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Signed Up August 11, 2015
Last Posted April 9, 2024 at 6:45 PM
Posts 93 (0 per day)
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#75 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion

I don't know how anyone who thinks for a second that LnL & MG are deserving to be banned are not completely embarrassed to have that opinion. Watching people play invite these last 2 years is like watching the game actively devolve because of the lack of critical thinking skills anyone wants to put into any of their gameplay.

If you go off of an unlocks potential, then you should ban the direct hit and force of nature as well. Those weapons, theoretically, are straight upgrades over stock if you never miss. The Sniper class literally accomplishes everything people complain with these weapons but 100x better.

It is literally impossible to ban things based on what is fun and not fun because it is beyond subjective. People enjoy using the market gardener, and people hate playing against the crossbow, etc. You open a rabbit hole of bans that becomes purely wishy-washy.

Bans should only be made based on if a better team loses because they didn't run the unlock, and it is an absolute necessity to run. EVEN THEN you can't use this as a basis for bans, because then you would need to ban the crossbow & the gunboats.

What valve thinks is not considered in the conversation at all for weapon bans, and hopefully the people who are giant crybabies about unlocks that are borderline meaningless will gain some self-awareness and just actually get a spec of skill at the game and get over themselves.

Derail the thread about me or w/e, I want nothing more than TF2 to grow and it's beyond aggravating that over a decade later we still see the same stupid aggravating argument because people refuse to learn how to play tf2 and want to bitch n moan about the stupidest shit.

posted 11 months ago
#3 PSA!!! dont let nursey into your pugs in TF2 General Discussion

I'm well aware that people will see my alias and respond with "tl;dr", "kys", -frag and move on, etc. I have only touched this website a handful of times and that was only to see what time some matches would be happening. I have been brutally reminded many times that my side of things is not cared for, and I have just accepted the fact that this is how a community I grew up with will remember me. I stopped putting my full emotions into this long ago, but recently people have decided to attack my friends instead with blatant lies or straight up harassment. If you guys truly want to claim yourselves as the good guys, I fail to see how attack completely innocent people proves you are doing anything in good nature.

I have an alt I use to pub on tf2. I do this purely so people don't harass people for queueing with me, I do not care for being bothered myself. Sometimes I am too lazy to switch accounts, and will pug on it. The problem with the initial post here is that you are acting as if I am intentionally hiding who I am. I am a proud top level medic Main. My legacy may be disgraced, but my pride and promises would not allow me to lie about who I am. I am still proud of what I have accomplished. The pugs I play in are purely with friends who INVITED me. They are happy to play with me. We do many things together besides pug. You are a good person fyg, and it is sincerely disappointing you put no research before doubling down on insulting multiple people. But I'm sure you do not care.

As for the latter of what you said, I requested to have my ban reasoning changed (although it was apparently changed before I requested). It used to be labeled as much worse. I want you to keep in mind, you want me to be labeled as actual sex offenders. People who are on registries. People who have physically raped and assaulted innocent people, including children. I will not lie and say I am an innocent person. I made terrible mistakes due to allowing myself to become an extreme degenerate online. I can go on for hours of all the mental help I seeked after my ban. I know I am not a monster; but I was far from the person I wanted to be. I would love nothing more than to tell tf2 how much I love them, and how much I owe them. These are cards I'm not allowed to play, and I accepted this. After all my self hatred, regrets, and loathing of my lack of strength of when I needed it most, it is still beyond sad you'd call my mistakes on equal ground as actual, dangerous, predators.

This is no excuse; but remember all of my actions were online. This is still terrible and I never use this as a point to defend myself, but I am saying this to help you realize how extremely you are being. Della has admitted to being pushed to lie by Tambo, and the 'DMs' leaked with the 15 year old were from a private discord where nudes were shared with other Trans people. That discord I was asked to provide ID, and like the moron I am, I assumed everyone did the same. That was one of the worst assumptions of my life (the minor did not share any nudes, in case anyone is concerned). I can go on again for hours for how improper everything was mishandled. I don't think I even need to mention how bad RGL is when it comes to handling some bansz they drop the bomb near routinely (though they still have my support and I try to get people to play as often as I can).

I have so much more I could say, but I am also certain it doesn't matter at the end of the day. I hate defending myself. I hate trying to come off as perfectly innocent even though I know I am not. I am not a pedophile. I am someone who made some really stupid mistakes due to a plethora of issues. Issues I have been fighting every day so I can proudly be the best version of me, like I should've been for you guys from the get go. One day I will confidently come forward with everything involving my ban, and people will want to hear me out. They mostnlikely won't, but by then I can say I did everything I could.

Normally I wouldn't make a post like this, but due to being spammed late a ynight and maybe a mix of being really sleepy I'm stupid enough to make a post. I'm fine with being harassed, but my friends absolutely do not deserve it. They are amazing people who have the potential to provide people with amazing memories. I don't plan on opening this thread up again. If you have any questions, anyone is allowed to add me on Steam which is linked to this profile (assuming this is the right one, lol).

posted about a year ago
#6 Qualifiers for the BTS LAN will take place this weekend in News
Xorickso is this gonna be streamed or whatFanta_Addictionwhen is the stream

posted about 5 years ago
#21 [as] mge replacement in Projects

Everyone votes for and asks for no elo but honestly I have not seen an ELO disabled server be the same type of server that has people consistently visiting it all day. There are a shit ton of MGE servers that just exist, elo or not. Also for Invite players most of our servers are set to MGE before scrim time so it's no biggie for warm up, lol. I agree with TFTV hording together all in the same place but honestly it would probably hurt a lot to not have ELO enabled on the server (and this is coming from someone who hates ELO). I think it'd be perfect to mimic what AS did and just have the option to disable it so you don't have to see it. Out of sight out of mind, ez.

