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Signed Up July 24, 2013
Last Posted April 21, 2021 at 11:36 PM
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#3 Warning about Nursey trying to come back in TF2 General Discussion

playing tf2 with you isn't that gross man have some self confidence

posted about 3 years ago
#62 trump china virus in World Events
AdnurakNub_Danishbut I'm not going to call myself Jewish when I don't look Jewishpost nose in profile and I'll decide
mustardoverlordNub_DanishOne of us listed off 3 jews they want dead and it's not me. Also you have no idea what my racial or ethnic background is
I guess everyone wishing suffering on jeffrey epstein is also anti-semitic too
correct, epstein is innocent, they need to release him NOW #JusticeForJeffrey
I too grow tired of these filthy small nosed Jews

posted about 4 years ago
#42 trump china virus in World Events
mustardoverlordNub_DanishOne of us listed off 3 jews they want dead and it's not me. Also you have no idea what my racial or ethnic background is
I guess everyone wishing suffering on jeffrey epstein is also anti-semitic too

also why would you even say the second sentence lol, if you were anything other than some ginger irish kid im sure you wouldve said so by now

I don't care about my race, but if you're going to bring up our ancestry as a defense I can talk about it. on my mothers side of the family there are multiple ethnically Jewish people, but I'm not going to call myself Jewish when I don't look Jewish and I'm not religious. I find it kind of vulgar to use my ancestry to insert yourself into an oppressed minority group when you aren't suffering under the same discrimination as they did/are so it's not really something I want to do unless forced to.
Not all hatred of individual Jews is anti-semitic, didn't say it was. I just find it rather suspect that of two warring nations you only want the deaths of the leaders of the Jewish side, when both sides have been accused of human-rights abuses and war crimes. I will grant that Israel is probably the worse of the two and seeing as you say you are Jewish you probably just don't like him for valid reasons, but self-hate is a thing so I don't think it's a universal defence. (I only say probably because I haven't looked at the geopolitics/news covering the region in years, but everything I've seen Israel is much worse.)

posted about 4 years ago
#36 trump china virus in World Events
mustardoverlordNub_Danishmustardoverlordbatemani get that a lot of americans fucking hate their politcians and thats quite understandable I also hate a few of mine but is it really okay for so many of you to want them to die? I dont think thats right
I can throw in netanyahu, naftali bennett and ayelet shaked for you if you’d like
Ayyyy the super far left guy hates the Jews what's new?

one of us is jewish and its not you

One of us listed off 3 jews they want dead and it's not me. Also you have no idea what my racial or ethnic background is

posted about 4 years ago
#32 trump china virus in World Events
mustardoverlordbatemani get that a lot of americans fucking hate their politcians and thats quite understandable I also hate a few of mine but is it really okay for so many of you to want them to die? I dont think thats right
I can throw in netanyahu, naftali bennett and ayelet shaked for you if you’d like

Ayyyy the super far left guy hates the Jews what's new?

posted about 4 years ago
#9 consider voting in World Events
BarryChuckleScrewBVoting for Howie Hawkins. Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil.
The fact you voted with your conscience will be a huge comfort to the millions who have lost family members to the pandemic, the migrant children being systematically separated from their parents, and all the peaceful protesters who were gassed and beaten in the street or lost an eye to rubber bullets.

Human trafficking has been acknowedged to be a serious problem on the USA Mexico border(especially children). That being known, you think that unidentified groups of people with children crossing the border should be kept together? It's a pretty well known fact it's much harder for victims of abuse to report there abusers when in the presence of said abuser.
I agree it probably puts a great deal of stress on the parents and their children who are separated, but I would rather help the children who are literally being raped to death than save them from stress and discomfort.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 RGL Invite S4 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
dont worry guys the new head 6s rgl admin Makkabeus Rex is going to set everyone straight! no more sandbagging, no more aliasing! oh but btw, his friends can use whatever name they want...

Serious question what about these names is ban worthy, I might just not be up to date on the slang?

posted about 4 years ago

I too hate pedos brothers, may I receive plus frags now

posted about 4 years ago
#30 RGL Banned?! Help!! in TF2 General Discussion

90% of RGL admins should not be RGL admins

posted about 4 years ago
#38 Quitting + my story in TF2 General Discussion
Collaidedidnt know you but i always thought you were funny! good luck in life bro!
Nub_Danishthere are no redeeming qualities in the frenchu r mega toxic, probably alt right, and you are really unfunny

For instance ur current steam name: (black power#kkktookmybabyaway)

It's always the most hilarious people who tell other people they aren't funny, thanks for correcting my bad behavior karen I'll try better next time :)

posted about 4 years ago
#31 Quitting + my story in TF2 General Discussion

there are no redeeming qualities in the french

posted about 4 years ago
#123 pegging in Off Topic
Lange is a delight, I find it kinda weird alot of his tweets are just statements of fact where idk where I'm supposed to go with it. Like he said the US government researched mind control, which is true, but they weren't successful so I just don't see the point of talking about it like it's a pressing issue.
Edit: Also schizophrenic people are the last people who should be trying to diagnose other people with schizophrenia, the way the disease manifests and it's severity vary greatly. Lange just has alot of extremely far-left takes and his wokedness has made him more susceptible to the conspiracy theories.

posted about 4 years ago
#62 Redeye thinks TF2 should be an esport in TF2 General Discussion
mousiopeNub_DanishWild_Rumpusmousiopethis cancel culture that exists nowadays is so cancerous, judging everyone by their lowest isn´t really fair is it ?its not fair to john wayne gacy that everyone talks about his serial killing lows and not the more positive, honest clown workI feel like judging someone by there lowest is exactly how you should judge them I'm pretty sure there's a higher chance the rapist will rape again rather than a non offender
well i think its pretty obvious i´m not talking about rapists or serial killers, but when i have to point that im not even gonna bother discussing it

You're talking about cancel culture which at the current time is primarily associated with rape and sexual assault. I know tftv struggles with analogies and I'm sorry for using such an extreme one to illustrate the point that peoples extremes tend to define who they are and are predictive of future behavior.

posted about 4 years ago
#58 Redeye thinks TF2 should be an esport in TF2 General Discussion
Wild_Rumpusmousiopethis cancel culture that exists nowadays is so cancerous, judging everyone by their lowest isn´t really fair is it ?its not fair to john wayne gacy that everyone talks about his serial killing lows and not the more positive, honest clown work

I feel like judging someone by there lowest is exactly how you should judge them I'm pretty sure there's a higher chance the rapist will rape again rather than a non offender

posted about 4 years ago
#39 pegging in Off Topic
TailorTFpegging is inherently misogynistic because the woman doesn't experience actual physical pleasure unless it's a double sided dildo

The pleasure comes from dominating another human

posted about 4 years ago
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