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Signed Up July 26, 2012
Last Posted December 15, 2014 at 12:27 AM
Posts 101 (0 per day)
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#6 l o o king in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 10 years ago
#2130 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 10 years ago
#16 Rainbow Six Siege - Live gameplay stream on Twitc in Other Games

Does this include additional footage of Havok the E3 1v4 clutch master?

posted about 10 years ago
#20 What happened to mge servers? in TF2 General Discussion

on the plus side, dm servers have been more active recently

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Mumble mouse accel in TF2 General Discussion
yeah it does this but like someone back when we were using natf2.com had posted something to put into the shortcuts path that just does it for you everytime you launch it


I think this is what you are referencing. I don't remember if it actually worked anymore though

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Mumble mouse accel in TF2 General Discussion

I don't know about launch options, but I usually just set mumble to low priority in task manager

posted about 10 years ago
#19 New (and bigger!!) ZOWIE FK1 in Hardware

I think you guys are missing the real best zowie mouse, for those of us with baby hands...


posted about 10 years ago
#26 CEVO Season 5 Announced in News
freakinWhat does when a "server is assigned" mean? Is that when it's initially scheduled or when whatever automated system actually sets up the server like a half hour before?

This is when the automated system sets up the server, so like 15 - 30 minutes before scheduled math time. A 24 hour lock isn't necessary, but you also should not be able to add players after a match starts.

"Once a match is assigned to a server, rosters will be locked and no new players will be able to join."

posted about 10 years ago
#23 CEVO Season 5 Announced in News

Will there be any change to how FFW's work or to the use gameservers.com servers?
The S4 FFW system felt like a punishment for having your team ready when the other team was not.

Also, I think we noticed that paladin didn't seem to do much. I recall a few matches where, I would tab to paladin and see clients at 5v6 or a player would have to restart and forget to launch paladin & there would be no issues. ESEA client has had a lot of issues, but you knew it was doing "something."

LangeLangeAJWhat about roster locks? In S4 you could hop from roster to roster and play in a team's match and immediately jump back to your original team directly after. Or add a new player minutes before a match.
As of right now there are no plans to change the way roster locks work, but I will discuss this with Pipher in our meeting today.

I've received some clarification from Pipher on the way our rosters work. Rosters only lock during playoffs. A player is always free to join/leave a roster during the regular season. However, a player cannot play two matches in the same round. For example, a player can't play a week 3:1 match on Team A, then go join Team B and play another week 3:1 match. We think this is a sufficient restriction.

It seems kind of odd that you can add a player to your roster mid-match. I liked the way that ESEA locks rosters once a server is assigned for the match.
We had a situation during process week (I think) where our opposing team asked to use a ringer. We declined because they had several backups on their roster. They talked to Pipher and he told them to add the ringer to the roster (& pay) - which they did. By the time this all happened, it was after our default match time. That's something that would happen in UGC, but not that should in ESEA or CEVO.

Considering how often teams die or experienced players decide to take a break & then come back to playing - I don't think it is unreasonable to want some sort of roster lock in place for regular matches.

Edit: I meant to say after our scheduled match time, not the default match time. Not that it changes anything

posted about 10 years ago
#7 my 2012 naga started smoking in Q/A Help

gotta be careful when you overdrive your mouse

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Scout LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Pie is a pretty cool dude.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 need scouts for CEVO spring classic in Recruitment (looking for players)

the guys follow an INSANE PASE

posted about 10 years ago
#3 intellectual lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Do you drink dr pepper?

posted about 10 years ago
#5 best soldier combo of all time? in TF2 General Discussion

tyrone and mackey

edit fvck athermal, beat me by a minute

posted about 10 years ago
#30 Favorite Health and ammo position? in Customization

just take broesel and change the font/recolour, it worked for most of us hudmakers. its what the people want.

also don't forget your konr wings

posted about 10 years ago
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