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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted March 13, 2020 at 7:29 PM
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#32 My first legal beer. in Off Topic

If I'm not drinking $.40 swill in a campground parking lot on a budget climbing trip....

Avoid large beer manufacturers. Rice is not an ingredient in quality beer.

Try a bunch of different stuff, and figure out what sorts of beer you like, then explore the options in those varieties. Your tastes will probably evolve over the years, so keep trying new things every so often.

I stick with micro brews for the most part, but do like a few readily available imports in UK bitters, Guinness, Kilkenny, Innis & Gunn, etc. IPAs can be an acquired taste but once you start to like hops, there's no turning back.

Mainly these days I drink IPAs, porters/stouts, and a hefeweizen on a hot summer day is pretty hard to beat. Mix in a few other varieties when a change is needed. The first couple beers I fell in love with were Guinness, and Boddingtons.

posted about 11 years ago
#73 What's your job, TF.TV? in Off Topic

Currently building a railroad for a guy at the top of a mountain living in a castle (srs) who's company held a few lucrative patents (dram circuitry, + such). Nice guy, generous pay, and it's hard not to smile when you're moving shit around on a train all day.


During the summer months, I earn a little extra coin with the bass two nights/week.

Going to school soon to get some marine certs, and apply for a govt. job. Decent wage, benefits, and a solid pension is more than I need.

Park Ranger
Sheet metal
Support Worker fer special kids

posted about 11 years ago
#25 ;_______; in Off Topic

So that's 7 cats hind end job, no tail.

pls paypal Oafsavingkittens@PETAsponsored.com

If you get the payment in today I'll have the parcel out by Tuesday.

Pls expect 6-8 weeks delivery via regular parcel post. I'll include an extra cat so the survivors can eat the first one that dies. This has proven to be the most reliable domestic method thus far.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 ;_______; in Off Topic

Hmmmm.... It's been a while, but I can do $50 on a full hind end job. $75 if you want me to leave the spine, and tail intact. $55 if you just want me to staple the tail back on.

Cut the legs off, and they get a loving home. Leave the legs on, and they get put down like so many other lovely animals. LEAVING THE LEGS ON IS A FUCKING DEATH SENTENCE YOU HEARTLESS FUCKS.


posted about 11 years ago
#3 ;_______; in Off Topic

Back in my day it was ok to cut all four legs off, and sell them as 'cuddle worms'. Free kittens into $40 cuddle worms into my 1st PC.

posted about 11 years ago
#54 Help bp get to ESEA LAN! in TF2 General Discussion
Keywhy is shrugger there twice and where is shade???

Reptilian shape shifters, bro. SHAPE-SHIFTERS.

posted about 11 years ago
#43 Help bp get to ESEA LAN! in TF2 General Discussion

Shrugger: Hates the abolitionist movement
Cyzer: Hates brown ppl
B4nny: Hates women
Lansky: Kills neighbor's pets on the mic
Shrugger: Memorized the entirety of triumph of the will
Tagg: Chill, but can't stream bp comms due to Twitch ToS, also possibly illiterate as he is unable to comm damage numbers

Donate to the team that needs the most help, because 3 team lans suck. Not knowing how much teams have/need this season is bad.

***Edit: Don't know how I forgot, but 5/6 of bp are also reptilian.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 G-Spirits: liquor poured over a naked lady's boobs in Off Topic

139 € for .5L of whiskey poured over some fake tits. Limited to 5000 bottles.

2500 Liters of whiskey over those breasts.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 10 Tips By Stultus in Off Topic

Stultus, you will one day find a beautiful girl who likes to be creeped upon constantly. She's out there, man! Just keep creepin', and never stop.

posted about 11 years ago
#61 EmeraldCityLAN Spring 2013 LANfest #intel in LAN Discussion

b4nny's secret: Use your head, and work harder than everyone for years. Pub badwater to unwind for the first 7 or so seasons.

I think I said too much... D:

posted about 11 years ago
#46 Favorite Highlander Map/Gamemode in TF2 General Discussion

wrangler banned

posted about 11 years ago
#12 cilantro in Off Topic

wow missed your link above... :p

posted about 11 years ago
#10 cilantro in Off Topic

There is ALWAYS cilantro in my fridge.

I swear it's some kind of genetic predisposition towards the stuff. Some love it, and others hate it, describing a totally different flavour than what I experience.

posted about 11 years ago
#45 Help Get Chess Club To LAN! in TF2 General Discussion
4812622goddammit canada why are you so cool


posted about 11 years ago
#51 Casting Professionalism in TF2 General Discussion
Dewey_Ggglygyhe's giving you advice on becoming "big" as if he is day9 or someshit.
Because Day9 would never, ever, go on a tangent

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! I always thought Day9 was some emo beardo hipster vlogger, and turned him off after 5 minutes. What game does he cast?

posted about 11 years ago
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