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Signed Up January 11, 2018
Last Posted January 12, 2018 at 12:14 AM
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#1 MOUSE G L I T C H I N G HELP!!! in Q/A Help

I'm on Mac using external wireless mouse (cheap $10 one) And while using drive function on demo's the view looks upward and spins, and cursor jumps diagonal left. Same weird thing happens in my toonhud class load out screens, when I try moving around the 3d model. Any way I move my mouse the model goes upwards then from there it spins around (while clicking holding and moving the mouse). While still a bit buggy using the drive function in windowed mode is fixed, but still glitches when trying to use 3d model in class load out. It makes no different when I use the trackpad. I'm using raw input no mouse acc no mouse filter and turning these on and off doesn't change anything.

posted about 7 years ago