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Signed Up February 24, 2013
Last Posted August 28, 2022 at 12:16 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 7 8 9 10
#119 New kind of 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion

Just a thought which I've ranted at for some people:

Since apparently the problem with competitive TF2 is the staleness (lack of variety in an fps game? what is this), and Robin wants to change the system to appeal to pubbers via change of classlimits or rebalancing unlocks to make all classes viable. Instead of/As well as doing this, wouldn't it be possible to add more incentive to make new maps? Adding new maps (that are actually balanced) would force teams to think up new strategies, the game will become less stale for the spectator because he can see more maps being played which all play differently in a way or another. At the moment the problem is that all the current maps are just too good to replace, so to fix this you could keep some of the staple maps (Badlands, Gullywash, Process) and rotate new, upcoming maps and maybe some of the current less popular maps (Granary and custom maps).

What I partly base this on is what I see for example in Quake. They have been playing the same maps for 10+ years (ZTN, dm6, aerowalk). This gets boring for the viewer because the map pool only consists of around 8~ maps depending on the competition. id software only adds in a duel map so rarely, and Quake Live has no support for custom maps to be played in multiplayer, thus they cannot get accepted as staple competitive maps through the community. The duel maps that get released are usually regarded as complete shit, even though some of them look promising and get the backup of some 2000+ elo players, but the tournament managers won't put them into the game because part of the community don't like it. Again, it just gets more boring for the viewer.

Another thing is that unlike Moba and RTS which mostly rely on your base knowledge of the game and countering your opponents picks/builds (if this isn't the case, keep reading anyway), fps games have always been about personal skill (aim, push/hold execution) and map knowledge (tactics, positioning). In RTS and Moba you have constant balance updates because that's just how the game works, most of the game is about picking stuff and balancing something always has the chance of unbalancing something else, which then will get balanced and the cycle goes on. In TF2, your teams are ALWAYS on a completely even ground in terms of what they have available to them and how they can counter it, so there's rarely something that completely OP (2 heavies, 2 medics). This is why I'd like to see a change in maps instead of unlock balance, because if all unlocks are viable then midfights will turn into a diceroll, then the respawning team can counter the enemy team with unlocks/class picks, which then will get countered by the respawning team, which will then again get countered and the cycle goes on.

So what I'd like to see with this new balance system is valve adding more incentive to make maps and get them into the official game and have the leagues force AT LEAST one season of it in the pool IF it's been even remotely accepted by the community (hi etf2l). Hell, you could even make a map which gimps a current main class a bit so playing an utility class wouldn't be such a toll on your team.

oh and if this is the incorrect thread for this then w/e, you probably read this anyway

also i'm really tired so i'm sorry if i just wrote a massive wall of text that's complete bullshit

posted about 11 years ago
#118 New kind of 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion

double post (not really)

posted about 11 years ago
#182 Fatal1ty vs relic - Taipei 101 in TF2 General Discussion

How can a bo3 end 29-0


posted about 11 years ago
#39 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

Ban gunboats every game, make soldiers cry \:D/

edit: TF2 isn't a moba, this pick/ban system will make Highlander pretty stupid since some weapons for some classes change the way it is played in such a high way for example Gunboats, Gunslinger, Wrangler, Kritz, Spy watches, all Pyro unlocks that are used etc. In Dota where you ban/pick heroes, the heroes don't have different skills depending on what you pick for them so I really don't see this system making 9v9 an appealing gamemode.

Edit 2: Changing the fundamentals of highlander gameplay, say for example Wrangler and Degreaser, just by how some pubbers/iron players/div6 or whatever your choice of elitism is wouldn't really make 9v9 develop as a gamemode. Teams are barely figuring out the metagame when it isn't changing (at least in EU), so changing the game every single time you play it would just make it even more chaotic and random especially in lower levels, since they barely have idea how to play with the current rules.

If you would go by the excuse of "In Dota they have all these different hero combos and picks and bans etc...", you have to think about the fact that in Dota, you have HUGE prize pools to fight for, you want to learn the meta because there is a lot of money involved. In TF2, especially in highlander, you have pretty much no prize pool apart from virtual items in NA, and you have like 500€ divided by 9 if you win one of the two seasons per year in EU. Also the pub play is much closer to what competitive is like, unlike in TF2 where pub is just a huge mess of broken unlocks and no class limits.

Sure the ingame lobby system is insanely cool and I hope it will bring players to the scene, but if they go and change the metagame by what is banned and picked there, then I really don't know if I personally will keep playing this game. Why fix something that isn't really all that broken?

also 6v6 support thanks

posted about 11 years ago
#4 UGC EU Platinum Highlander All-Star Showmatch in Events
Chanhow can i find who is playing in this?

by looking at the group #yolo

posted about 11 years ago
#39 PSA: Steampipe in TF2 General Discussion
kirbyI don't know why people are backing up files that don't need it. The entire TF folder doesn't need to be backed up. Only p-rec, demos, configs, maps, hud files and maybe your hitsound.

p-rec is most likely to break, just fyi

posted about 11 years ago
#10 What do you like/dislike about cp_granary? in Map Discussion

Spawn and asymmetry, + the map is aesthetically REALLY boring to look at when compared to say, process or badlands. Needs more color.

posted about 11 years ago
#406 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Muuki stream in Requests

I play solly for Spirits in a Shell, a top EU plat 9v9 team and div2 in Etf2l, will be streaming PCWs mainly, 3-4 times a week at 19cet+

I've played a few seasons in EU Plat etc yadayada

posted about 12 years ago
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