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SteamID64 76561198075815038
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:57774655
Country United States
Signed Up January 4, 2013
Last Posted August 31, 2013 at 10:34 PM
Posts 26 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity Normal.
Windows Sensitivity None.
Raw Input 1
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No Idea!
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Trackpad
Keyboard Built-In Keyboard
Headphones Random Headphones!
Monitor 15-inch Macbook screen.
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#180 cookie clicker [addicting web game - stay away] in Off Topic

"Why, I don't see what's the big deal with this game."

This is my progress in 8 hours.

Welp, looks like this became the half part of my life.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Every popular smashbros website got DDoS'd. in Off Topic
PizzaMy good mouse just died and I played tf2 and CS for a while with a trackpad before I borrowed a cheap wireless mouse from someone. If you can play properly with a trackpad, you are the god of dexterity. I bow before you.
And I play on a laptop (wohoo master race not really it sucks), I prefer to use a good, fancy USB mouse though.

I didn't think I'd be a god of dexterity lol, but thanks the compliment. :P

DeepIf you dont use a USB mouse you will be at a constant disadvantage. You simply cannot compete no matter how good you get with a trackpad.

LAN features some ridiculously good players. TF2 is a complicated game. You wont reach top of LAN in an afternoon. Similarly, if you find a team try to find one you can stick with. A lot of tf2 also has to do with adapting to your teammates

Definitely understandable. Thanks so much for the tip, man. I'll try to start using the mouse at some point and see how it goes for me. If I can adapt with what I'm currently using, I'm sure I'll adapt to the suggested as well. No worries.

I'll start downloading mumble in the meantime for #tf2mix. Thanks again, deep.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Every popular smashbros website got DDoS'd. in Off Topic

My post was too long, so this is my tl;dr version. I had a great midnight playing medic in 6v6 on cp_badlands, supporting my team very well. For scout in highlander on koth_viaduct, not so much. I got sticky bombed and killed by mini-sentries several times and made numerous failed flanks. I still made kills, but gosh are they hard to get with all the mess in middle of a capture point.

After tf2lobby players weren't there anymore, I killed my time playing Slender Fortress, which is by far the best mod I've ever played, even though I got scared ****less several times by that one terrifying thing with a chainsaw from killing floor.

And while I'm at it, as this is an off topic thread, here's a little off topic video that made me blush a little:

Someone had the actual guts to make a video based on the comments, especially mines, and it wasn't even perfectly good either but he sang it anyway. Gave him like for this.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Every popular smashbros website got DDoS'd. in Off Topic

I don't think I can play good with a mouse at all, but I'll try to.

cefyrinI can't imagine playing with a touchpad though.

It's actually feels easy to me. Since I'm on a 15" mac, it would look like this.

I only use two to three fingers. Index to aim, thumb to click. I'm not exactly sure how I double click but it's probably my index and middle finger. I use it very fluently after so many months, and as I already said (I think) I play pretty darn well with it.

As for the keyboards, I don't use W,A,S, and D, but the Directional Buttons on the bottom right corner. If I were to rocket jump, I would mostly use the left, barely the right, and never up, same with down. I'd use my left middle finger to jump, and immediately press the shift key with my right middle finger, along with using my left thumb to click.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Every popular smashbros website got DDoS'd. in Off Topic

I've already did. I've played tf2 since January, so there's that. Right now, it's just tf2lobby and ego servers, plus Star's nocrit server and Reddit's MGE server.

Also, I play kirby. I placed second at a local tournament in my university recently.

MrPoT4tOWell, if you keep visiting this site and you see in the upcoming events the Newbie Mixes, go join those. They are the best way to meet new people and start from the ground.

Yeah, I'll do just that. :P



Another addition, I kind of also play Medic since I was inspired by this video:

So far, I'm kind of happy with my recent progress.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Every popular smashbros website got DDoS'd. in Off Topic
LKincheloeWell hello there! Welcome to!

It would be possible to do it I think, it would depend entirely on what class you would be playing though. Which class were you thinking of playing as?

Based on what I use, it would be Scout. For backup classes, Sniper and Spy. Mostly sniper because everyone seems to know I'm a spy by the time they take one glance at me.

kaiserRegWhy did every popular smashbros site get ddos'd? Does anyone know anything behind it?

