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Signed Up March 11, 2018
Last Posted March 12, 2018 at 12:48 AM
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#21 I edited the 5CP game rules - help test? in TF2 General Discussion
EasyEHow come when i let the bots cap 2nd after a minute last got locked and 2nd unlocked?
is this a design change or something because I can't see it listed in the original post.

Also this might be better as a sourcemod plugin if possible so you don't have to make custom versions of every map.

Unfortunately, it took me days to figure out how to even do this to the one making a plugin might take a very long time. I'm not even sure its possible!

For the question about 2nd point: this is a design change. I want to preserve the back and forth struggle that is 5CP as much as possible, all I am trying to do is focus the mode to avoid turtling, stalemating and general cheeziness.

posted about 6 years ago
#15 I edited the 5CP game rules - help test? in TF2 General Discussion

Some of the rules are specific to the map, some are specific to the server. Any 5CP map can be set up with the proper rules in a few minutes (if you have the .vmf file) and the server settings are quite basic as well.

posted about 6 years ago
#13 I edited the 5CP game rules - help test? in TF2 General Discussion

Okay I think I finally have the server working properly: the address is

posted about 6 years ago
#11 I edited the 5CP game rules - help test? in TF2 General Discussion
GrapeJuiceIIIi will give feedback on something that i know doesnt need to be tested.NealKenneth ...and locking the mid point for a bit so that every class has a chance to get there for the opening fight. this isn't necessary. whether or not a team caps the point before anyone else arrives to mid is completely irrelevant.

kpcThe mid point being unlocked is very relevant because forward spawns, making playing the point viable during extended midfights and also helps with rolling through second. It being locked makes no sense.
Also one point being unlocked at a time? And teams dont win by capping last but by capping 6 more times than the other team? None of this makes to me please explain.

In both of these cases, it's the changes working all together that sorta answer the questions (hopefully.) Come play it and you will see! :)

posted about 6 years ago
#10 I edited the 5CP game rules - help test? in TF2 General Discussion

Did I do something wrong? haha...I only started working with Hammer and servers a few weeks ago so I make a lot of mistakes :/

posted about 6 years ago
#1 I edited the 5CP game rules - help test? in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys! This is my first post, but I have been watching the TF2 competitive scene for a few years.

I've noticed that 5CP is only played in 6v6 and that the mode has some ongoing issues, especially that it tends to punish players for aggressive action. This leads to turtling and stalemates. I have edited a 5CP map to try and address this issue by making it so that:

  • Only one capture point is unlocked at a time
  • Points are scored for each capture
  • One team wins by taking a lead of six points

I made a variety of other changes, including drastically lowering the time limits for the round and locking the mid point for a bit so that every class has a chance to get there for the opening fight. Unfortunately, Valve's .vmf files are from years and years back so the map is outdated, but the new rules seem to be working correctly.

My goal is to create a ruleset to make 5CP a more satisfying competitive experience, similar to what stopwatch did for A/D and Payload maps in the early days of TF2.

I have started a server to facilitate testing, if anyone is interested.

Thanks for reading!

posted about 6 years ago