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SteamID64 76561198065390728
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:52562500
Country United Kingdom
Signed Up July 19, 2014
Last Posted February 22, 2024 at 7:50 PM
Posts 146 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3
Windows Sensitivity default
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G303
Keyboard Cherry MX-Board 3.0 w/ Red Switches
Mousepad uh I dunno it's small though.
Headphones Philips SHL5605FB/10 CitiScape Downtown Headphones
Monitor BenQ XL2411
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#43 Favourite aspect of competitive tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

The fact that TF2 can be played in a actual organised manner in competitive unlike in pubs

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Fix / Alternative to Clean tf2? in Customization
P1zz4Th13fAre those sv_pure 1 or 2 servers? Because if they are that's how the mod will work, trippy lines in some textures. (Valve Servers are set to sv_pure 1 at default)
Try playing in a sv_pure 0 server and see if it works.

With the files there's a "works in sv_pure" folder, a "works differently in sv_pure" folder and etc. I installed the singular file in "works in sv_pure" and it still tripped out for me.

matih This is your best bet for completely clean tf2.

I will try that, thank you :)

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Fix / Alternative to Clean tf2? in Customization

I'm trying to use clean tf2 from this thread:

But installing it doesn't give my game the look it's supposed to have: and

Is there a fix or even a complete alternative?

posted about 9 years ago
#3636 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 9 years ago
#2 frags in CS2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#151 The Side Porn Show in Videos

EDIT: Ninja'd by popcorp

posted about 9 years ago
#12 KnOxXx leaves Epsilon eSports in News
ShooshThat doesnt say they got into the beta. He never specifically said: "He will be carrying on playing the Overwatch Beta" it just said overwatch.Handcuffedepsilon is planning on playing overwatch together
that doesn't mean they got in the beta

sorry bois.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 KnOxXx leaves Epsilon eSports in News
Pendadid any of the epsilon members get in the overwatch beta?

If you read it carefully...

SideshowHe will be carrying on playing Overwatch with the rest of his team, but feels that TF2 is simply a source of exasperation.Sideshowrest of his team
posted about 9 years ago
#25 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/28/15 (Scream Fortress 7) in TF2 General Discussion
indecencyis that the actual picture in it or is that just flamehud's class select PNG? cuz honestly that looks so much better

Not too sure tbh, I'm not using flamehud so I'm presuming it's the default.

posted about 9 years ago
#20 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/28/15 (Scream Fortress 7) in TF2 General Discussion

They also updated the Competitive Matchmaking menu!

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Computer has lost it's processing power. in Hardware
SetsulYou know that you can't just reseat a CPU cooler without replacing the thermal paste (most of the time, there are exceptions)?

Well I think this is an exception.
I shut down my pc and detached the CPU cooler to double check it, it is perfectly clean since I cleaned it yesterday.
I placed it back in and did some small tests to see if it actually spins, it does.
Plugged everything else back in, put the cover back on and rebooted.
An BIOS message came up regarding changes made to CPU / Memory? I went through it and I didn't see anything dumb so I discarded the changed and continued the boot.
Looking at Core Temp now the temperature is now at a solid 30-36c for each core. No idea how it's suddenly fixed itself.
I'll play a game of Tf2 and see if anything weird happens. I'll let you know asap
Thanks for the help anyway Setsul! :)

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Computer has lost it's processing power. in Hardware
SetsulYes, the throttling is evident in the task manager screenshot.
Have you reseated the cooler or accidentally loosened one or more screws/plastic clips?

It should be put perfectly back in place after I cleaned it out, it should be plugged in as well.

SeekHow has your computer not exploded yet?

Is it really that bad?

Ok double checking the CPU cooler fan, which I forgot to mention is the stock one that came with the i5 2500k.
Will be back asap.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Computer has lost it's processing power. in Hardware
SetsulCheck temps.

I can't believe I forgot to do that! (if you can't read it they all say 95/96oc)
Ok there's something wrong.
As mentioned I cleaned out my pc recently, clearing the dust from the fan and all components and making sure it was all plugged in.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Computer has lost it's processing power. in Hardware

I was away for a couple of days.
When I came back and turned on my computer it didn't start properly, there was no beep.
I opened my pc after unplugging everything and cleaned it out a little bit and made sure all the sockets were in correctly into the hardware.
Closed up the pc, plugged everything back in, turned on the pc, it turned on.
A new issue that has come up is that now everything runs VERY slowly.
Even with tf2 running while I'm on a official Valve server, my cpu usage is only 10%-20% which I don't recall it doing before:
Because of this low cpu usage, my FPS becomes incredibly inconsistent and low, despite using a fps config (Being Rapsody's config @dx8).
In numbers, it's a max of 120 at random times and then randomly drops to 20 for brief moments. Average is just below 60 fps, which doesn't feel good for me at all:
PC specs:
CPU - i5 2500k @3.30 GHz
GPU - GTX 660 ti
RAM - 8gb / 4gb x 2
OS - Windows10 Pro 64 bit

If there's any info I missed out please let me know asap.

posted about 9 years ago
#262 M0rehud MvM. - the project in Customization

I looked into it and found out that there is no "morehud" font in the resource folder, just surface properties.
I had to uninstall broesel's surface font for the hud to use it's own.
Thanks anyways :)

posted about 9 years ago
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