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Last Posted September 10, 2015 at 12:35 PM
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#40 Casting Professionalism in TF2 General Discussion thing I personally have learned is you cant please is impossible. Do what you the best you can and be happy doing it. In the end you are doing something that you enjoy and you bring those who love you along for the ride! If someone doesn't like how you cast...then guess what...they can go listen to someone else. My question to anyone who shoots down anyone else doing stuff for the community is, "what have you done for the community to make it better...hmmm??"

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Need Practice Players for Community Vs Pro's Event in TF2 General Discussion
thorn_With Jaeger coaching, the pros will get into the server and be unable to find the pub team, they will all be in hiding spots.


posted about 11 years ago
#5 Need Practice Players for Community Vs Pro's Event in TF2 General Discussion
JaegerI'll probably be around to play.


posted about 11 years ago
#3 Need Practice Players for Community Vs Pro's Event in TF2 General Discussion
PurpleeeeeeeeI'd just like to say. *Ahem*

How many teams do you have lined up right now?

I don't have an exact number of teams per say cause some people don't like to practice up the community team.....but all I can do is post announcements when it gets close to practice time and hope that a team shows up. If we don't practice up the community team well enough they end up getting rolled cause remember they have NEVER played together before. Every single player in from another community which is a challenge to make this event a success. So please any help would be much appreciated....<3

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Need Practice Players for Community Vs Pro's Event in TF2 General Discussion

Good morning everyone,

Here we are again with another "Community vs Pro's" on the horizon. This event takes a lot of preparation and I am in need of some assistance from all of you TF2 players who are on a 6. We need all skill level in any division (Open, IM and Invite) we need you to help practice up the "community" team of 9 players. Please join this steam group to watch for announcements of when teams/players are needed

If your team wants to join us for a practice game just msg me and have your team ready to go. Please try to keep the team solid in their gaming level please. For example; if you are in an open team please keep most of the roster with open level players. It keeps it easier for me to get a more realistic idea of where the community team is regarding level of play and how much practice they need or if we have to restrict weapons ect. Hope that makes sense.

Right now we have confirmed practice times set for
Tuesdays and Thursday 6:30-7:30PST/7:30-8:30MST/8:30-9:30CST/9:30-10:30EST.
First practice is starting this Tuesday. Maps TBA.

We meet in the AG mumble Port 64700

Thank you everyone! I still need this community to help me make this event great! As usual I have some great plans for this one! Stay tuned announcements will be coming soon to keep you updated! Game on <3

posted about 11 years ago
#28 RIP in piece chriz tah fah in TF2 General Discussion
kirbyLKincheloeRIP Communities v. Pros V
CvP is one of Nahanni's most loved contributions for us. She wouldn't allow something like this to get in the way of that.
DranearianI do not know the details of what is going on with this, but yes I can assure everyone that CvP will not be deterred by whatever this is.

Yes everyone needs to chillz. Community vs Pro's is very important to me and a very popular event for the community. The plans for CvP will not change due to an AG team roster shuffle. This is going to be a great event and we have some great plans! Details, promo video's and posters coming soon!

In regards to the players I wish them both the best in the upcoming teams that they play on. People need to realize the roster shifts are a normal, but unfortunate, issue in TF2. Sometimes teams/players grow by moving somewhere else!! Change doesn't have to be bad peeps!

Good luck to all the invite players and it will be interesting to see what the teams will look like next season...*turns the page...Much <3

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Oldschool TOURNY in TF2 General Discussion

Sounds Awesome!! I am up for helping out. I would suggest though waiting till after community vs pros please. We usually run it two weeks after lan for the same reasons mentioned above. As soon as ESEA gives us a date on LAN, announcements about CVP will be brought forward! I would suggest that when we bring the oldies back that we go "VANILLA" (best flavour of ice cream in the world by the way) I would love to help out.....what a great idea! <3

posted about 11 years ago
#34 Community vs Pro's IV Registration... in TF2 General Discussion
duderNahanniOMG BABY BOY!! That is GREAT! It is all Canadian right there...right down to the CBC! You are awesome! LAWL
Daniel Sedin is Swedish...

