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Signed Up August 16, 2012
Last Posted June 14, 2013 at 10:14 PM
Posts 282 (0.1 per day)
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#72 The 120Hz Monitor Thread in Hardware
shlanerbenq for $350 until dec 5. it was 320 for black friday.


$350 is the normal price for Canadian brahs.

posted about 12 years ago
#31 soldier jump scripts in TF2 General Discussion
dellortWhy wouldn't you just release the crouch-jump button after rocket jumping? Also your statement of being easier to hit while crouched in the air is completely untrue, the only difference it makes it that projectiles/bullets will push you around more if you are hit.

Ya know, for some odd reason, I've never actually tried doing that.

And it isn't untrue. It is much easier to airshot crouched opponents than ones who are uncrouched.

posted about 12 years ago
#25 soldier jump scripts in TF2 General Discussion
puddddSo your saying if i rj and dont let go of crouch ill be easier to hit?

Correct, I have been using a duck-jump spacebar script for a long time now...and am trying to go back to the old-fashioned way.

It's hard to go back when you've been playing a certain way for so long.

My advice to OP is to just forget about the scripts.

posted about 12 years ago
#23 soldier jump scripts in TF2 General Discussion
kacewhen you say "exact same rocket jump", is it the same because a normal player "messes up" the timing slightly on the button press on every rocket jump which alter his path slightly each time?puddddWhen you say more predictable as in the speed of your jump? You can change the speed and angle height anything, by were you look and how then you the delay from jumpcrouch to shooting.

No. What he means is when you use a "duck-jump" script, which is typically just crouch and jump bound to spacebar your jumping style becomes very predictable.

Also, your actual character model is easier to hit because he is in a crouching position while flying through the air.

If you don't juse a "duck-jump" script, then when you do your initial jump and let go of crouch, your character model has a skinny profile, meaning you are essentially standing in a straight position in the air (as opposed to crouching)...this makes you harder to airshot and makes your strafe pattern harder to predict. Also, if you hit the crouch button again while in the air (after initially releasing it) it will screw up your character model and will make you even harder for the other person to airshot you.

This is what he means.

posted about 12 years ago
#80 post your desktop in Off Topic

changes often, but always clean

dat Nujabes cover art...

I knew I recognized that.

posted about 12 years ago





Adding the HUD crosshair made me better (srs)...I never lose my crosshair in the background now.

posted about 12 years ago
#4 Logitech MX518 1600dpi in Hardware

I think you're out of luck then dude :(...

I checked some more around the net and even back in 2008 people were struggling to find the 1600DPI ones.

Maybe you should just try and get used to the new one? Or start looking at other mice? I know switching mice sucks big time...

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Logitech MX518 1600dpi in Hardware

Under description it says 'up to 1600DPI' so I assume this is the original one, like you have...

Click the used button, looks like it's around $35.


Although if it was me, I would just buy a brand new one... Can't imagine using a mouse after someone else :S

posted about 12 years ago
#24 New Mousepad/Mech Keyboard in Hardware
ompExactly; these should be roughly the same besides a few small differences. In fact, I remember reading that Filco and the QuickFire were manufactured by the same OEM. The Costar stabilisers used in these keyboards is generally considered superior to the Cherry ones used in the Leopold.

The PCB used in the CM boards are lesser quality compared to the Filco from my research.

Also, Filco or Leopold? from majestouch, a guy who owns a mechanical keyboard store and has dealt with both brands extensively.

OP would've had a amazing deal on a keyboard if he had bought during Black Friday, when it was $40.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 Buying a new computer in Hardware

Once you put in the components you just follow down the build list and it will do compatibility for you.

Definitely a good site...especially when finding the 'most highly rated' or popular component within your price-range.

posted about 12 years ago
#21 New Mousepad/Mech Keyboard in Hardware
ompI would argue that it's better than the Leopold.

Just stop bro...

It looks like you need to do some research on mechanical keyboards.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 Adding other maps to the eXtv DM servers in TF2 General Discussion

Would be sick to see new DM maps, I've never played any of the ones that were popular in the past.

Please make this happen.

posted about 12 years ago
#19 New Mousepad/Mech Keyboard in Hardware
ScrewballDecide on QuickFire Rapid and Artisan Hayate. Thank you for the suggestions everyone :)

Lol are you serious bro?

Strong terrible decision making.

What was the point of making this thread if you weren't even going to listen to the people in it? Why would you spend $90 on a sub-par keyboard when top quality (Leopold) costs the same?

pls respond...I have to know your reasoning

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Buying a new computer in Hardware


These nerds know what to do.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 To anyone considering a new PC in Hardware

I guess this is a good deal if you are really poor... that is definitely a poverty CPU and build.

You get what you pay for folks.

posted about 12 years ago
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