69 Fahrenheit, 293.706 Kelvin, 20.5556 Celsius, 528.67 Rankine, 16.4444444 Reaumur
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198055851555 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:95585827] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:47792913 |
Country | Norfolk Island |
Signed Up | November 4, 2013 |
Last Posted | April 24, 2016 at 1:00 AM |
Posts | 174 (0 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 4.0 |
Windows Sensitivity | Normal Speed |
Raw Input | 1 |
400 dpi |
Resolution |
1280x720 |
Refresh Rate |
60hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical 1.1A |
Keyboard | Generic Logitech keyboard |
Mousepad | Steelseries QCK |
Headphones | Siberia v2's |
Monitor | HP 2311x 23-Inch LED Monitor |
redrocket4smoboi don't give a shit if i'm comparing apple an windows. apples are too expensive i'm buying windows.fixed it for you :^)
n1 m8
Also if you are planning on learning C# I would recommend these tutorials: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXNDSBA0DSk&list=PL8YsBsQXUFy-DQsVjT9PxlKbncusvayCT
KevinIsPwnNull_Anything but GameMaker StudioIt's not all that bad. It's more of a hobyist's tool than a super-serious programming language. Some friends and I have made some pretty neat stuff on it, including a multiplayer rpg with a 12-20 hour playtime. I "coded" (technically marked up) a sound engine and made all the music. The people who did the actual multiplayer/ gameplay stuff have moved on to bigger and better languages, but I think it was a great start for all of us.
I meant if you are going for professionalism and are looking to have a career in creating games you shouldn't use GameMaker Studio. Although I do agree it is a good place to start from what you mentioned
drshdwpuppethonestly, your best bet is to pick yourself a language and write a game without the use of a toolset or studio like gamemaker or RPG maker. You will learn SO much more that way about how games, computer languages and large scale projects work. I like python for things like this, and there are plenty of libraries to help you get started, but any modern language will work really.
Yeah the language you choose really depends on what type of games you want to make. For instance if you wanted to create a game for iOS devices you would most likely want to learn Objective-C. Also a lot of consoles have their own development kits which use a specific language so you might want to look into that too.
I had the same problem earlier. I just restarted mumble a couple of times and it eventually worked.
Although I did try resetting the overlay to default and switching between the whitelist and blacklist.
WARHURYEAHResearch says it's colder during winter
They also said it was hotter during the summer. I never looked at summer the same after I read that.
edit: this website also has some other interesting articles:
sirkiddoare you ok
Yeah i'm alright :/
How about you?
sirkiddoNull_what hud r u using
it says in big letter in the screenshot
thats the joke