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Signed Up June 21, 2013
Last Posted October 13, 2013 at 5:57 AM
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#4 High FPS in Q/A Help

How do people get 2,000 fps? I barely get 30

posted about 11 years ago
#2 selling a zowie am in Hardware

Didn't you buy this from someone else on a month ago? Why don't you like it?

posted about 11 years ago
#41 VINE Videos in Off Topic
2ci find it strange that ur all bashing vines and probably look at gifs all the time(1995 vines)

Vine's aren't on an infinite loop

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Demo Smoothing FIX! ** in TF2 General Discussion
drakSolidSpeerlaiyeToastyTHTDeepwho uses demoui to open demos?Who doesn't?I didn't even know that you could open demos with demoui lolYou seriously never saw the "load" button?

It can also be varying efficiency with either method. Say you're using prec and want to record bookmarks, you simply highlight the name of the demo, and can easily use only text to "playdemo demoname", console is quicker than opening demoui, loading, and pasting into the filename box.

Alternatively, you know what demo you want, but don't know the name? Demoui's GUI is much more efficient.

No hate to either method, but knowledge of both is the preferred variant.

Pretty sure stock hud doesn't have a load button, and some custom huds do

posted about 11 years ago
#8 300 sandwiches for the engagement ring in Off Topic

A relationship centered on food won't last forever.

Especially when food scarcity goes up

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Star Fortress 64 in Off Topic

Soon, no one will buy gmod and everyone will use TF2

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Charter Internet in SoCal in Off Topic

socal dsl extreme

300kb/s down 40kb/s up unlimited

really cheap, decent ping, downloading is hell tho

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Subtraction Turning Machine in Off Topic

So for CS we need to make a turning machine that does subtraction of whole numbers to result in whole numbers.

I made a code, but the teacher said it was wrong.

The format is in <Statecurrent, Symbol, Statenext, Action>

Any tips?

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Selling some stuff in Hardware

How much for the 260 and does it have 2 way sli support? If its pretty cheap I'll hook it onto the second graphics card slot on my motherboard and run it with a 5450

posted about 11 years ago
#10 The Keyboard Thread (last updated Sep. 24, 2013) in Hardware
MR_SLINI got my leopold here:
@7 I prefer Browns. I like the feel, and it's a good middle-ground between Blues and Reds

Try clears or ergo clears. Browns feel really mushy after using clears.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Please recommend me a good keyboard/mouse in Hardware
nestoG500 and any keyboard.

You can easily find an old mechanical keyboard such as an IBM, Wyse or something like that in any flea for like 5bucks.

G500 has a lazer sensor with built in accel

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Please recommend me a good keyboard/mouse in Hardware
AndKennethG400 + Coolermaster keyboard of your choice.

Won't break the bank and it will be very nice.

G400 is about $40, and a CM board will be around $60.

Definitely cheaper than my latest purchase, the WASD CODE, for 175 shipped and taxed

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Please recommend me a good keyboard/mouse in Hardware
Niko_JimsAlright, DA it is for mouse (at least it looks and sounds fine).

What is this stuff about a switch sampler for a keyboard? Never heard of it before.

Mechanical keyboards have a shit ton of different switches, each with a different feel and activation force.
The switch sampler is used to pick your favorite one

Also get the DA black, it doesn't use synapse, and synapse is one of the worst drivers ever

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Please recommend me a good keyboard/mouse in Hardware

For mice, are you palm or claw grip?

If claw, get the zowie fk or am

If palm, either DA(no 2013 version, synapse is shit) g400s(I'm pretty sure they fixed the problems, but as long as you still have the original receipt, they will replace broken mice). Other than that, get the zowie ec1 evo.

For the keyboard, either go all in or a cheap one. If you can't afford a 60ish dollar Cooler Master Quick Fire Rapid or any of the other CM storm mechanical keyboards which go on sale frequently, just buy a $10 logitech rubber membrane keyboard, and use that until you save enough for a mechanical.

If you do go down the path of a mechanical, first buy a switch sampler to pick your switch of choice. Buy the WASD sampler, and figure out which one you like the best.

But generally speaking, reds are best for gaming(get blacks if you have strong fingers) blues are best for typing (get greens if you have strong fingers) and browns for in between (clears for stronger fingers)

If you want the keyboard now, for reds:
$40 after 20 MIR

and browns
$60 after 15 MIR

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Please recommend me a good keyboard/mouse in Hardware
MurowFor mouses, anything mentioned above is really good.
As for a keyboard, This is a really good mechanical keyboard for the price, considering most mechanical keyboards are at least $80 plus .

I wouldn't get this board. Looking at the product description and everything else there, I can't tell what kind of switch it uses, which is a pretty big deal. Even shitty 35 dollar mechs have the switch kind listed.

posted about 11 years ago
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