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Signed Up May 21, 2018
Last Posted February 2, 2024 at 1:42 PM
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#6 YourHUDs: Switching huds with ease. in Customization

I made my own version of this. It doesn't come with any huds baked in. It just uses locally installed huds. It has the ability to favorite, search, and open the huds' folders. It's also cross-platform.

To use it, create a folder in your custom folder called huds and then put your huds in there. You can put the executable in the custom folder or the huds folder.

download and github

(ignore the hud names in the gif, those were just for testing)

posted about a year ago
#44 weapon-specific vtf crosshair switcher thing in Customization

I ported this to Rust. I added the ability to change the explosion particles along with the crosshairs. I only lightly tested it so let me know if there are any problems.
I also compiled it to Linux.

Download/source code


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posted about 2 years ago
#1 Viewmodel Animation Merger in Customization

A CLI tool that lets you combine animations from one qc to another.

Here's an example animation that was made with this tool. It adds Paysus' pistol animation and Kylul's bat animation on the default scout animations:

You do have to decompile the animations you want to use manually and also compile the output.

Here's me using the tool:

Download and source

posted about 3 years ago
#31 Horse's viewmodel customizer in Customization

I made a basic port of this in Rust and gave it a GUI.
Download and source

To install, you extract the v_customizer folder to your custom folder, just like the original program.
Note: This is missing some features, like disabling shells, disabling backstab animations, etc., and it only comes with the default animations (no arm fixes). I might add these in the feature if I feel like it.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 How do i edit particles? in Customization

posted about 5 years ago
#4 Showing invis watch while not cloaked in Customization

Pretty sure it's not possible. I moved the left arm up but there's no watch.

When you clock, the game loads another arm model and plays the cloaking animation on the new arm. In the video you can see that it's the same arm and animation but the watch is only on the that one arm.
I tried merging the watch's model and skeleton to the knife's and it sorta worked. It only showed up in properly in the HLMV but not in-game.

posted about 5 years ago
#5741 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
TimTumMrWheatleySunset HUD with looping animated sunset background
that's sick, do you have a download for that? :o

Here you go.

It's a .vpk for easy install. For some HUDs it won't work out of the box. For Sunset HUD you have to go to resource/ui/mainmenuoverride.res and find "Sunset" or for other HUDs "Background" and turn "visible" to 0

posted about 5 years ago
#5739 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Sunset HUD with looping animated sunset background

posted about 5 years ago
#11 I made my version of a viewmodel crosshair.. in Customization

This kinda reminds me of this

posted about 5 years ago
#2 how do you change the picmip scale in mastercomfig in Customization

try putting mat_picmip 4 in your users/autoexec.cfg

posted about 5 years ago
#11 weapon-specific vtf crosshair switcher thing in Customization

Every time I try to run it it does this:

posted about 5 years ago
#5 local server config file in Customization
Twiggymastercomslistenserver.cfgI do not have such a file on tf/cfg. Maybe it's like that by default?

Just like autoexec.cfg you have to make one.

posted about 5 years ago
#56 uwui in Customization
HiImJohnWhen changing font on windows, the console font does this, how would i go about making the font bigger in command console?

It should be at resource/sourcescheme.res
Scroll down until you see something like this:

Go to your respected resolution and change the tall value.

posted about 6 years ago
#12 Viewmodel editing in Customization

I just did this today and all I have so far is all the rocket launchers and the shotguns. Tomorrow I might add the righteous bison, the banners, and possible the melee if you want me to.

posted about 6 years ago
#15 demoman hand in Customization

A bit late but whatever.

posted about 6 years ago
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