Hi Dagger
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198055851555 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:95585827] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:47792913 |
Country | Norfolk Island |
Signed Up | November 4, 2013 |
Last Posted | April 24, 2016 at 1:00 AM |
Posts | 174 (0 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 4.0 |
Windows Sensitivity | Normal Speed |
Raw Input | 1 |
400 dpi |
Resolution |
1280x720 |
Refresh Rate |
60hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical 1.1A |
Keyboard | Generic Logitech keyboard |
Mousepad | Steelseries QCK |
Headphones | Siberia v2's |
Monitor | HP 2311x 23-Inch LED Monitor |
Using the VIP KTC
I meant the HUD you're using with the custom ammo and health font.
KornCobI did all this and was very thorough. But when it came to the health and ammo, they were extremely small on the screen, and i couldn't seem to change their size. If I modified the tall value it would make the health counter move rather than get bigger, for example.
Could you possibly provide a download link for your current hud?
Try installing the fonts in your resources folder. If that doesn't work check your font definitions and remember that the "name" of the font should be in the fonts properties. You can get the name by right clicking the font file and hitting "Properties" then clicking on the "Details" tab. It should look something like this:
(the name you should use is next to "Title")
In this instance the definition should look something like this:
"font" "resource/fonts/AvenirLTStd-Black.ttf"
"name" "AvenirLTStd-Black"
No words can describe this maps beauty and intelligent design. With the exception of ballin and broccoli.
"talks about the origin of the universe, the origin of matter, and the origin of light, and the origin of darkness, and the origin of day and night, and the origin of night, and the origin of the earth, and the origin of dry land, and the origin of plants, and the origin of the sun, moon, and stars, and the origin of sea creatures, the origin of flying creatures, and the origin of land creatures, the origin of man, the origin of women, the origin of death, and the origin of sin, the origin of marriage, the origin of different languages, the origin of clothing, the origin of nations. I mean it's a very very specific book."
This is why Steam is better
I had my hopes up for a split second.
I'm not sure why you linked this? There are obviously many different ways you can go about creating an IRC bot.
So let's say you want to create a chat bot for your stream, but you don't want to use something like Nightbot or Moobot for whatever reason (maybe you want your bot to have a custom name?) Well here's a tutorial on how to do that:
First we'll start off by creating a twitch account for your bot. This should be fairly simple, just go to Twitch.tv and click the "Sign Up" button on the homepage. Or if you're already logged in you can simply log out and then sign up.
I would recommend creating a seperate email for your bots twitch account for organization but using your current email is fine too.
Now that we have our twitch account set up and everything, we need to install a program called mIRC. mIRC is an IRC (internet relay chat) client that allows our bot to connect to the twitch chat. It's important to know that each Twitch chat channel is run on IRC. The mIRC client can be downloaded here: http://www.mirc.com/get.html
Once we have mIRC installed and set up we need to connect to the IRC server. Let's start by clicking the "File" button on the top left of the mIRC client and selecting "Select Server". You can also type Alt+E as a shortcut.
A new window should pop up and we should see a list of categories to the left. Expand the "Connect" category and click on "Servers". Next we want to hit the "Add" button and another window should pop up that looks something like this:
We then want to fill in the text boxes. Next to "Description" we can just put our Twitch bots name. Next to "IRC Server:" we want to enter: irc.twitch.tv and the port should remain as "6667". It is not required that you put anything in the "Group" text box but also for organizational purposes we will add "Twitch.tv". What this does is it creates a folder named "Twitch.tv" so if we plan on running multiple bots we can store them in that folder. Finally, we need to enter our password. We can find our bots password by going to http://twitchapps.com/tmi/
and retrieving our "OAuth Password" simply by clicking "connect with twitch" and logging in. After logging in we should enter a page that looks like this:
Copy and paste that key into the password text box, then hit OK. Go back onto your "Server List" window and click on your bots name then enter your bots username once again in both the "Alternative" and "Nickname" boxes and hit "Connect". This should connect you to the irc.twitch.tv server. Once we connect, we want to join your specific Twitch chats IRC channel. Just type "/join #<your twitch channels username>" in the irc.twitch.tv server window. And that's it you connected to your own channels chat!
Okay so I have my bot connected to my streams chat but how do I make it respond to certain commands. For starters, mIRC has it's own scripting language. We can enter code through the script editor and the script editor can be accessed by clicking the button below:
Once the button is clicked a script editor window should pop up. Click the "remote" tab on the editor. This is where most of the code will be entered. Let's start with a basic command:
on *:TEXT:!test:#: { msg $chan Your bot is working! }
What this line of code does is when someone enters the phrase "!test" in chat, the bot will respond with "Your bot is working!". This command is probably the most basic command that can be used in mIRC but it is also very useful. You can easily modify this by changing "!test" and "Your bot is working!". There is much more commands that can be used in mIRC however this is all I will cover in the tutorial. If you would like to learn more about the scripting language here are some resources you can use:
mIRC Help Forum: http://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/forums/3/1/mIRC_Help
Socket Tutorial: http://forum.swiftirc.net/viewtopic.php?t=4378
Variables Tutorial: http://en.wikichip.org/wiki/Variables_-_mIRC
Good luck! :>
slidevilebecoming invite in life is more important than becoming invite in tf2.
desktop background
This is a REAL image, no photoshop was used.
cyzerwe're just trying to have fun as a team as hard as that may be to believe.
Competitive Team Fortress 2© the video game is a serious thing. No fun should be allowed.
Rickme and marmaduke are gonna cast this 1030 est
oi m8 im hypd