BLoodSire"Doesn't deserve a spot in comp play," is a throw away phrase. We need to think long and carefully about what gets banned because of imbalance as opposed to what gets banned because of annoyance. For years "annoyance" has been winning as far as the ban list is concerned. It's what originally kept the boston bashed banned. It's why people always fall back on "ban heavy" cries. With MM on the way, the community should be looking less to ban current legal items unless they are causing a significant change to the 6v6 meta. Let's be real, the loose cannon is not. If a team's demo can use it to deny an uber, great job for him, that works into the meta. It doesn't cut it.
I guess "doesn't deserve a place in comp" is a bad way to say it. They way it currently works doesn't deserve a place in comp. I have next to no issue with knockback, what I do take issue with is walking through a choke and getting double donked randomly and dropping because of it. This type of play doesn't reward skill, it just rewards spamming cannonballs while hoping you hit someone at the right distance.
At least randomly hitting a pipe doesn't do 140+ damage in addition to sending them flying with the mini-crit. If the double donk was removed and the only advantage was the knockback, I would be completely ok with it.
Hell, raise the damage up to normal pipe levels, that wouldn't bother me either, but the randomness of the double donk is just silly.