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Last Posted April 28, 2024 at 3:14 PM
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#4 Server Connection Issue in Q/A Help

I only really play on pugs (so servme servers) and a few select community servers, so it would be hard to judge whether it applies to "all" servers, but it has happened on pretty much any server I've been on at one point or another. Additionally, this problem is only client-side. Nobody else I'm playing with experiences any issue, so I feel like it can't be a server problem.

posted 9 months ago
#2 Server Connection Issue in Q/A Help

Additional info: I've talked with someone else who reported having this issue and we've narrowed it down to likely having something to do with the wireless card. They've had the same issue occur when they weren't recording demos and have a different ISP than me.

My Wi-Fi card is an Intel 6E AX210 (MoBo integrated).

posted 9 months ago
#1 Server Connection Issue in Q/A Help

So this happens every once in a while when I'm in a server. I recently moved and my internet has changed from a wired connection on Verizon to a wireless connection (on-board WiFi card) on Comcast. I am not able to set up a wired connection in my situation.

My movement and all other player movement freezes up on my client, as if there was a pause in a comp match, but I'm able to look around. I still can hear any in-game voice chat and receive in-game chat messages, and there are no other connection issues across any other apps. If I quit the server and attempt a reconnect, it is stuck on "Connecting to Server" and fails after 4 retries. I am able to connect to other servers.

Occasionally I've been able to fix this by exiting steam, disconnecting from my wifi and reconnecting, then rebooting Steam and TF2. Sometimes this doesn't even work and I have to reboot my PC, which typically does the trick and I can reconnect to the server, but there's been multiple occasions where the same issue happens within minutes.

YT vid demonstrating this issue:

Idk if it could possibly be a factor or if it's just coincidence, but I seem to recall not having this issue when I'm not recording demos.

posted 9 months ago