I would like a very small custom HUD but have no idea how to do so myself, so if there's anyone out there who can help me out, I'll gladly give you some hats in exchange.
I only want three things added to the HUD and all of the assets are from a HUD I found online, so it would be a HUD for personal use only.
I'd like some assets from this HUD: http://huds.tf/forum/showthread.php?tid=284 into my TF2, but not the rest of the HUD because it's pretty distracting.
The only things I'd like are the low damage bloody screen overlay, the overheal screen overlay and the hitmarker.
I believe the assets are located here: overwatchhud-master\materials\vgui\replay\thumbnails
Of course I'm just guessing here, because I have no idea how HUDS work, but these files seem to be the most logical ones.