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Signed Up December 19, 2015
Last Posted December 19, 2015 at 3:25 PM
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#2290 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Today I fixed the trade up animation not showing with my hud but when i opened a crate this happened.
This is what i copied in my HudAnimations_tf.txt:

Show Content
event QuestNotification_Present
Animate MainContainer Position "r0 94" Deaccel 0 0
Animate MainContainer Position "r115 94" Deaccel 0.01 0.4

event QuestNotification_Hide
Animate MainContainer Position "r115 94" Deaccel 0 0
Animate MainContainer Position "r0 94" Deaccel 0.01 0.4

event ItemCard_ShowPinHint
Animate PinLabel Position "0 -20" Deaccel 0 0

Animate PinLabel FgColor "TanLight" Linear 0.2 0
Animate PinLabel Position "0 0" Deaccel 0.2 0.2

event ItemCard_HidePinHint
Animate PinLabel Position "0 5" Deaccel 0 0.3

Animate PinLabel Position "0 -20" Accel 0.3 0.1

event ItemCard_ShowCloseButton
Animate CloseButton Position "-8 -68" Deaccel 0 0.3

Animate CloseButton Position "-8 -68" Accel 0.3 0.1

event ItemCard_HideCloseButton
Animate CloseButton Position "-30 -90" Deaccel 0 0.0

event QuestItem_StaticPhoto_Reveal
Animate StaticPhoto Alpha "0" Accel 0 2

event HideStamp
SetVisible ApplyStampButton 0 0

event CollectionCrafting_Intro
// Reset
SetVisible ApplyStampButton 0 0
SetVisible Stamp 0 0
Animate Stamp xpos c140 Accel 0 0
Animate DrawingPanel xpos c0 Accel 0 0
Animate DrawingPanel wide 0 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterFront xpos c0 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterFront wide 0 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Top xpos c-250 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Top ypos 400 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Top wide 500 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Bottom xpos c-250 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Bottom ypos 400 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Bottom wide 500 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Flap xpos c-250 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Flap ypos 400 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Flap wide 500 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Flap tall 0 Deaccel 0.6 0.4
Animate LetterBack_Top ypos 400 Accel 0 0
SetVisible ReturnModel 0 0
Animate SendEvelopeButton ypos 280 Accel 0 0
SetVisible SendEvelopeButton 0 0
SetVisible ResponseTimeout 0 0
SetVisible WaitingForResponse 0 0

SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton1 1 0
SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton2 0 0
Animate TradeUpContainer wide 800 Accel 0 0

// Slide paper down
Animate TradeUpContainer Position "0 60" Deaccel 0 0.3

// Slider BG up
Animate BG Position "0 34" Deaccel 0 0.3

// Fade dimmer down
Animate Dimmer Alpha "255" Linear 0 0.4

event CollectionCrafting_LetterStart
// Slide envelope up
FireCommand 0.0 "playsound ui/trade_up_envelope_slide_in.wav"
Animate LetterBack_Bottom ypos 60 Deaccel 0 0.3
Animate LetterBack_Flap ypos 60 Deaccel 0 0.3
Animate LetterBack_Top ypos 60 Deaccel 0 0.3
SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton1 0 0

// Close flap
FireCommand 0.3 "playsound ui/trade_up_envelope_fold.wav"
Animate LetterBack_Flap tall 250 Deaccel 0.4 0.2

// Start Flip
FireCommand 0.8 "playsound ui/trade_up_envelope_spin.wav"
Animate TradeUpContainer wide 0 Accel 0.8 0
Animate LetterBack_Bottom wide 0 Accel 0.8 0.2
Animate LetterBack_Bottom xpos c0 Accel 0.8 0.2
Animate LetterBack_Flap wide 0 Accel 0.8 0.2
Animate LetterBack_Flap xpos c0 Accel 0.8 0.2
Animate LetterBack_Top wide 0 Accel 0.8 0.2
Animate LetterBack_Top xpos c0 Accel 0.8 0.2

