With my girlfriend :(
you came with me
I Would steal a boat
Bring a little bit of food
So we can get out and settle in the ocean
Start fishing/ netting for fish
Have sex.... Lots of sex
You get pregnate
Give you some drugs to ease
Cause like I don't know how babies are born
You get fucked over
Baby is their on the deck
Cut cord with some fishing wire
Due to shark being stabbed in eye and swimming away
Raise baby
Baby will grow up talk and walk and fish
We tell him we are the only 3 survivors
We lived a zombie hollocost
We get more kids
Popularize our boat full of kids
When we head to shore
hit Mexico
Sell our american kids as if they are slaves
Make money
Become rish
Have over $400,000
Live tax free due to Romney's plan
Live happy