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Country France
Signed Up November 5, 2014
Last Posted July 11, 2023 at 7:31 AM
Posts 358 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.5
Windows Sensitivity 1
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Steelseries Rival 100
Keyboard Steeseries 6Gv2
Mousepad Asus ROG GM50
Headphones Headphone
Monitor Asus Strix XG258
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#233 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

My personal feedback would be mostly around dragon's fury, I've been trying this weapon a lot in pug, and i compared it a lot with stock, as i mainly play pyro in 6's, i can say first it has bugs :
There's some problems of hit detection way more than no damage rockets and shit ( Happened to me around 2-3 times a game)
Then it is not op at all, i would even say underpowered : The fact that you have to aim instead of just spreading flames is very punishing, i've been playing pyro as a substitute of pocket soldier and when it comes to defend your medic, i'd rather just flame the guy than missing my shots and let my medic die. Then, just realize that what makes the pyro that good is also airblast, i'm not saying that it's the most important part to have an impact as pyro but surely it is an ability that allows you to do perfect plays instead of good plays or ok plays, having that nerf airblast may be why i would not use that weapon.
This weapon only becomes interesting when it comes to push a last with full ad for me, but as i'm saying, my pyro's gamestyle is more defensive and protect the medic than ambush and flank things so i could not help you on that in terms of experience, just ask Gazy

then thermal thruster is useless for me, detonator is ,first, too important to have to deal consistent damage and then, why do use a weapon that gives the same things as a deflected rocket jump (ok it can't always happen but you can still do it without this weapon so for me it's useless).

Finally Gas passer can be interesting but only in certain situation, like i imagine thorwing it on the pack while your roamer is sacking for med, must generaly to begin a fight, it can be huge, but at the cost of not having a secondary, which is huge.

To conclude, those 3 weapons can be allowed, certainly not overpowered for me

posted about 7 years ago
#11 240hz issues in Hardware

Edit : for those who has optimus like me, i tried the software CRU to create custom resolutions and i managed to get 215hz, i tried over but i can't do 220hz, it just makes my monitor black screen,

Thx Setsul !

posted about 7 years ago
#8 240hz issues in Hardware
vipercan hdmi carry enough bandwidth for 240hz at 1920x1080?

if so, i would try to replicate the problem by using hdmi

Only HDMI 2.0, but i suppose that my hdmi entrance is not 2.0

MilanI would have suggested putting the money you spent on that monitor towards building a desktop. I used to play on a laptop connected to a monitor and all it did was cause problems. I don't believe you'll be able to get over 144hz with your current setup.

Obviously not in 6's or hl, but i do have min 300 fps in ultiduo / mge, so that's cool enough

posted about 7 years ago
#6 240hz issues in Hardware
WRmaybe you don't have a good enough cable?

I'm not that sure of my display port version, but i'm pretty sure that it can shows 240hz @1920x1080

posted about 7 years ago
#5 240hz issues in Hardware
Jw321123make sure the monitor itself is set to 240hz? (though monitor settings)

There is no option in the monitor settings to change frequency

posted about 7 years ago
#1 240hz issues in Hardware


Yesterday i just received a 240hz monitor : Asus xg258
But the issue that i have is that i can't set it to 240hz, i connected it through display port and the best frenquency that i can get is 144hz (1920x1080).
My laptop is a Asus g551JM with Optimus technology, so my monitor is connected to my intel graphics 4600 graphic card and i can't set my monitor to be connected at my GTX860M, which only has in its panel "3D settings".
The weird thing is that when i go to my intel graphics panel -> Option and assistance -> Information center -> Numeric display XG258, it shows that it can allows "1920x1080 (240p Hz)"
Does someone know if it's only because intel hd graphics can't afford 240hz or i just did something wrong ?

posted about 7 years ago
#46 What do you LOVE about tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
-protoI hate pyros

I like pyro

posted about 7 years ago
#15 ETF2L S28 GF: SVIFT vs. Ascent.EU in Matches

5vs5 + 2 grand final hype

posted about 7 years ago
#251 Post in this thread and I will compliment you in Off Topic
cp_process_final1vecc, you cant compliment olgha

only the impossible is the impossibility

posted about 7 years ago
#247 Post in this thread and I will compliment you in Off Topic

Hey i'm a pyro main in 6's

posted about 7 years ago
JynxiiOlghaJynxiiits less about the rules and more about 90% of the players you've ever played with on pugchamp actually hate youCool bro, but real players are talking right nowyou could actually explain to me why im wrong but you decide to insult me instead? You're a high player who literally went to mid to stomp players with this perma pyro strat and you start preaching about a new meta while you ruin pugs for 9 other people.

