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Last Posted September 10, 2015 at 12:35 PM
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#279 meatshot 8) vol. 5 in TF2 General Discussion

I want to clarify to the community that I was not jumping on board in making a new league with AG. I have been overwhelmed with the chats ect in regards to this and I love you all for having such confidence and faith.

I was wanting to bring people together to decide on the best move for the community as a whole and use the resources that we already have at our disposal. This is just my opinion but I think we should approach CEVO. They already have a good client, from the feedback I got, and the experience. The only thing that is really missing here is $$$ and lan. Why don't we attach a CEVO season to a lan around all of NA instead of just one place? This is a great idea that was presented to me. For example, Quakecon in Dallas, PAX in the East and West and heck why not Lancouver in Canada! Its just over the border! If CEVO was to attach the lan in correspondence with the season it could work.

I don't want to reinvent the wheel guys and again I am here as a support to bring people together and even financially to back up a league.

I apologize for any misunderstandings in my first post. I am sure we will come up with something. All I know for sure is that AG will never support ESEA again.

posted about 11 years ago
#156 meatshot 8) vol. 5 in TF2 General Discussion
HawkeyeeXtineLike a domestic abuse victim, we need to stand up for ourselves, say enough is enough, and move on without fear of what the future might hold.

Hello everyone,

I am rushing off to work and have been tossing and turning all night thinking about this issue. I have spoken to all of my teams last night and as a sponsor I am no longer willing to support ESEA. I have had issues with ESEA in the past as a sponsor and those who know me understand what those issues were. I kept going with ESEA to support the community cause that is what we were going with. Now this has sealed the deal for me and I am done.

We have so many amazing people with so many skills and abilities we just need to gather up people and our resources as a community. We have done so many amazing things in the past and I know we can do this if we do it together. I am more then willing to assist in anyway I can. I hope over the years that people trust me personally and AG enough as an organization to assist.

I would like to organize a meeting or a group of people who want to explore the idea of bringing our own league together. Organizing people is one of my greatest skills and I am not willing to give up on this community just because ESEA has finally been proven to be an organization that cannot be trusted.

Please feel free to add me on steam to those of you who are not on my friends list and if I have enough support from the community I am willing to take the lead on organizing the next step. Just let me know if this is what you want.

posted about 11 years ago
#320 insom in TF2 General Discussion

Hello everyone...

I am still on vacation in Dallas (partying up with some cool TF2 people...whoot whoot) but as usual when things happen with AG or any of the people/teams I find out about it pretty fast. I have been waiting to respond so I can process what has happened here. First off I want to say that AG of course wont and never will support anyone who cheats whether or not it is in TF2 or any other game. Period. We have always took a firm stance on this and we try our best to make this a standard. May I remind people to look at the AG website about the values that AG hold on our website

I want to thank the TF2 community for their support in AG's decision in this view. Puff contacted me right away and told me of the situation. I have appreciate this communication as nothing is worse then hearing it from outside of the team that I am sponsoring which has happened in the past. Puff is an honorable guy,I have known him for many years and I trust that he will maintain his team in good sportsmanship play.

Now in regards to insom himself, let's face it people it was a stupid mistake. We all make them and I'm sure if he could do it all over again he would have made a better choice. I hold no anger or ill will towards him or any person that I have banned or removed from AG. We need to be able to forgive and move on as long as the lesson has been learned. This community is much to precious to me and I'm sure to all of you to hold any ill will. I have personally spoken to him and those words will remain between us unless he chooses to repeat our conversation. I'm just clarifying this point as people have been asking me.

