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Last Posted November 8, 2020 at 10:12 PM
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#2 cp_sbeve (formerly cp_bluff) in Map Discussion

Also, because those screenshots aren't up to date, and because this is not an a1, I'll repost the changelog for a2:

Show Content
-Cap time changes:

Last: 2 -> 4; Was commonly brute-forced for cap, too easy
Second: 7 -> 6; Assist defending team with recaps slightly
Mid: 10 -> 8; Encourage being on point by not having to cap as long

-Added net thing off sides of mid bridge to better shield players under bridge from players overhead, as well as give a jump route from side buildings
-Added small healths under point as mid was lacking health
-Removed middlemost doorway into mid and made immediate preceding doorway larger
-Shifted mid/second chokes over + added wooden thing to block disgusting sightlines
-Replaced dropdown into second with simple balcony
-Adjusted rightmost room into last to block sightlines better
-Added computer rack to leftmost entrance to last also to block sightlines
-Removed extra hallway in secret
-Removed extra hallway around last shutter
-Added various means of seeing into other rooms to reduce hiding/OP flanks (windows, grates, etc)
-Reduced or outright removed several packs around the map
-Fixed clipping and rendering issues
-idk what else lol

-Keep a close eye on lower exit from last spawn; adjust if needed to nerf engineers and demos
-Find opportunities to shrink map where needed (I measured, and the map is actually both not as long and not as wide as Granary, though that's not saying much; still feels too big in many places)"
posted about 4 years ago
#1 cp_sbeve (formerly cp_bluff) in Map Discussion

Decided to make a thread for this at the same time I made one on the beta RGL forums.

Used to be cp_bluff, decided to take it back into my hands more than a year later.
Current version: A2
Screenshots are in the tf2maps thread (though they're not quite up to date yet)

tf2maps thread: here
download: here

posted about 4 years ago
#44 payload-neo discord bot in Projects

website seems to be having cloudflare issues or something, not sure if it affects everyone or just some people

posted about 4 years ago
#6 cp_21gorge in Map Discussion
Gritomaimagine what the hud looks like with all these points

funny you say that, mikro also made a thread on tf2m on how he got it all to work

posted about 4 years ago
#38 cp_metalworks Official Feedback Thread Mark 2.0 in Map Discussion
MankyFuck this burger map

do you want anyfing from macdondald


posted about 5 years ago
#2 cp buff (formerly cp_bluff) in Map Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#25 CP_CHAD [5cp] in Map Discussion

just have a nearly endless loop of granary/gullywash dropdown combos that end with a vent dropdown into the intel room of pro turbine, where you can never leave because you've fallen into hell

posted about 6 years ago
#19 cp_bluff in Map Discussion

probably because the smiley face links to a scam website

posted about 6 years ago
#15 cp_bluff in Map Discussion

Updated to B1. There was also an A5 and A6 that got updated too rapidly to update properly on the tf2maps page.

A lot of stuff changed from A4 to B1, including new routes, new forward spawn exits, a bunch of minor geometry tweaks, and, of course, beginning detailing, including a dope aurora particle in the skybox thanks to exactol/fubar.

posted about 6 years ago
#24 koth_ordinance in Map Discussion

Fixed issues found by HOI

posted about 6 years ago
#14 koth_ordinance in Map Discussion

1. The original reason for the one-way shutter was because, in previous testing, without the shutter being there, the enemy team would frequently abuse the stairway room. So far it's the most eloquent way I could think of (for now) to make the stair rooms far more oriented towards the team that side of the map belongs to.
2. Fair enough. I noticed that some of the routes out of the team houses weren't used very often as well, which may or may not contribute to that feeling, not entirely sure myself.
3. Testing seemed to show the mid being very back and forth across practically every version. I can see where you're coming from though due to the point being indoors and there being a lot of small doorways and passages. Almost 0 good koth maps have indoor mids with highground that close to the objective. There's been practically no precedent for a good indoor koth point yet, so who knows?
4. The reason for the eight or so entrances into the mid room (and the highround/point setup) was my attempt to circumvent the problems that typically plague indoor koth mids. Maps like Suijin and Harvest have incredibly claustrophobic mid rooms with highground that is either difficult to access or easy to control by the team that owns the point, and very few entrances, leading to some serious chokes. I did the aforementioned things in hopes of giving both teams a fair chance of manipulating the highground regardless of who owns the point and to eliminate some of the chokiness/claustrophobia. Seems however that I might not have it up to par just yet.

I see where you're coming from with a lot of those points and partially agree with some of them, the above is just my explanations for why the map is currently how it is (and how it will end up is always subject to change).

posted about 6 years ago
#11 koth_ordinance in Map Discussion

Kinda piggybacking off of Hyce when I say this, but I'd love to hear what the folks at ETF2L thought of Ordinance during the pre-season cup.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 cp_bluff in Map Discussion

Updated to A4, new screens and changelog on TF2Maps:

posted about 6 years ago
#13 cp_workflow (5cp) in Map Discussion

you should borrow yrzzy's ring capture point hologram for that new mid since the point hologram would be hidden by the water tank
looks fantastic so far otherwise

posted about 6 years ago
#6 cp_bluff in Map Discussion

Updated to A3a, where the connecting ramp in the last lobby is now wider, so you can use it without triggering the shutter door nearby.

posted about 6 years ago
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