Here's link to what Alpha Zealot said. He's the owner of smashboards.

PacifistI wouldn't advise going to lan before playing a regular match

Yeah, I know. I'm far from ready for lan, but it's always nice to know about the competitive scene of it so I can prepare myself after.

LiterallyAPandaI played on a macbook pro for the first 2-3 years I played. It was an old one, and with the right settings it ran fine. I even ran the game off an old external HD, so.

Your mileage my vary, but as poorly optimized as TF2 is, you can definitely tweak settings to make it playable.

I've checked back once to talk about a little performance issue I was having with TF2, someone gave a link to another thread about how apple did such a bad job in applying thermal paste, and may be the problem with what I'm having sometimes. I'm usually scared to take apart an expensive computer though.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Every popular smashbros website got DDoS'd. in Off Topic

While they're fixing this issue, it looks like I'll have to kill some time here. I'm very interested in the Competitive TF2 scene, and I want to be a part of it. Still, I'm playing the game on a Macbook Pro.

People keep saying that it sucks and Et cetera, but it doesn't really matter to me as long as I'm enjoying the game with a great community. The one thing I like to keep thinking and questioning about though, Do you think I'm able to join a competitive LAN Tournament with my own macbook?

Sounds funny, but I seem to be wildly curious. I'm also curious if there are several people who play with a laptop, using a keyboard and a trackpad instead of a mouse, because that's what I mostly do. I just play on a trackpad and people say I'm pretty good with it. I wouldn't say I'm that good compared to many awesome people like shrugger and banny.

I'd like your thoughts though.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Nintendo 2DS in Off Topic

I know this looks weird. To be honest, it was even unexpected. But Nintendo put up a good reason, and I say, this was an interesting idea. This could help boost the sales since it has good value, and it releases the same date as Pokemon X and Y.

Also, this is aimed for kids at young age. It can cause health problems for kids that young if they use the 3D function, and the slated design is probably made to avoid the youngsters from breaking the hinges of a regular, clam-shelled 3DS. What I also find great about this is that it's also great for people at an older age who may have severe health problems with the 3D function, or for people who'd want to save their money and have a good budget.

Also, with the 50 dollar price drop on the Wii U it's great. And with the bundle? Holy shells, how is this not going help Nintendo at best? I respect Nintendo for their recent doings, because they're not just focusing on almost everybody, they're focusing on everybody. We were kids before, and kids have a wild curiosity, and curiosity makes dreams. Don't back them down and tell them to go to their rooms or sit down, let them try something new and experience it. Only if it's the right time to do so.

Another thing I'd like to point out, I believe the slated design came from the original Game Boy.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 The Smash Bros. CompTeam needs a little help here. in Off Topic

Armada is confirmed to be at EVO, guys. Sorry!

Buuuuuuut, Ken will be there as long as work doesn't stop him, so keep your hopes up.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 The Smash Bros. CompTeam needs a little help here. in Off Topic
MikeikeikeikeikeikeOfficialVinylAND NEVERMIND!!!

Looks like Nintendo already changed their minds and decided to let smash bros back in streaming.
link please?

posted about 11 years ago
#9 SSBM to not be streamed at Evo 2013 in Off Topic

I didn't realize there was another thread for this. I'm actually real glad.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 The Smash Bros. CompTeam needs a little help here. in Off Topic


Looks like Nintendo already changed their minds and decided to let smash bros back in streaming.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 The Smash Bros. CompTeam needs a little help here. in Off Topic

Give a shoutout to nintendo, and please do it in a professional manner if you're willing to help out. Me and the rest of the smash community has been waiting for smash to be on EVO, and we're already taking action into this matter by telling Nintendo what we did. We have made a siren of suggestions of putting smash on evo and proved ourselves that we are very devoted. We have made a breast cancer charity successful in the matter of hours or minutes, and now smash is being blocked from stream in return? This ain't right.

I really hope you guys can help us out in any way possible. Thanks.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Super Smash Brothers 4 trailer to be shown at E3 in Off Topic

I head rumours that the new ssb is going to called Super Smash Bros. Calamity

Honestly, Strife sounds better, but I can't wait for e3. Hypehypehypehype.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Deus Ex: The Fall in Off Topic


How swell.

posted about 11 years ago
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