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Signed Up August 10, 2012
Last Posted September 4, 2013 at 6:51 PM
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#52 Are you proud of being a (competitive) gamer? in Off Topic

I use my comp tales to pick up women.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Easiest way to turn a demo in to a youtube video in Q/A Help

I normally just stream as a local recording and upload that. No need to use twitch.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Loadout Beta in Off Topic

Played with Duder and them a few times. I'm not normally big into the third person shooters, but this game was a lot of fun when I played it.

posted about 11 years ago
#34 Investing! aka the TF2 hat ETF thread in Off Topic

Oh also if anyone is interested in learning more about futures markets,, is a book we make all new hires read. It gives a decent introduction to the markets, exchanges, and the different ways people use futures markets.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Investing! aka the TF2 hat ETF thread in Off Topic

Currency markets can get extremely complicated, especially if you start working with cross rates.

posted about 11 years ago
#28 Investing! aka the TF2 hat ETF thread in Off Topic

Congrats on graduating Sal. I don't know nearly as much about investing and the markets as I probably should but this is all great advice. From what I've seen investing in the general indexes is a great investment right now with even some major investors having issues matching the returns the markets have been giving lately.

Emerging markets is pretty big right now, especially over the last couple years with the slow recoveries Europe and the US have been having. It's a more risky investment though and people should probably do more research if they want to try out these markets.

So Sal, what are your opinions on using technical analysis vs fundamental analysis for you investment strategies?

posted about 11 years ago
#111 What's your job, TF.TV? in Off Topic

Software engineer.

Did the games industry for a while, worked for a government contractor working on military simulations, and currently working in the financial industry.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Open Playoff Analysis - The Editor's Cut in TF2 General Discussion

Great write ups. With the roster moves some playoff teams have had recently, it should provide some really good games. Good luck to everyone.

posted about 11 years ago
#50 Looking for low IM pocket soldier s14 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Like others have said, team is better then I think this thread makes them out to be. I thought they were kind of cocky and arrogant, but there are probably plenty of people who would say the same about my team sometimes so...yeah.

I don't think you should put to much into scrim results since you don't know what the other team was thinking for that scrim, but you all seemed to do well enough when we played you whatever that means. Anyway good luck with your player search and wherever you end up next season.

posted about 11 years ago
#222 Open playoff picture in TF2 General Discussion

Can't DJINNOCIDE take 16th if they beat Very Good Bad Boys? DJINNOCIDE would end up with 54 RF (assuming 5 caps), and Very Good Bad Boys would get knocked out of the top 16 with less RF?

posted about 11 years ago
#90 The response... in TF2 General Discussion
potBTW I've yet to see an NFL team put their running back on QB and their QB on WR though. There's a difference between using backups and putting people on a position that they are completely new to.

You've never seen a team use the wildcat formation?

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Dota Buff Rating is out! in TF2 General Discussion

1111 (Silver)

Random is just to much fun to stop.

posted about 12 years ago
#36 Reaction time in Off Topic

average: 193
fastest: 174

posted about 12 years ago
#50 If you could make a difference in TF2 General Discussion

So you believe the fact that comp uses 6v6 or 9v9, while the vast majority of pub servers run a 12v12 or 16v16 mode doesn't matter in weapon balance? I disagree, and if you include the fact that comp uses class restrictions while pub servers normally don't just makes the differences even greater.

posted about 12 years ago
#48 If you could make a difference in TF2 General Discussion
Kave_JohnsonI already understand that Comp =/= Pubs, grillz, but that doesn't render it impossible to make the game balanced for pubs and comp without some form of a ban list.

Until pubs and comp start playing the same format I do not agree with you.

posted about 12 years ago
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