Here is a little update in regards to CEVO. Things are moving forward very well and I am so excited about the progress. We all will be busy over the Christmas break but we will
1) Give another update near the end of December
2) CEVO can answer a series of text questions in a forum format that were not answered in the community meeting in the early part of January
3) Another community/CEVO meeting as before with final update before the registration of teams open
4) Prize pot will be announced when registration opens!
Technosex and SizzlingCalamari was able to meet up with the CEVO tech team tonight and we are all very pleased about the results. According to SizzlingCalamari their Stats system which CEVO will be implementing is an improved stat system that will be flexible to expand in the future as the TF2 league grows. He also wants to remind the community that “the ss project is open source and that anyone can contribute”- SizzlingCalamari. In addition, the STV is very much a reality and you will be updated when the final project is complete.
As for the Season 4 prize pot whatever prize pot is announced it is a guaranteed prize pot. We are looking at a flat fee for each team at this time. Depending on the amount of teams from each division will determine how the Season 4 will be managed and set up. We will can post a vote on how much the community would want to pay to play for season 4. We do want to hear from you all!
CEVO and myself want the community to fully understand that this Season will be either the make or break it for Team Fortress 2! CEVO needs a good number of teams to fully register and commit or there may not be a Season 5. It would be helpful if the team captains right now can come to the CEVO site, register and post their interest in playing CEVO in Season 4 in a pay to play league. This again is to build and sustain a community league with CEVO at the wheel! See the link below and please only post what is asked and not questions about CEVO! If you are really needing to ask questions you can register on the CEVO website and post questions in their forums!
Show of Interest 6v6 Team Registration
Your text to link here...
Let me know if there are any questions or concerns with the above. I will be away for the week but I will take a peek at the thread upon my return to answer questions if need be. So please be patient with me ladies and gents! Thank you and know that we are all working hard to make this a reality. We appreciate your support and understanding.
EDIT: Sorry but if you missed the first community meeting here is the audio link.
Your text to link here... Thanks again to Lange for the stream and audio upload! <3