Ordering a Ms. Pauling body pillow as we speak.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198055851555 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:95585827] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:47792913 |
Country | Norfolk Island |
Signed Up | November 4, 2013 |
Last Posted | April 24, 2016 at 1:00 AM |
Posts | 174 (0 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 4.0 |
Windows Sensitivity | Normal Speed |
Raw Input | 1 |
400 dpi |
Resolution |
1280x720 |
Refresh Rate |
60hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical 1.1A |
Keyboard | Generic Logitech keyboard |
Mousepad | Steelseries QCK |
Headphones | Siberia v2's |
Monitor | HP 2311x 23-Inch LED Monitor |
Ordering a Ms. Pauling body pillow as we speak.
Little Liam is an mge god, followed.
Hi, I may not be as mlg as some of your group's members but pls give me a chance. Every morning when I wake up I pray that one day I will have the capacity to become as great of a spy as you and your group members. Every night I dream of becoming the ultimate spy class player, I watched all the facestabbing and spy trick tutorial videos on utube and frequently view stabystaby's stream. So pls give me a chance, im desperate. This has been my life long dream and if u accept me I will give you all my tf2 hats (except for the spy unusual). Thx add me here:
brandbrandwould you reccomend zowie over the deathadder?
This shouldn't even be a question
Try pressing a key that looks something like one of these:
and a key that looks something like this simultaneously:
it might take a little bit to find the right keys, but I guarantee you that you will crouch jump!
brandbrandthank you for not spitting in my fuckin face like the rest of the people whom i have done no harm too
brandbranddMenacewhy aren't you asking your beta testers these questions
i am, but its only 20 people so far, what if these 20 people had a bias and screwed with my research
that's a lot of bias
Using this crosshair is considered cheating according to many of the top level players. In fact, there were many petitions wishing to ban it entirely from use in ESEA. Here it is, use with discretion:
Lulzyfuckmachineso basically ruining pub
heh, sorry didnt see that
On May 11th in 1992 a prodigy was born. He revolutionized the way we play video games as a whole, he contributed to the growth of the asian gaming community, he hosts the most cancerous chat in tftv... his name is Steve Lin.
Happy birthday Slin