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SteamID64 76561198041141792
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:40438032
Country United States
Signed Up December 16, 2012
Last Posted November 19, 2022 at 11:45 PM
Posts 1100 (0.2 per day)
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 72
#10 Nostalgia thread in Off Topic
alosecreally miss this game... played all through high school. late night pugs, participating in and later coaching newbie mixes, esea 6s, ugc HL... bruh...

I remember first getting into newbie mixes with FanofAngels as my coach. He was super helpful, positive, and overall a great coach. Newbie mixes were an awesome resource, I wish I gave back more, I only attended a few and then had my own team to play with.

It was also cool seeing people I played with back then get better and well recognized. Like we were part of the same academy before going to the major unis :) (32hz and silkthread were in my first newbie mix, I remember playing habib aka hassassin at the time in tf2lobby where him and his goons trolled and I got upset lol) I also loved all of the whacky tftv threads over the years. Sometimes the drama got too much, and sometimes it was just right and we all had a laugh together. I also really liked the open players personalities for some reason. Like they just had a lot of charisma and were funny. People weren't as edgy back then I think

GrapeJuiceIIIi remember making lft posts on the ugc forums from my high school library in 2015/16 ish

that's the proper use of school resources imo

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Nostalgia thread in Off Topic

Had a dream last night where I was orchestrating the return of the tf2 avengers (2010-2013 ESEA-I players) via a steam group I called "Oldschool Pugs" lmao. I haven't played this game competitively since my UGC days in 2013.. but for some reason the impact this community has had on me is unrelenting.
Once in a blue moon I'll reminisce on the simpler times; coming home from high school and organizing scrims and trying out players in hopes to one day get to lan. Seriously, that was all my expectations were. I didn't care that the game had no money or recognition, I think I kinda liked the obscurity. Of course, ESEA wasn't doing great.. and like Hermes, the messenger of ESEA, Killing posted that we wouldn't be getting a lan, which after seeing the registration decline was kind of expected. (Also esea was using client computers to mine bitcoin..as a kid I didn't think about it that much but WTF that is a lawsuit ez) That kind of killed it for me. I just wanted to hang out with friends I met online IRL, and ofc to be a part of the invite illuminati. What I'd give to relive those days of just mindless tf2. Seriously the most fun game I ever played.

Use this thread to dump any and all your nostalgia.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 What do you guys do for a living? in Off Topic

Just curious i haven't seen a thread like this in a while. I'm just working random gigs and i'm a barista.

posted about 5 years ago
#4 How often was windows 7 updated? in Off Topic

Hmm okay I really dont know much about operating systems but I really don't like the telemetry in w10. I wish there were more options than just windows or apple. I'll just remove all the important things on this computer and stick to safe sites with adblock for now i guess.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 How often was windows 7 updated? in Off Topic

So i've been on this desktop for a long time now and I am genuinely curious how often windows 7 even got those security updates (i remember updating windows every few months). I don't feel like switching to 10 yet and I don't use the computer that much anymore anyway so I wonder if I can just run it on this desktop for a while longer.

How risky do you think this is?

posted about 5 years ago
#36 The decade in review in News

I love this community so much. No matter what happens, these moments will remain in our memories and hearts forever. It was never about the money or the fame, or being mainstream ESPORTS for many of us. It was all about the journey friends. drinks up to another 10 long ones

posted about 5 years ago
#4 LF OW acc with kerrigan skin in Off Topic


posted about 6 years ago
#3 LF OW acc with kerrigan skin in Off Topic


posted about 6 years ago
#1 LF OW acc with kerrigan skin in Off Topic


posted about 6 years ago
#1 Anyone have a g9x/g400 willing to sell? east coast in Hardware

I miss my g400 (rip on little guy) and although my za11 is cool and all, it's not my style. I haven't tried the g9x but it looks sorta similar and i know some people who have one and said it's good. I doubt anyone here would sell a g400/g9x for cheap if they even had an extra but just figured i'd throw this out in case.

i'll throw in my za11 to sweeten the deal as well

actually are the ones on amazon legit? I thought they were all sold out/discontinued

posted about 6 years ago
#87 Ster talks about the TF2 casual and comp community in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylstabbyIt sounds like his primary point is that if the competitive community were kinder it could have been something more. That seems super reasonable to me.Yeah who cares about valve support, all we needed all along was to be nice to each other....

it would have been nice to have valve support but being toxic towards the public tf2 community does not help the cause whatsoever. Just because one thing goes wrong doesn't mean it all has to.

posted about 6 years ago
#30 Tyler Rocket Shooting map in Map Discussion
nillocOblivionageAnyone have the version with different classes going up a jump pad in a straight line towards you and you shooting them? And you can walk around the map to have different angles.walkway ????

no it was a pretty small map with wood flooring i think there was glass b/t u and the bots and a conveyer belt that sent them to the launch pad and they'd go up in like a 50/60 degree angle. i saw tlr using it one day and i had it at some point but i lost it when i changed hdd

edit: i guess i'll look into my old hdd if no one has it

posted about 6 years ago
#27 Tyler Rocket Shooting map in Map Discussion

Anyone have the version with different classes going up a jump pad in a straight line towards you and you shooting them? And you can walk around the map to have different angles.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 rap in Music, Movies, TV


how do u scrobble uzi more than the boys thats depressing

posted about 6 years ago
#3 What are the main 6s leagues/pugs/lobbies at? in TF2 General Discussion
CaptainZidgeltf2pl.com has gained some traction in the month it's been open. It's pretty good.

it thinks i don't have the game. are there any other sites? just had to relog on the site and it detected it.

edit: how do the rankings work? what is beginner, amateur, advanced translate to in esea or ugc?

posted about 6 years ago
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