Hey everyone, I'm trying to transition for the 8mg to the Iscariote HUD, but there are however a few options that both me and that I would like to modify. I was hoping someone could help me here.
So basically, what I would want it to have is:
-No automatic weapon switching when disguised. This means if I am disguised as a Sniper and have my revolver out, the sniper rifle will automatically come out in my disguise. If I have my knife out, the disguised viewmodel will pull out the kuriki.
-Have the 3D viewmodels both for when disguised and undisguised. I have done that (http://steamcommunity.com/app/440/discussions/0/666827315698701209/) but a label seem to overlap the disguised 3D model
-Have both 3D models (disguised/undisguised) at the same location on the HUD.
-Also if anyone could point out the components for health and cloak (I found the ammo), I'd just like to lower them on the HUD
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you very much :)