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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted March 13, 2020 at 7:29 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ⋅⋅ 33
#34 Happy Valentines Day! <3 in Off Topic


posted about 12 years ago
#50 EmeraldCityLAN Spring 2013 LANfest #intel in LAN Discussion

Where's Dane?

posted about 12 years ago
#7 CASTING AG vs Vector Gaming in TF2 General Discussion

I think the special guests are the other 5 AG players.

***fucking gggly***

posted about 12 years ago
#42 EmeraldCityLAN Spring 2013 LANfest #intel in LAN Discussion

There was no mumble get together, we're just running out of free space for a block of TF2 people, so a choice has been made. We've got TF2 in rows G&H 1-6, so find a spot in there, nearby, or wherever you like.

The TF2 blank was thinking about it, and lives nearby so that's probably him.

posted about 12 years ago
#39 EmeraldCityLAN Spring 2013 LANfest #intel in LAN Discussion

I'm G section as well.

posted about 12 years ago
#36 EmeraldCityLAN Spring 2013 LANfest #intel in LAN Discussion

Sounds like creeep is coming south across the border, too.

posted about 12 years ago
#20 Any names for best FaN scout? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 12 years ago
#11 i beat tf2 in Off Topic

Reminds me of my coke head uncle who beat the judicial system.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 TF.TV Cast: AG vs CC tonight at 11 EST in TF2 General Discussion

Oafmeal: Aveeno or Lubriderm?
Ggglygy: if i answer loob i cant get my sponsorship sooooooooooooo...........
Oafmeal: Invisiblility or Telekenisis?
Ggglygy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbhOVKhwO_4
Oafmeal: Anorexia or Bulimia?
Ggglygy: bulimics are shitheads. why would eat the food?????? like give it to AFRICANS vomit on africans at least
Oafmeal: yeah, anorexia is like a food conservationism movement
TF2 Dead or Alive?
Ggglygy: alive until i decide not to be around anymore then it can die idgaf rofl xd
Oafmeal: Human or Reptilian?
Ggglygy: i would have said human like 2 months ago but my mind hassssssssssssssssssssss been expanded
Oafmeal: Bloody Mary or Blood of the Virgin Mary?
Ggglygy: they dont call me xxx_HyM3N_4NNIHiLaT0R_1998_xxx for nothing
Oafmeal: Thank you so much for taking the time to grant me an interview. I hope the polar sun comes out in Alberta soon to warm your blood.
Ggglygy: i live in da woods. good interview. thick. solid. tight

posted about 12 years ago
#6 TF.TV Cast: AG vs CC tonight at 11 EST in TF2 General Discussion


After getting in touch with my local masonic hall, I was put through to the greatest point capping legend in TF2, one time ESEA Invite champion Branden "Ggglygy" Johanstone. He was kind enough to grant me an interview in spite of a pressing need to sun himself on a nearby rock to warm his blood in preparation for another long Canadian night.

Oafmeal: Giggle or Laugh?
Ggglygy: is this live?
Oafmeal: Beer or Not Beer?
Ggglygy: hello? ok so there i was just fuckin BEATIN OFF but liek
you godda warn me befroe you come in with the querys i dont mind
quiet time with chats its just PAPOW yknow?

Oafmeal: Gay porn or straight porn?
Ggglygy: lesbians

*** 5 Minutes pass ***

Oafmeal: u finish yet?
Ggglygy: no im browsing u of c compliments for some djbg lovin
Oafmeal: if you see my x gf named ********* ******, try to sabotage her life
Ggglygy: my nuts her forhead its a date forehead even
Oafmeal: is it question time yet?
Ggglygy: its always ama time quiet time with oaf
Oafmeal: Giggle or Laugh?
Ggglygy: guffaw
Oafmeal: Beer or Not Beer?
Ggglygy: i only drink virgin beverages because it matches my lifestyle
Oafmeal: Night or Day?
Ggglygy: that was a tom cruise movie it was pretty good it
had cameron diaz in it and i would titfck her however my
penis is not 3 yards wide