I respectfully ask that this be the last post on this thread. If anyone has any questions, concerns or comments you can reach me when I get back home from Dallas. Game on people.

posted about 11 years ago
#80 What songs would you like to hear in a frag video? in TF2 General Discussion

Oh yeah baby....Kirby do it.... <3

posted about 11 years ago
#439 Post your setup in Off Topic

My poor little MSI laptop that was supposed to be my backup ended up being my main computer. In the new year I will have a new set up I swear! (Yes I know I have been saying this since 2009...derp)I will play again! <3

posted about 11 years ago
#8 ESEA-Main: AG Rinkuing with Rinku vs. Green means GO in Events


posted about 11 years ago
#272 ESEA S15 NA Invite Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

I was just reading the thread here guys and a few people from the community has approached me with concerns and I just want to make something clear. AG (as a sponsor) is far from dead as we rotate teams every season. AG picked up the Steve C Games team for Season 13 and held them again for Season 14 as we saw the potential for AG's dream to be met which is to have an official AG team make it to lan. We will always hold Season 14 dear to our hearts and the team who took AG there.

People need to remember that AG is a community sponsor not a corporate one that is 100% financially funded by me. The only sponsor that AG has is EOR which provides our servers, mumble and web-hosting for our sponsored teams and also other events such as community vs pros. My focus, AG's focus, will always be to assist the community as a whole the best we can. Invite is exciting,I enjoy all the players and have good close relationships with most of them. However, it does not help when AG sticks to one team every season.

This season we went back down to the lower brackets Open,IM, Main and Highlander. We may move back up to invite in Season 16 depending on several factors. I ask players to remove tags not because we "cut" them but because their sponsorship is over and this is clearly stated in sponsorship negotiations. AG is considered one of the best sponsors out there and we take pride in what we do and we hope to continue to do so for a long time. We do our very best to support the "community" not just one division. Believe me ladies and gentlemen if I ever won the lottery TF2, the game I love, would look a lot different...;) If anyone has any questions, concerns or ideas please feel free to let me know.

I didn't ask permission from this invite player to post our conversation as he came and asked me to consider sponsoring his team. He does have a good point about support and fan base and I thought it was worth posting the conversation. Due to the lack of permission to post I have deleted his name and placed it with "invite player".

6:10 PM - invite player: wana sponsor us ....?
6:31 PM - AG| Nahanni: AG has picked up four teams. Main, IM, Open and Highlander. We are going to take a step back this season from invite and help the little guys out for this one.
6:36 PM - invite player: aww
6:36 PM - invite player: how can anyone develop a following for AG?!
6:37 PM - AG| Nahanni: what do u mean?
6:37 PM - AG| Nahanni: lol
6:37 PM - invite player: well u keep going in and out of sponsoring a division, can't generate any fanbase/support if there's always a different team different players
6:38 PM - invite player: dunno what the goal is i guess
6:38 PM - AG| Nahanni: we dont need a following. Its a community based sponsorship so we go where the need is. It is not helping the community as a whole by sticking to one team.
6:39 PM - invite player: gotcha

posted about 11 years ago
#4 AG in TF2 General Discussion
hookyI can't seem to be able to post on the site. Also, I found the register page confusing to get to, you have to click on a forum, click login, and then click create new account.

Very nice looking website! The Open team's gonna do things, I know it.

OOOOOOH!!! Thanks for the feedback I will get our webmaster to take a peak at that. Sorry for any inconvenience...a little opening growing pains peeps! <3

posted about 11 years ago
#1 AG in TF2 General Discussion

Hello everyone! With another ESEA TF2 season quickly approaching Meo and I decided that we needed a new fresh look to our website. This will support our new 4 sponsored teams which includes 3 ESEA divisions Open, Intermediate and Main with an additional UGC highlander team. You can view the teams, players, our history, AG

posted about 11 years ago
#133 Sorry in TF2 General Discussion
nerkulNahanni, lots of Europeans donated to bring HRG over too. All we were paying for was the spectacle. They delivered.

OOOOOOH! Thank you for clarifying that. Forgive my ignorance to this important point.

posted about 11 years ago
#130 Sorry in TF2 General Discussion

I think we should all be a little more supportive here people. Yes of course we are all disappointed but it was a great show! We should be proud that our little community can pull together and even send our guys over! When did a Euro team come over here? Please tell me when cause I think I sure missed the boat if they did.

At the end of the day HRG represented us well as NA TF2 players.

