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Signed Up December 16, 2013
Last Posted July 26, 2017 at 8:35 PM
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#327 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization

I have a problem where one of the VPK files are messing with the color of cosmetics making them white, does anyone know which ones it is?
I used the VPK files from the folders: "breaks in sv_pure," "defaults in sv_pure," and "works differently in sv_pure."


posted about 7 years ago
#6 Problems? in Q/A Help
No_sirI downloaded Brosel HUD still no improvement on showing my tours, and same problems.
And it still has that Unknown thing at the bottom of the weapons.

Brosel HUD is not updated. There are different versions though.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 OhU_hud in Customization

Very nice HUD :)! Well done :).

posted about 10 years ago
#5 How to change the Title of the Hud or remove? in Customization
Chrom3w0lfHUDASIscariote\materials\vgui\replay\thumbnails\mainmenu_image is the file to edit i believe

Thank you.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 How to change the Title of the Hud or remove? in Customization
redrocket4Dont copy other peoples work(?)

I'm editing the HUD, I really like this HUD, but I wanted to make a Community HUD for my favorite tf2 community.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 How to change the Title of the Hud or remove? in Customization

Hey everyone. I want to edit the HUDAS ISCARIOTE HUD and make it my own HUD, but the thing is, Idk how to change the Titled Part. Not Sure how to explain it, but here's a picture of it

If not possible to change it then maybe remove it?

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Team colored text in a HUD in Customization

Is it that hard to just look at the side of the player's name?

(TEAM) player: Spy on point!

EDIT: Nvm this isn't what he was talking about.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 ImagineHUD [Incomplete] in Customization
ZimmyParagon_1Really neat HUD, Love the font :). But here's a suggestion: Can you maybe move the ammo is the right a little? I love the HUD and I'll try it out, but maybe move the ammo box to the right :/ ?
Hudlayout.res, HudWeaponAmmo. Increase the xpos.

Okay thank you Zimmy :D

posted about 10 years ago
#23 ImagineHUD [Incomplete] in Customization

Really neat HUD, Love the font :). But here's a suggestion: Can you maybe move the ammo is the right a little? I love the HUD and I'll try it out, but maybe move the ammo box to the right :/ ?

posted about 10 years ago
#7 KSHUD in Customization

This.... is sexy!

posted about 10 years ago
#16 How to get a transparent health bar/cross? in Q/A Help

Can we move on about my name lol? I just want to know how to get a transparent Health bar like in the Broselhud.

PlatypusHe uses the replay thumbnail glitch to use custom images.

Btw, replay thumbnail glitch? How do I set that to be the health bar?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 How to get a transparent health bar/cross? in Q/A Help

Hey everyone! I was wondering how does brosel make his health bar transparent. I would use his hud but it's outdated. I'm currently using a customized brosel hud, but it doesn't have the transparent crosshair. Can someone please tell me how to make it transparent?

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Did the Garm3n HUD Stop Updating? in Customization
GetawhaleDude has 30+ HUDs and.. I don't hold out any hope on him keeping them all up to date.

Which is terrible because I love a few of his HUDs.

He overextended.

You do have a point. I think that he's working on the 2014 HUD.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Did the Garm3n HUD Stop Updating? in Customization

Hey everyone. I'm using the Garm3n HUD currently. And I was wondering if it stopped updating?
I haven't seen any updates lately. I've looked in the thread and the steam group. What happened to it?

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Shooting rockets without clicking? in Q/A Help

Do you have a mouse that has button on the sides and you keep holding on them without noticing? Or did you enable +attack in console? If you did try -attack.

posted about 11 years ago
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