I post it here if you want even tho it doesn't really concern americans players :
I would like to add that if you consider me as cancerous, you’re totally wrong :
First of all, you created a total fake team fortress 2, 6on6, by only considering a compo as 2 scouts, 2 soldiers 1 demo and 1 medic, and not even thinking about how you should you play these classes to make them strong (That’s why some players can’t be good at this game because they’re getting stuck to play 1 of these classes). we’ve been playing this league for a long time now, 10 years, 1 META, and you don’t even understand it. On top of that, people are mistaken on their way to improve : people now prefers to know how to airshots rather than understand why an airshot is important to hit at the right time and not all time, how to aim down 3 players while rushing, rather than playing around his mobility as scout ( #JustAboutDealing-3FromFarAwayWithYourScatterGun ), all those people thinks more about improve their personal performance and they learn in a bad way because it is supposed to be “how you play” (Fragmovie, interest for logs.tf…).
And what about winning games ? Stop shittalk your team and learn from your mistakes. But now what is most important is to go prem, for personal interest just to show that “you’re prem”, teams are dropping everywhere, they’re not getting better and that sucks. Now in grand finals (even in mid, big up to ringo squad) people are playing too safe, too dangerous to push and that shows how teamplay is not developed enough in 10 years of gaming. Why NA > EU, my answer : ETF2L’s mentality and spirit. People prefers to run conch’s and shit, counter-sack instead of winning the game, they’re just afraid to lose and that’s an idiot mentality.
Now back at pyro : The thing is that i made for you guys an alternative gameplay, that is not difficult to have, only by gamesens and positionning, doing well as a generalist. Valve gave us that because it can allow people who likes pyro to be good at 6’s but they can’t because of tiny nerds who just prefer to the game the way it is ( hello pugchamp admins). I will not remind you that a growing competitive game have to look from casual to pro the same way, Now Valve’s in, people’s out because of those people.
Why don’t we change those people then ? I tried, i failed, community tried, community fails.
because of 50iq nerds that try to be good somewhere in their life.
Hope that you find it interesting and you’ll tell me how wrong i am.
edit : Why would i talk on tftv, when i’m talking about europeans, tbh i don’t give a damn about americans, they have their own meta, and it's not related between them