Hello all! I am excited to announce a big update to the current version of! As many of you have seen I have been working on a dev version for a while, well its finally here! Here is what's new:
Personalized Profile Pages:
• Personalized Match View: Completely custom match view per profile, you get to see all about how you did in the match even before you visit the log page.
• Your Player Card: Your personal player card to see how well you did at the end of the season.
• Teammates Section: See which teammates you are playing with the most and your win rates with them.
• Maps Played: What maps are your best and worst displayed in a simple format.
• Classes Played: Take a look at how your mainclass and other class performances compare. disclaimer: might cause you to change your mainclass
• Activity: See if you and your friends are weekend warriors or weekday knights. disclaimer: might cause depression
Redesigned Logs Page:
All the stuff you loved about old and more just redesigned into tabs;
• Scoreboard Tab: Here you will find all of the normal stuff from logs, mostly numbers only.
• Performance Tab: This is the main reason you are here, from class specific damage spreads to see where did you get your kills and died to other players.
• Matchups Tab: Just a simple page to compare stats 1v1 with others.
• Charts Tab: Layout of damage and heals per minute charts. This shows clear dominance or time of the team fights clearly.
• Other Tab: Just extras like chat, killstreaks...
End of season stats:
I am really excited about this part of the update! At the end of each season your brand new and custom Player Card will get attached to your profile.
As well as the overall leaderboard to see how your scores compared to other in one big table.
• Player Cards: Great new addition to your end of season fun! see how you ranked this season in the summaries and see your card grow as you climb up in divisions!
• Leaderboard: Simple place to see how your scores compared to others!
Please consider giving feedback and report bugs here
I dont know much 6s knowledge so I am hoping you guys can help me with the 6s specific information for following,
Also you I am open to comment of different leauges and other formats like 7s, 4s, 2s.
Please take a minute to think about these topics after you preview the site and comment your suggestions!
Thank you,