Thank you guys for putting on a great show and trying your best! Glad you all had a good time and got home safely.


posted about 11 years ago
#70 Fat shaming in Off Topic

You should help your friend by being supportive. Tell her that you do care for her and ask her if there is anything that you can do to help. Tell her that you care for her as a person but you are concerned for health reasons. You also have to accept that fact that she may not be ready to let go of her weight. I am glad to hear that she has a friend like you.

I know a lady who is overweight because she was hurt by a man so badly (read between the lines there...PTSD) that she gained weight and hangs onto it because she doesn't want the attention from men...FACT! So don't judge, accept people for who they are as people not for what they look like. Life is short and we need to enjoy it the best we can with the best supportive people around us.

People have reasons why they are the way they are. If you judge them by the way they look then I really hope to God that something bad doesn't happen to you and you get treated in that way. What if you were always popular because of the way you looked and had no personality ect? Then what if something tragic happened like your face got burned and people started to judge you like you did to others? What do you have left? Who are you as a person...a human being? Take a look around at yourself and your friends. Would they stick around if you for some reason wasn't physically attractive anymore?

To flip this to the other side of the coin, I have a drop dead beautiful blonde girl friend who tells me it drove her crazy dating cause she never really knew 100% if men just wanted her for her body or for her as a person. It really bothered her and still does. She just wants to be liked for being "herself as a person" not because of her body that gets double takes everywhere she goes.

At the end of the day for me we need to be supportive and don't judge!! If you judge may you never feel that pain that you have caused to others People who are overweight are not lazy, they truly and generally don't want to be that way...they just don't have the tools, resources, mental capacity, self-esteem, self-worth or support to change. Don

posted about 11 years ago
#96 birthdays in Off Topic
WaldoDecember 17th

I don't know any of these people at all


Mine is MARCH 13TH!
Same day as David Draiman - Lead singer of hard rock band "Disturbed" Same age too...*sigh* it was just meant to be....<3

posted about 11 years ago
#29 Thanks to AG in TF2 General Discussion

All I can say is WOW! You are more then welcome gentlemen. I am so pleased that AG still represents TF2 in a positive manner and had a significant impact on your experience at LAN. AG tries to improve and with all of our sponsorships and I have always asked the questions, "What can we do better?...What was the best and worst part about AG sponsorship?...ect" It's crucial to know how AG can improve with each season.

As a sponsor I take the task seriously and in all fairness I felt I wasn't there 100% for the team as a sponsor should be(even though they may think so..;). I know I hold high standards to what that looks like. For people who know what AG sponsorship is and who know me personally, you understand it is a pretty tall order to fill as it should be. (Compared to my terrible writing skills, grammar and typing...HAHA!!) As always I learn something new with every sponsorship. Thus, I am planning to change a few things and again I'm always up for suggestions.

A few people have already approached me and have asked what AG is going to be doing next season. I ALWAYS keep my doors open and look around a bit before I commit to anything or anyone. There are various factors that determine AG's willingness and ability to sponsor. An appropriate team, a good AG representative as an individual player(which is coming up as an new sponsorship option)and simply AG's capacity to sponsor "properly" are all key factors that make AG sponsorship unique and successful.

Thank you to the whole TF2 community who still holds AG close to their hearts and what we have always tried to stand, teamwork, volunteerism and good sportsmanship.

<3 you all

AG Management

PS- For the record I was disappointed in the AG shirts. They were supposed to be a dark grey! In addition, Relic is tall guy and he did AG proud at LAN! AG|Relic =)

posted about 11 years ago
#79 What did YOU do today? in Off Topic

I worked from 8:30-4:30 and had an upset teen scream in my face....always a good way to start the day. Also got approval for over $10,000 worth of expenses...*whew*

Took my gf for the best lunch ever,shared a yummy ice cream desert and got a great hug out of the deal! Now I get the house to myself for 10 days as my son is gone camping with his gf! WHOOOOT WHOOOT
Sorry kids but parents like to have the house to themselves too! Where are the car keys again!?

posted about 11 years ago
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