Oafmeal: 6v6 or 9v9?
Ggglygy: 6v9 pros vs community coming to a server near you ag represent even though im not playing in it b/c im cut at the exact end of the season (if not sooner)
Oafmeal: Hot or Very Hot?
Ggglygy: go big or go home
Oafmeal: Walnuts or Peanut Butter?
Ggglygy: FUCK
Oafmeal: Clothes or Close?
Ggglygy: they're not walking on the lot to get out of the rain they want an AUDI from a certified dealer
Oafmeal: Nekkid or PJs?
Ggglygy: bj's im excellent at recieving them have you SEEN my gf?????????????????????????????????????????
Oafmeal: Teeth or No Teeth?
Ggglygy: a vigorous gumming sounds nice
Oafmeal: Spit or Swallow?
Ggglygy: i like in porn vids where its like *sloosh* and then the dudes like "you can spit it out if you want" and the girl like spits into her hand like why just spit on the ground you dumb bitch jesus h
Oafmeal: marking that down as 'spit'
Gay or Straight?
Ggglygy: i had a convo with my friends mom, because her doctor looked like canadian porn star legend peter north and i said i think he was gay4pay and i said i'd go gay4pay it would be the only way my tiny body could get into the industry my frail white boy body
Oafmeal: Straight or Bestiality?
Ggglygy: fuckin solid interview goin on over here. Solid thick tight interview. SOLID
Oafmeal: ty. I play hardball
Ggglygy: r u saying gay = beastiality? baddragon.com????
Oafmeal: Straight or Necrophilia?
Ggglygy: how dead we talkin? like fresh or richard the third?
Oafmeal: Straight or Die?
Ggglygy: live free or gay hard starring james deen as bruce willis
Oafmeal: so die then.
Ggglygy: yolo
Oafmeal: Forgive Tyrone or Grudge Forever?
Ggglygy: blazes girlfriend tags him in all of her photos and it is the weirdest fuckign thing i have ever seen in my life. dead serious
Oafmeal: wtf... liike when she instagrams her sausages?
Ggglygy: yeah for real
Oafmeal: D: get out while you can, Tyler!
BP or Mix^?
Ggglygy: it's a lose lose. whoever wins i lose
Oafmeal: Caligynephobia or Chrometophobia?
Ggglygy: im not going to google these and then think it out and then answer. the first one. Caligynephobia. what is it?
Oafmeal: fear of attractive women
Ggglygy: yep that about sums it up folks
Oafmeal: Ismail Enver Pasha or Pol Pot?
Ggglygy: ive mixed up 'Gangnam Style' and 'Khmer Rouge' so many goddamn times you have no idea. p.p all the way

posted about 12 years ago
#103 Best album of all time? in Off Topic

Lots of great albums mentioned, and picking just one is near impossible. Here's a few more.







posted about 12 years ago
#1 Former invite star JAMMAR interview in TF2 General Discussion

Recently Anthony 'Jamjamm' Jammar and I sat down in his colonial villa over caviar, 1907 Heidseick, and arian virgin blood to pontificate on his 1 ESEA invite appearance, most recently successful shapeshifts, and the direction his cold blooded brethren intend on taking the new world order. Thanks also to Anthony for the wonderfully relaxing time by the pool, where I learned that he most likely can see through his eyelids judging by his suspiciously efficient Marco Polo performances.

Minutes are as follows,

Oafmeal: Strawberry or Raspberry?
Jamjamm: Strawberry
O: Dark or Light beer?
J: Dark
O: Night or Day?
J: Night
O: Can or Bottle?
J: Can
O: 6v6 or 9v9?
J: MvM
O: Aural or Nasal sex?
J: Aural
O: Vanilla or Chocolate?
J: Choco
O: Fluffyanimals or Evilbender?
J: If not both then pass
they're both cool dudes last i remember them
O: American or Euro football?
O: BP or Mixup?
J: I need to know rosters to give you accurate answer
otherwise another pass
O: Stop or keep going onto the hard questions
J: keep going for 5 min, then it's sleeptime
is this just random or is there somehow a survey to this shit haha
O: I'll ask the questions here.
Nekkid or PJs?
J: PJ's
O: dlman or stabbystabby?
J: dl
O: standard or auto?
J: context?
O: I'll mark that one down as auto
Lightsaber or helper monkey?
J: Monkey
especially if psychic
O: noted.
TF2 Dead or Alive?
J: Alive
O: Human or Reptilian?
O: Seriously?
O: kk this has been enlightening
ty for the waffles
J: yea man
O: wait....
pie or pi?
J: pie
O: Is that to keep education away from the people?
J: fuck yes
O: You know I have a duty to inform my fellow man about your evil

I will share more information as it becomes available to me.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 Parts for sale! in Hardware

Great prices!

posted about 12 years ago
#37 Cool screenshots you have taken in TF2 General Discussion




posted about 12 years ago
#23 Best cover songs? in Off Topic

60s and early 70s soul/R&B probably accounts for 75% of the greatest covers, because so many awesome artists were recording them all the time.


Otis Redding - A Change is Gonna Come
Aretha Franklin - Respect

posted about 12 years ago
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