// End Flips
Animate LetterFront xpos c-250 Deaccel 1.0 0.2
Animate LetterFront wide 500 Deaccel 1.0 0.2
Animate DrawingPanel xpos c-250 Deaccel 1.0 0.2
Animate DrawingPanel wide 500 Deaccel 1.0 0.2
SetVisible ApplyStampButton 1 1.3
SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton2 1 1.3

event CollectionCrafting_PlaceStamp
SetVisible Stamp 1 0
SetVisible ApplyStampButton 0 0
FireCommand 0 "playsound ui/trade_up_apply_stamp.wav"

event CollectionCrafting_LetterSend
SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton2 0 0
SetVisible SendEvelopeButton 0 0
Animate Stamp xpos c70 Deaccel 0 0.3
Animate LetterFront xpos c-320 Deaccel 0 0.3
Animate DrawingPanel xpos c-320 Deaccel 0 0.3

RunEventChild BehindItemParticlePanel PlayEnvelopSendParticles 0.3
Animate Stamp xpos 1120 Accel 0.3 0.2
Animate LetterFront xpos 1000 Accel 0.3 0.2
Animate DrawingPanel xpos 1000 Accel 0.3 0.2
SetVisible CloseButton 0 0
FireCommand 0.2 "playsound ui/trade_up_envelope_slide_out.wav"

event PlayNewItemParticles
FireCommand 0 "start0"

event PlayCrateSmashParticles
FireCommand 0 "start1"

event PlayEnvelopSendParticles
FireCommand 0 "start2"

event ShowFoundLabels
Animate YouTradedForLabel alpha 0 Linear 0 0
Animate ItemName alpha 0 Linear 0 0

Animate YouTradedForLabel alpha 255 Linear 3 1
Animate ItemName alpha 255 Linear 3 1

event CollectionCrafting_ItemRecieved
RunEventChild NewItemPanel ShowFoundLabels 0
FireCommand 0 "playcratesequence1"
SetVisible NewItemPanel 0 0
SetVisible ReturnModel 1 0.05
RunEventChild BehindItemParticlePanel PlayCrateSmashParticles 0.2

FireCommand 0 "playsound ui/trade_up_crate_smash.wav"

SetVisible NewItemPanel 1 1.5
SetVisible CloseButton 1 1.5

FireCommand 2.1 "playcratesequence2"
RunEventChild BehindItemParticlePanel PlayNewItemParticles 1.5

FireCommand 1.0 "playsound ../player/taunt_medic_heroic.wav"

event CollectionCrafting_OKBlink_Repeatable
Animate OkButton FgColor Red Linear 0 0.1
Animate OkButton FgColor TanLight Linear 0.1 0.1

event CollectionCrafting_OKBlink
RunEvent CollectionCrafting_OKBlink_Repeatable 0
RunEvent CollectionCrafting_OKBlink_Repeatable 0.2
RunEvent CollectionCrafting_OKBlink_Repeatable 0.4
RunEvent CollectionCrafting_OKBlink_Repeatable 0.6

event CollectionCrafting_ShowSendButton
SetVisible SendEvelopeButton 1 0
Animate SendEvelopeButton ypos 320 Deaccel 0 0.5

event CollectionCrafting_ShowWaiting
SetVisible WaitingForResponse 1 0

event CollectionCrafting_HideWaiting
SetVisible WaitingForResponse 0 0

event CollectionCrafting_ShowFailure
SetVisible ResponseTimeout 1 0
SetVisible CloseButton 1 0
event CollectionCrafting_WaitForItemsOnly
// Set Everything Invisible
SetVisible ReturnModel 0 0
SetVisible SendEvelopeButton 0 0
SetVisible ResponseTimeout 0 0
SetVisible WaitingForResponse 0 0
SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton1 0 0
SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton2 0 0
SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton2 0 0
SetVisible SendEvelopeButton 0 0
SetVisible CloseButton 0 0

SetVisible ApplyStampButton 0 0
SetVisible Stamp 0 0
Animate Stamp xpos c140 Accel 0 0
Animate DrawingPanel xpos c0 Accel 0 0
Animate DrawingPanel wide 0 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterFront xpos c0 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterFront wide 0 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Top xpos c-250 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Top ypos 400 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Top wide 500 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Bottom xpos c-250 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Bottom ypos 400 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Bottom wide 500 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Flap xpos c-250 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Flap ypos 400 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Flap wide 500 Accel 0 0
Animate LetterBack_Flap tall 0 Deaccel 0.6 0.4
Animate LetterBack_Top ypos 400 Accel 0 0

// Slider BG up
Animate BG Position "0 34" Deaccel 0 0.3

// Fade dimmer down
Animate Dimmer Alpha "255" Linear 0 0.4

Any idea how to fix this?

posted about 9 years ago