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plus half the people that say they dont care about elo absolutely still do care rofl
posted about 5 years ago
#15 FBTF shuts its doors permanently in News

imagine a team of people working their asses off to make BTS happen for tf2 but some random guy on TFTV tells u to fuck off and it's not worth it

posted about 5 years ago
#12 propaganda and clearcut in TF2 General Discussion
CBTI like clearcut a hell of a lot more than viaduct. First KOTH map i actually enjoy playing soldier on.
Fuck propaganda. Most miserable map i have ever played soldier on. Would literally rather play viaduct.

where are you struggling w/ soldier on propaganda on? i've literally never felt more free to be killed as a medic lol

clearcut is actually pretty great, propaganda is okay (better than badlands & granary imo)

posted about 5 years ago
#93 RGL Invite S1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I Ain't Got Nothing To Hide.

posted about 5 years ago
#90 RGL Invite S1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Amazing that the tf2 circlejerk that stalks the forums and cries over ELO also happen to stalk the thread that affects a degenerate.

I've been mad at the scene for a very long time, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extra frustrated that night. I (unreasonably) was lashing out at the entirety of their team. I think it's clear I was frustrated before lolguy said anything, which is implied by me saying "med down." I guess you could say it's the straw that broke the camel's back!!! But saying that a whole twitter thing was because of lolguy is like saying I ranted on twitter before because idk someone like broking said shit to me?

But that doesn't prove anything that I've said wrong. How is that relevant to what I posted, or did you guys just want to jerk each other off on one my twitter tangents?

posted about 5 years ago
#87 RGL Invite S1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
eddie_calderonu had a twitter rant because lolguy said u mad in a match

What the hell are u talking about and what does that matter to anything????

posted about 5 years ago
#85 RGL Invite S1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Oh my fucking god I am so tired of hearing this tired bullshit. "Don't ban people the community is small." "Every community has a bad side!" "Us being blatant pieces of shit isn't why people don't play the game." I've been hearing this for YEARS. I don't know what the hell is the common mindset of this site, but are you guys aware we're the MAIN source of competitive TF2? How good do you think it looks when someone who holds a small interest in the game, sees people defending a guy who did the shit bowl did? When people have made multiple threads of being harassed? When there's a big spiel about a tf2 pedo?How do you seriously see people act like such garbage consistently and then just think "This in no way has any effect on how people view our community."

There's A LOT of factors that come into play why people don't play competitive. The game is too different from casual, people couldn't pay to play in ESEA, odd scrim times, VALVe doesn't support us, etc. I interact with pubbers A LOT. I played A LOT of TF2. I played A LOT of almost any gamemode you can imagine. One of the biggest reasons why people don't want to play is because the community looks like shit. I've heard so many stories of people trying to give the game a chance > go to TF2center > get fucking bullied > don't touch the game again. It's not just "haha you're bad" btw. It's literal slurs, told you're retarded, and all that other fun shit. On top of that, we have top players who seem to condone this stupid shit. I have met plenty of people who don't commit to playing because we just LOOK awful.

Stop giving bullshit excuses so you can act like a shit person/not care about what you say. Our scene is SMALL. Everyone knows we're small. Our ratio to shitheads to decent people is very fucking bad. There's a lot of factors that work against us as a community that we have no control over. So when we have the ability to actually control one of these factors why the hell do you guys want to turn a blind eye to it?

posted about 5 years ago
#43 RGL Invite S1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
trippastop banning so many ppl the tf2 community is literally 10 dudes

I don't get this sentiment. Do you think bowl and his friends should get away with being a big nuisance to RGL?

posted about 5 years ago
#1 need some POSITIVITY in TF2 General Discussion

Been on a stupid binge of negativity lately which quite frankly really hasn't been affiliated with TF2. None the less I've been bashing on the scene in particular so I wanna see some positivity. There's currently the your greatest achievements thread but I wanna see more than just achievements. I wanna hear about any of the fun times you've had with your friends or any slopes you've overcame during your time in TF2.

posted about 5 years ago
#102 vex is a stalker please ban him thank you in TF2 General Discussion

Steph has forgiven you but don’t act like you have any moral high ground left when you happily affiliate yourself with those who target and harass others.

Everyone is well aware of what your friends do and you do plenty of things to keep them hidden/make sure they take no accountability. You say you changed but sitting in silence and watching what your friends do doesn’t count as change. You are trying to be a people pleaser but you’re inevitably digging yourself a bigger grave the more you keep this tired shit up.

posted about 5 years ago
#49 Insomnia65: Grand Finals in Events
Dr_FezTanniebring back the rewind 2 ascent squad???
paddie bo4r marmaloo sigh bdonski nursey, they did made se7en got 3rd place.
u mean bring back food poisoning

we beat them before the food poisoning though :(

edited out the round robin bit realized it made zero sense

posted about 5 years ago
#66 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
botmodebest - joining s21 luca goers

warms my heart....

posted about 5 years ago
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