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Last Posted February 6, 2019 at 6:45 AM
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#43 Sketchek is back? in TF2 General Discussion

Wow. RIP all of my respect for him.

Good to know he took the mature route of announcing inactivity, which is faking your death for the fame.

posted about 6 years ago
#33 Do you think current state of specialists is fine? in TF2 General Discussion

Sniper imo should have some kind of weakness vs closer range.

Not so much for 6s, as he's pretty balanced there. But when you have a large team in front of you, in HL for instance, he can get a bit much. Force him to play passive and use sightlines, instead of this.

posted about 7 years ago
#36 People using Miggy's passing to troll in Off Topic
SoxieThere has been significant trolling on the Reddit post and his account from the very first hour.

Yeah. I've removed about a dozen stupid comments like 'F' 'Well we are all doomed the cheaters will win because VAC IS SHIT' and 'honk'. As well as one particulalry stupid one.

If you see any more on this post or your current ones (as well as any future posts), please be sure to report them. We are monitoring the current post, but reporting helps us out a lot.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Miggy Memorial and Service. in Off Topic

The gown idea is genuinely so awesome.

I really hope that it positively affects kids in such a terrible time.

posted about 7 years ago
#25 STOP HARRASING ME in The Dumpster

Yo, a little out of the loop here.

This guy's just posted onto the tf2 reddit with a brand spanking new account, including 'tf2hero' in the name. Looks like a troll, and I have no clue as to what's happened.

Could someone fill me in with a backstory?

posted about 7 years ago
#7 "Balance changes" opinions, June 2017 Survey in TF2 General Discussion
FUNKeThe formatting of this is really weird. "on a scale of 1 to 7, how strong is the scout"? That's really hard to put into general terms. As in 7 being overpowered? or 7 just being stronger compared to the other classes? They questions also seem somewhat redundant, since there's basically 3 variants of "how strong do you find every class".

"how strong is x when you play them" is also really case-by-case, like somebody who mains medic or engineer might not score very high on scout or demoman. So is that feedback viewed as a class being hard to learn, or just as a class being weak?

Let me clarify, because it is intentionally worded that way. They are all purely subjective.

How much do you like to play these classes? (Out of 7) (1= Not at all, 7=Hella)
What's your main? What classes are more enjoyable to play, and which ones aren't?

How strong are these classes when you play them? (Out of 7)
Heavy is ez ecksdee, piro takes no skill. - Basically asking what people think of them in terms of how OP, UP or balanced they are from their perspective when they play the game.

How strong are these classes when playing against them? (Out of 7)
Demo is OP just sticky spam for the winz (xd). - How difficult or frustrating they are to play against. Especially noting Spy, Sniper and Scout.

Generally, how balanced do you think these classes are? (Out of 7) (1=Not at all, UP, 7=Not at all, OP, 4=Balanced)
General opinions on if people think it's broken or fine. I genuinely know of people who find Sniper OP because he has the Huntsman.

Basically, this is meant to be filled by someone 11yrs +. I'm not going into specifics, because some people won't understand them.

And yes I know it's case-by-case, that's the point. I want the general opinions. We know statistically the best classes. And I'm sure the TF team does as well. There's no point in telling them something they already know. I'm solely wanting opinions.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 "Balance changes" opinions, June 2017 Survey in TF2 General Discussion
Blaine_uhhhhh post the survey lol

also robin walker doesnt work on tf2 anymore????

I am the very smarts. Got the link ready just as I posted it. Shoulda done it earlier

And it was just an example. I don't really remember who is and isn't in the team. I was more referring to if someone here had a contact to, say, Robin Walker, they could make sure that it gets passed on to the right contacts.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 "Balance changes" opinions, June 2017 Survey in TF2 General Discussion


I'm Murky (/u/Deadshot_Calamity) and a moderaptor for the r/tf2 subreddit.

I know that our sub is notorious for more pub-minded opinions, and as someone who often looks through both this website and r/truetf2, some of those more pub-minded opinions are more often than not just incorrect. (Especially towards items such as the BASE Jumper)

To balance out all the people mindlessly pleading to buff the Bison, could you do us a favour and fill out the short survey concerning the recent "Balance Changes" blog post, and general interactions between different classes?

The results are planned to be sent directly to the TF Team via the Email Valve website. If you believe that sending it to Robin Walker or Eric Smith would be better, be sure to let me know.
All help would be Greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.


posted about 7 years ago
#55 Unlock survey results in TF2 General Discussion
corsaMurkyI'm pretty certain that that one scout who 'strongly agreed' to put in the gunslinger was a frustrated HL engi main who calls the 6s meta stale cos he can't play his main.

either that or he's an insane masochist

I don't mind the gunslinger. People overreact about minis way too much honestly. Weapons like jarate, natascha, machina, vaccinator, etc. are far more game breaking as well as annoying to play against.

Oh yeah, 100%

But it's usually the scout mains who complain the loudest, as seen by 55% of them choosing strongly disagree - more than any other class.

posted about 7 years ago
#53 Unlock survey results in TF2 General Discussion

I'm pretty certain that that one scout who 'strongly agreed' to put in the gunslinger was a frustrated HL engi main who calls the 6s meta stale cos he can't play his main.

either that or he's an insane masochist

posted about 7 years ago
#26 Announcing TF2Stadium's Winter Brawl! in TF2 General Discussion

Man. I'm Aus, so I won't get a chance, but looks like great fun!

Hopefully, this brings heaps more traffic to tf2s!

posted about 8 years ago