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Signed Up August 16, 2012
Last Posted June 14, 2013 at 10:14 PM
Posts 282 (0.1 per day)
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#29 why is fov 120 not allowed in TF2 General Discussion
VirulenceI think the game isn't designed with a high FoV in mind. For example, I can see a high FoV screwing over Spy plays and ninja Scout picks - pretty much anything that relies on blind spots.

Yet Europe's competitive scene proves otherwise...

posted about 11 years ago
#9 what hud does platnium use in TF2 General Discussion

FYI, the reason myself and quite a few others think Gmang's hud is 'da bes' is because of his font style and general ease on the eyes. What he does is use antialiasing on everything, which normally causes little holes and makes it look bad. (ex. the fonts aren't 100% solid) The way gmang counteracts this is to put multiple layers of the same font over each other like a stack of pancakes.

No other hud looks as polished and clean as gmang's. To all present and future hud developers: please adopt this style.


not sure if srs

gmang is the worst and ugliest hud available

posted about 11 years ago
#27 cevo only allow native tf2 files? in TF2 General Discussion

Is CEVO allowing FOV plugin?

lol @ betas minusfragging

posted about 11 years ago
#25 why is fov 120 not allowed in TF2 General Discussion
disengageThat plugin that they use is banned by ESEA. And for good reason. In my opinion, its pretty shitty that people use this. In my book, it's cheating.

Nah, there is no good reason at all.

Still waiting for someone to actually give a worthwhile reason as to why it should be banned.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 why is fov 120 not allowed in TF2 General Discussion

Da fuq?

This is not my alt.

Admin feel free to check the IP

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Getting horrible frames with a decent gpu in Hardware

Could it be that your CPU and RAM are really low spec?

posted about 12 years ago
#15 Need help getting a new CPU in Hardware
killemdeaderThat's not true, I get over 120 frames in action on any map, running 2 monitors, with one at 120hz. And my cpu is a 1156 i5, and a gtx 460 gpu.

120fps isn't good enough for 120Hz. I have an i7 2600k and the GTX 460, same monitor set up as you. When the frame rate is 200+ it is truly smooth as butter, but once it starts dipping under 200 you can definitely feel that it isn't as smooth. This is similar to how 100fps feels smoother than 60fps on 60Hz.

yuki If you were to get a gtx680 for example, you would probably get 5 frames.

lol retard pls go

posted about 12 years ago
#12 Need help getting a new CPU in Hardware
bonker450Maybe this review can help:


A little out dated but it help to compare CPUs in TF2.
The GPU is a GTX 460.

Unfortunately a 460 is not enough for TF2 anymore.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 Performance Issues in Hardware

It really is sad how much Valve have completely fucked the performance of TF2 over the course of its lifecycle.

brb needing a completely new and updated rig to play TF2 now than when the game first came out

posted about 12 years ago
#6 Gaming Music in Off Topic

- Nujabes, Shingo Nakamura, and Sunlounger are great choices for something chill.
- Netsky is some good DnB to pump you up.
- Vocal Trance/Trance in general is always good no matter what you're doing.

posted about 12 years ago
#11 mechanical keyboard switches in Hardware
ndustThe lack of feedback with reds will fuck you up if you use a crouch jump script.

umm, what?

It doesn't mess me up at all...

posted about 12 years ago
#55 Original our Regular in TF2 General Discussion
dianahe wasnt being serious you fuckin shitmaster

sarcasm doesn't usually work well through text

posted about 12 years ago
#52 Original our Regular in TF2 General Discussion
brownymasterWe need particle hacks back in. Just as easy as sound mods but way more utility.

lol...wants particle hacks back

but thinks 15 degrees more FOV is too gamechanging

logic, not even once

posted about 12 years ago
#7 Original our Regular in TF2 General Discussion

Original is better, read the thread that Spig linked.

posted about 12 years ago
#30 Xmas Torrent Help in TF2 General Discussion
svejkthere is, sadly, no way to check that they are transcodes (unless they attach log/cue, which is rare). because I'm a boring person, I generally check where the spectrals cut off in audacity to see whether the file is transcoded

i know some of these words


posted about 12 years ago
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