out of this. Also, Rickunless u want to manually parse thru this thread I would make a google form, or surveymonkey/equivalent
I am collecting data from multiple forums and not all of them are created by me. The analysis is conducted by looking for the most common themes that appear in the responses.

Why did you choose internet forums? Why not conduct in person interviews with people? Or if you still want to ask internet dwellers that you don't know why not use an online survey? If this is for a serious class assignment then you can't expect to get good data from asking a bunch of people online to respond publicly...

No ethical approval from university to conduct interviews. The research outline specifically stated to use online discussion boards as sources - some of my classmates used YouTube comments are their source. Forums are a good way of gathering large amount of data in one place.

The data I gather is simply for analysis.Not all of these responses are going to be featured, but if say, plenty people say the same thing then it's considered a 'theme' that I can talk about.

Interviews are long and tiresome. You need to convince people to sit down somewhere quiet (or in mumble/teamspeak), outline what you are gonna ask, say it's going to be recorded, do the questioning, listen through the "uhhms, aahhs, like yeah like". To be able to use in them in writing, you'd have to transcribe it word for word - including all the uhhms ahhs, pauses, liiiike. For every participant, you gotta do this.

Plus what better way of asking opinions about CYBER bullying than asking a bunch of people online? More likely I might come across someone who doesn't know how to turn on a computer if I were to recruit on the streets.

posted about 9 years ago
#33 A quick survey on cyber bullying in Off Topic
WaldoUnless this is a social experiment to prove how completely unproductive public surveys are, I don't think you'll get anything of value out of this. Also, Rickunless u want to manually parse thru this thread I would make a google form, or surveymonkey/equivalent

I am collecting data from multiple forums and not all of them are created by me. The analysis is conducted by looking for the most common themes that appear in the responses.

posted about 9 years ago
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