I know that Duder! He is wearing a canuck jersey....why do you always have to burst my bubble...:\

posted about 12 years ago
#24 Community vs Pro's IV Registration... in TF2 General Discussion

OMG BABY BOY!! That is GREAT! It is all Canadian right there...right down to the CBC! You are awesome! LAWL

posted about 12 years ago
#19 Community vs Pro's IV Registration... in TF2 General Discussion
Tone-Potwhoever makes the ad posters/wallpapers is super good at it

That is Goldenhearted and yes he is AMAZING! I get him to do all my posters and some other visual things that I need for AG website, steam groups and whatever. He is always professional, polite and never has missed a deadline I have set for him (and as some of you know I can be pretty demanding at If anyone has any work for him let me know and I will hook you up. This young man has talent and deserves respect! Golden helps make AG and this event extra special!

shlaner"Each player cannot have any 6v6 competitive experience (highlander is fine)"

We have always had this rule. We had to draw the line in the sand somewhere and we try hard to make the event as fair as possible and a good time. To find the right balance between players, maps and weapons is a difficult task based on the 6vs9 game play. If you want to still be a part of it we are always looking for people to help us practice up the community team before the event. It is VERY IMPORTANT to prepare the community team as this is the first time the players have played together thus they need to practice as a team to be able to have a chance against the pros. If you want to help us out please add yourself to the cvp practice steam group Thanks a bunch guys!

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Community vs Pro's IV Registration... in TF2 General Discussion

AG is back with EOR and eXtv and we are pleased to announce the fourth Community vs Pro’s event. This is the 6 vs 9 style of competition where 9 “community” players are up against 6 pro players that are in the top ESEA level of competitive tf2 play! Registration is now open for those TF2 communities that are out there wanting a piece of some top TF2 pro players! Even if you are not a part of a community we are sure you have a favorite community pub server you like to pub stomp in! Oh by the way make sure you join in the community vs pros main steam group to be updated on the latest and greatest

Registrations will close on February 10th.

Community vs Pros Registration Link

EOR- The Official Game Server Provider

eXtv- The Official Casters

Please feel free to add Nahanni in steam or Dranearian for additional information.

Good luck and game on.

posted about 12 years ago
#39 HE has returned. in TF2 General Discussion

I know that Ggglygy always wanted to wear an AG tag! <3

posted about 12 years ago
#30 ESEA Videos Thingy in TF2 General Discussion

I like the idea Taggg. My only concern falls on the community in regards to content.I know that getting Demo's and having them "ticked" has been an issue in the past for various events/projects (ie:CommFT,AG,eXtv). Maybe having the demo's from ESEA will assist with the above problem.

Various people put a lot of time and effort into making a new ideas work/happen. I would strongly encourage and ask the TF2 community to help support Taggg and following through with giving content IF this is something that gets interest and a thumbs up. Lets just not talk the talk fellow nerds...let's walk the walk also. Let me know if there is anything I can do Taggg to help out!


posted about 12 years ago
#13 Thanks Applesauz in TF2 General Discussion

Those cards are fantastic! Happy Holidays to you!

posted about 12 years ago
#31 an argument in Off Topic

I am speaking as a single mother of a teen gamer, a gamer myself,TF2 community owner/manager, TF2 team sponsor and government social worker (my career) who works with and is responsible for 22+ high risk teens. Society as a whole will use things that they know nothing about as a scapegoat (in this case video games). Society as a whole also does not want to face the reality, take any responsibility or understand the problems that young people face today.

In my opinion, your mother (with all respects) was out of line and she is ignorant to the facts. Why? Well maybe because she, like so many other parents, don’t want to look at themselves as being part of the problem. Maybe she feels guilty herself as a mother and instead looking at her own fears in raising you she points to the video games you play instead (as you know you little buggers do not come with instruction manuals…lol <3). Maybe she is afraid that you are not socializing as much as she would like but is unable to communicate her fears properly. Why don’t you ask her where it came from? Call her on it. Tell her how much it bothered you that she would say such a thing. Open up the lines of communication. You have some responsibility to tell her how you felt about what she said. Educate her on the things you get from being online other then gaming. If you don’t, you are just as much as fault as she is for her ignorance. I am sure she loves you dearly, that she does her best everyday and she deserves respect. This does not mean she is perfect by any means. Sorry to be harsh, as I don’t know your mom, those were just my thoughts.

I apologize for the long post but this is an important issue for all online gamers who have parents who are ignorant to what being online is about. Talk to them, research stuff and educate them! My son grew up gaming and he is simply amazing (I bet all mom's say My house is a constant flow of teens coming in and out hanging out gaming sometimes till 4 am on weekends. My grocery bill is insane but I know they are safe and in a good environment. I wouldn't change anything except for having a bigger house,a personal pizza delivery and better internet..LAWL. If more parents would understand and embrace video games and the online world (everything in moderation of course!)there would be no posts such as this. Good luck!

posted about 12 years ago
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