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Signed Up August 16, 2012
Last Posted June 14, 2013 at 10:14 PM
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#96 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
OtakuScott_2OdissiuseYou just killed your own argument if there's no difference then just stick with 90 fov
It's okay man, I can see English isn't your native language. I won't hold it against you that you didn't pass Reading Comprehension.

He's Brazilian so maybe he will understand the following...


kyyyoobSo you make this petition, hoping people will see your problem/goal, then insult them for disagreeing/misunderstanding you.

90% of the people who have posted in this thread are disagreeing or misunderstanding because they are uninformed or willfully ignorant.

The petition isn't going to work, that much is clear now. So may as well rustle some jimmies.

posted about 12 years ago
#93 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
eYou just killed your own argument if there's no difference then just stick with 90 fov

It's okay man, I can see English isn't your native language. I won't hold it against you that you didn't pass Reading Comprehension.

posted about 12 years ago
#90 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
disengageOdissiusThe OpenPlugin allows you to set your FOV to whatever you want up to 130.Im pretty sure you can get VAC banned for using that.

No one who has used OpenPlugin has been VAC banned and it has been out for several months now.

posted about 12 years ago
#86 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
sleeepyEven if you are right asking ESEA to make this change is pointless. Most of the time spent playing TF2 is off client, so you're stuck with 90 FOV at those times. Why would you want a different setting just for the two hours a week you play matches? I think it would be pretty awful scrimming with 90 FOV and then going into a match setting it to 105. I realize I could leave it at 90 but if everyone leaves it at 90 whats the point of this change? It's the same as those people using flat textures: they make the game a whole lot clearer but there's no point to use them if you will never be able to scrim/play matches (shit that actually matters) with those textures.

If your argument was to get Valve to increase the cap then I'd support that. I played TFC at 110 FOV so I'm all for raising the cap, I just don't see the point in doing it for ESEA only.

The OpenPlugin allows you to set your FOV to whatever you want up to 130.

That's why I am asking ESEA only, because the plugin is blocked by their client, but I can use it for pubbing/scrimming. I have emailed the Team Fortress team as well.

snacksand anyone who says that 16x9 resolutions = 105 fov are not correct. widescreen resolutions only affect horizontal fov, which really doesnt make that much of a difference compared to outright changing your fov.

Pretty much.

posted about 12 years ago
#75 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
MattAs was posted earlier:

How can you say 90 -> 105 (15) is not a big change when
75 -> 90 (15) clearly is?

The change is more noticeable when dealing with lower FOVs...the changes become less noticeable when you moving up to higher FOVs. Like 75->90 feels like a larger change than 90->105 even though it is the same amount of degrees...kind of like diminishing returns I guess.

equalsdso any point you can't argue against, you just ignore?

Please point me to a valid argument against this change.

There haven't been any yet.

posted about 12 years ago
#71 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
frknThat wasn't what I was picturing, as spamming rockets from that far is pointless and a waste of ammo anyways. But if you were aware you could potentially see that scout. It doesn't take much movement to notice something in peripheral vision. I might not be sure it is a scout but there is a definite chance that I would think I might have seen something and comm it just in case.

I agree with you. I only used that pic/middle because other people were referencing it in the thread.

posted about 12 years ago
#68 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion

If you're spamming choke for 2 seconds because they are pushing in, you aren't going to see a scout flank behind rock and go under bridge anyway.

Also this assumes you are standing in this exact spot...


posted about 12 years ago
#66 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
FzeroIn reality, if you're a pocket and spamming without looking at the sides of the screen, (flank areas) you would be an awful pocket.

I see what you're saying. It's usually the case of shoot rocket in choke, check flank, repeat.

You can't put your eyes in two spots at the exact same time.

posted about 12 years ago
#61 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
FzeroHow is that even a counter argument? You have said 10 times now that it doesn't change anything in the game and I tell you how it, in fact, does change what you can see. Being able to see a flank spot without having to even move your vision away from the main spam is a complete deference.

Oh my god you don't have to move your mouse one centimeter to the left anymore, you have a clear advantage! You're going to beat teams that you weren't supposed to beat now! You're going to go from mid-open to high IM if this is implemented, we can't allow it!

In reality, when you're spamming something, you're not looking off or paying attention to the sides of the screen.

posted about 12 years ago
#59 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
FYI it doesn't actually change anything while playing. You're too busy watching your ammocount/making calls/making sure to get out if they push and you're at a disadvantage.

You shouldn't be staring at your ammocount

You ever play pocket mate?

Out of ammo 24/7 and then there are only ever those baby ammo packs around, which is a joke...

posted about 12 years ago
#56 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
brownymaster1) you're still petitioning for ESEA to change FOV, not valve. You wll have eye strain every time you pub or scrim. Nobody ever sigyificantly pugs on ESEA. That feature only accounts for a small portion of the games you will ever play.

I don't understand why everyone is raging about the possibility of an extra 15 FOV. It doesn't change gameplay. Why is everyone so resistant to change (for the better)?

I'm petitioning ESEA, because I want to play there and give them my money next season. I figured I'd petition ESEA instead of Valve because theoretically it would be easier to change their minds than Valve's, but with all of this resistance I can see that is not the case.

I won't get eyestrain during pubbing/scrimming because of the OpenPlugin allowing FOV to be set to whatever I want.

FzeroLook at the badlands middle pics. You could view balcony/flank while keeping your crosshair on choke for spam.

FYI it doesn't actually change anything while playing. You're too busy watching your ammocount/making calls/making sure to get out if they push and you're at a disadvantage.

posted about 12 years ago
#51 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
FFGi hope you realize you're not exactly helping your cause when all you've really done in your thread is insult people, call them ignorant and act like you're superior to everyone

That's what happens when people shitpost.

Thread full of 'lol', 'this is stupid', 'huehuehue didnt reed'.

posted about 12 years ago
#49 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
frknEnlighten us.

Say they up it too 105. Well, I think 105 is too low. I want it 15 degrees higher. Make it 120. Joe Schmo thinks 120 is too low. He wants it 15 degrees higher. Well, ESEA better make it 135, then.

I'm asking for 105 because it is a reasonable increase and doesn't change gameplay. Unlike petitions/threads in the past that have asked (stupidly) for 120+.

If you want to learn how the human eye works with FOV and games, watch this...essentially when you can't see peripheral vision = eyestrain/motion sickness, because it is not what our brain is used to seeing. Human eyes have a FOV of 180-200.

(skip to 2:20)


tragicOP just to help you out. My eyes hurt from time to time from even looking at a monitor. Go buy a pair of gunner optiks and problem solved. As much crap people talk about gunnars, they actually do work.

The only time my eyes ever hurt when looking at a monitor are when I play TF2 at 90 FOV.

posted about 12 years ago
#45 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
FzeroLooking at your profile page, you have the Benq monitor so you already have a 100ish FOV.

Despite that fact the game is still too zoomed in.

I feel like people in this thread do not know how the human eye works.

posted about 12 years ago
#43 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion

Why are there so many QQing faggots in this thread?

Do you think that if this was implemented you would be automatically shit on by people with 15 degree higher FOVs?

If so, then urine idiot.

posted about 12 years ago
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