Because you're right, peoples hate me, but why would i care ? I don't want to make friends people that i don't see in my life. Then yes, i'm a high player, i played soldier in high grands finals S27 and i lost, there was also yak who played mid in his mainclass during playoffs, he lost. Then Ringo squad, with for example Vouri who has 10x your level, he also lost. Those people tried their best to counter me, and it was not about dm skills, they really wanted to win. Now just wait next season to get an official against me and lose, or be brave and try to scrim my team now. The more you wait, the more my pyro will be viable, because i'm just starting to learn this class

posted about 7 years ago
Jynxiiits less about the rules and more about 90% of the players you've ever played with on pugchamp actually hate you

Cool bro, but real players are talking right now

posted about 7 years ago
gemmpyro is aids to play against and it would be fairly aids to play as in its current state for most players

it's something that requires effort and a bit of coordination to counter which isnt good for pugs, and a good pyro/sniper could easily take over the pug on some maps, hence it's banned

yes the current 6s meta is contrived (unlocks are banned to make other classes not become generalists) but for good reasons. having a fulltime heavy/sniper would be shitty to play as/against, while the current generalists are for the most part fun (mainly because of movement imo)

We're talking about a competitive game, not minecraft bro
I know that's aid to play against, but it's working well and what matters to me is to win, not having fun -> Basic competitive game. And as a cameraman, do you prefer to watch a an active game running pyro, or teams that just don't want to lose and runs unlocks just to make the game longer as it's been for nearly 33% ETF2L's existence. Also current generalists are "fun" ?! Beam-scouts ? Stickys traps ? random spam ? Sync ? It is "fun" only because you just know the game like this, even tho there's plenty of possibilities in this game. finally, why coordination wouldn't be good in pugs ?

An uber asks for coop, a push asks for coop, every calls that you're making is for coop, If you think that coop isn't good for pugs, then play a lobby with no communication. Are you guys just frozen in time for 10 years now ?

Fun -> tf2center (no comms)
Competitive games that improve your gameplay more -> Pugchamp (comms)

lettoi think wanting to develope the meta is a good thing but you can't do this in pugs because of the lack of coordination and incentive to try to win, most players would rather get done with a game playing against pyro fast than try to counter him together
this has nothing to do with being stuck up 6s players rather than how fun and rewarding playing against pyro isn't compared to other classes
you can play it in leagues all you want, no rule to forbid it, also there you will force anyone wanting to win your division to counter your play therefore "developing the meta"

Well, it is written in the rules of pugchamp that you have to do your best to win, i'm just following the rules.
if people can't try their best in pugs, they should just get ban because of this rule. I like to have fun as well, if we play a mix, i'll be certainly glad just to play and having fun while trying some shitty plays. But as soon as it's competitive game, as it is written on pugchamp where you have to do you best to win, what's the point telling me that because people are unable to coordinate against me, i should not play that way. That's how things work bruh, if you want to have to have greater time and having fun, just create a website pugfun.tf and leave the games to people that want to improve on their weaknesses.

posted about 7 years ago
Doom14hpI'd bet a fiver that full time pyro is perfectly viable in top invite atm even if it's just a consequence of how aids the flames areAs long as there is a scout alive you'll get shredded before even getting to a fighting distance, not to mention stickies which are not that easy to avoid either. And closing the distance with jetpack is not viable also because of the long switch time. The only thing that changed is pyro dps and slightly more range, but the main issue is still here - pyro can't close the distance.

I'd bet it's not viable.

It's not about closing the distance that is interesting as pyro, you just have to pressure them, and you can do it long range with detonator, and i also invite you to download my demos if you want to have a quick idea of what it would be like to run pyro in 6's, because ofc i haven't arleady learnt all the mechanics yet, i'm a 6's main

posted about 7 years ago
GlastryEt j'attend que tu passes chez moi pour les 30€ :D

Oui c'est vrai :D

posted about 7 years ago
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