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Signed Up August 16, 2012
Last Posted June 14, 2013 at 10:14 PM
Posts 282 (0.1 per day)
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#26 Fyi, the 24" Asus 144Hz monitor is on sale ($270) in Hardware
the301stspartanWhy buy three? 120 hz monitors are generally lower picture quality than something like an IPS. There's no real point in having a 120 hz panel unless it's for gaming use.
I don't see why a 120hz should be of lower imagie quality thatn a 60hz, except of course if it is equally priced, which none I found is.

I want 3 because I am going to use them together for playing as well as other purposes. And to have my games neatly going over all 3 monitors, I want them to be identical. I also heard that nvidia surround is picky about monitors so I opt for them all to be equal. Especially considering that two of the three would be of a different hz rate than the center one. I don't think that would work out well.

I'm assuming you have some kind of retardedly beast mode rig to run 3 monitors at 5760x1080 @ 120Hz? I just don't see how that's going to be possible while running at good graphic's settings.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Fyi, the 24" Asus 144Hz monitor is on sale ($270) in Hardware
Rekusohow much of a difference in gameplay will this monitor do for a soldier?
i've heard it really helps out as scout

I main solly, and it helps a ton. Hell man, even as medic it helps. Every class benefits from 120Hz.

It is so worth it dude, trust me. For $265 that is an AMAZING deal. I paid $380 for my 120hz BenQ several months ago.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Fyi, the 24" Asus 144Hz monitor is on sale ($270) in Hardware
ndustIt's been $265 with free shipping here for easily over a month. It's where I got mine

Whoops, sorry didn't know about that.


267 here and you have to love the 2 day shipping

NM, didn't notice that amazon themselves are out of it

The shitty thing about Amazon is that they are charging tax in a lot of states now :(.

thrasherGod damnit now I want to buy this even tho I really don't need it...

Edit: ok is this worth it? I already have a Samsung 2233rz (22" 120hz)

I'm not familiar with that specific model but if you don't already have dual monitors I would probably do it. More convenience factor and you'll get another 2 inches ;). I am curious if it will be possible to notice the difference the extra 24Hz gives.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Fyi, the 24" Asus 144Hz monitor is on sale ($270) in Hardware

I wish I could trade my BenQ for this...


posted about 11 years ago
#12 What music do you listen to while you play? in TF2 General Discussion

Everyone needs Nujabes in their life.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 The Elder Scrolls Online beta signups open in Off Topic

Bethesda can't even create a better combat system - within a single player game - than Dark Messiah, a game that came out in 2006.

So I highly doubt their capabilities at creating a fun and innovative combat system for an MMO.

posted about 12 years ago
#16 nvidia drivers in Hardware
VirulenceI had to roll back to 306.97 on my 660Ti when using DX8 as well.

Funnily enough, when one of the flickers lasted about five seconds, I was rather pleased with the texture quality since I could clearly see straight across the map.

Heh yeah, it's pretty insane how the screwed up drivers make everything SO EASY to see because the texture colors are so bright and screwed up.

posted about 12 years ago
#12 nvidia drivers in Hardware
GeknaiirI had to go back 306.97 since apparently, everything above that update causes TF2 to flicker on DX8. If you feel like using DX9(Which will downgrade in performance but make stuff smoother), go for it.

I'm using a GTX 460 and I rolled back to the 306.97 drivers as well which fixed the issue, all drivers newer than 306.97 broke TF2 for me in DX8.

posted about 12 years ago
#23 WhitePowerJesus LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)
ekids a lil bitch would not recommend picking him up

Agree with this, kid was acting like a faggot last time I encountered him.

posted about 12 years ago
#18 Path of Exile in Off Topic

edit - all keys gone, damn that was fast

~1300 keys here (if you don't want to wait the 5 days until open beta)


posted about 12 years ago
#17 Path of Exile in Off Topic

This game is awesome.

Graphics and environments are fawking gorgeous too. I practically got a chubby when I entered some of the new zones. Also the music is scary as hell when you go to fight the first big boss. Legitimately creepy.

MaksThat's a skill city not a tree.

A skill forest ;).

U mirin my bronze kiwi bird?


Yeah, u mirin hard.

posted about 12 years ago
#18 ESEA and Europe in TF2 General Discussion

No Euros are going to want to play in ESEA.

Why would they want to give up OpenPlugin to play in a league with faggytime restrictions.

posted about 12 years ago
#39 why is fov 120 not allowed in TF2 General Discussion
LanterNI find 90 fov perfect for TF2. I don't understand why you need to have it any higher than that.

Because once you use a FOV that is 15-20 degrees higher than 90, you realize that 90 = absolute shit for a game that has movement in the Z-axis. Every competitive game with movement in the Z-axis in the past has had at least 105 FOV.

StarkI use the FOV plugin not because it helps me see more but because it makes me feel like I'm going extra speedy
It was entertaining at first but then it felt weird removing it

Location: United Kingdom

I'm jelly...Steak and kidney pies and allowed to use FOV plugin. Count your blessings bro.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 EMERGENCY in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 12 years ago
#31 why is fov 120 not allowed in TF2 General Discussion
BanaynayMarcu_ uses transparent viewmodels in his stream you could probably ask him

That's because he is using Open Plugin...

posted about 12 years ago
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