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Country Italy
Signed Up August 21, 2013
Last Posted January 19, 2014 at 12:47 PM
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#1 Unplayable fps in Q/A Help

Long story short my pc is terribad and i can't properly play a game older than it. Dual core 2.2 ghz (overclocked to 2.6) and an hd 5670. I'm already using pretty much everything to increase my fps, chris config, nohatsmod, dx81.

My average fps are less than 60 and it drops badly to 20 in maps like viaduct and barnblitz. The bad thing is that i main scout.

My last resort is lowering the resolution i guess. Do i really gain some fps if i play at 640x480 (currently 1440x900) or am i doomed to be bad forever? Do you have any othet tips to increase fps besides buying a new computer?

posted about 11 years ago
#600 yahud in Customization
whayayKanecoSorry if this has been answered before, just trying your hud for the first time and it is really great...

I love FLV version, only not the loading/main menu screen because they are too bright/harsh on the eyes, is there a way to change the main menu and loading menus to the ones of 5MD version?
You can edit the "Flavor" entry in the clientscheme to make it darker.

How to change the colour of this?

posted about 11 years ago
#591 yahud in Customization

Is it possible to enable the 3d portrait only when disguising as spy?

posted about 11 years ago
#569 yahud in Customization

I tried to position the models so their important weapons were highlighted by the stripe, but for some classes like soldier it's hard to do so without cutting off most of the model.

When disguising it overlaps your disguise health a bit.

whayay add this please

posted about 11 years ago
#564 yahud in Customization


posted about 11 years ago
#547 yahud in Customization

I really like flvhud but i wonder if it is possible to have a menu override like the 5MD one. Also can you add stats to the 16vs16 scoreboard?

posted about 11 years ago
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