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Last Posted January 5, 2016 at 7:58 PM
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#6 Better TF2Center (Desktop Notifications + Other) in TF2 General Discussion
drakAnybody have a preference between Requestly and PourBico?

I'm trying to keep my Chrome usage low

Both achieve the same thing, use whichever browser you prefer.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Better TF2Center (Desktop Notifications + Other) in TF2 General Discussion

Hey all, people have said others will find this useful so I'm gonna release it. It's a modified script for Tf2Center's site which has a few different features. Namely, it implements desktop notifications when a lobby gets created that matches your filters. This desktop notification can then be clicked and it will open a new tab to that specific lobby page. It also removes the debugging spam sent to the developer console. Here is a screenshot of the notifications, may not be exact depending upon updates, check bottom of post for update notes:

The script works by overriding tf2center's default script with my modified version, this can be accomplished by using a web request redirect to change the path from their server to a remote server. This is done easiest using a browser extension or a desktop application such as Fiddler, but I've found 'Requestly' a chrome extension or 'PourBico' a firefox addon works very well and is simple to setup. I'll detail how to use both extensions below.

Requestly method:

  1. Install Requestly here
  2. Click icon added to menu bar, in new window click the green and white + icon (top right)
  3. Select Redirect Request tile
  4. Type a name for the rule and make sure the drop down menu says 'Contains'
  5. Paste 'assets/javascript/script.min.js' into the Source URL textbox minus the quotes
  6. Paste '' into the Destination textbox
  7. Click Save and make sure it is set to active
  8. You are done, go to tf2center, should work!

PourBico method:

  1. Install PourBico here
  2. Click the penguin (?) icon added to the menu bar
  3. A popup window will open with all the GET/POST requests made since opening the popup (if any)
  4. Click clear and load tf2center in a tab, wait for the site to fully load
  5. Scroll down the list until you find a GET request that contains ''
  6. Click the down arrow beside that request and select 'Replace with URL'
  7. Paste '' into the textbox that appears and click outside of the textbox to save
  8. You can close this popup window now and it should work!

It's as simple as that. You should now get desktop notifications upon a lobby being created, you will also get notifications when you first loading the page for all current lobbies. Firefox is a bit buggy though and sometimes won't show the lobbies upon loading the page, but the rest of the functionality works.

There is other things you can do by modifying the script such as removing the 'players online list' as tf2center spams your client everytime a user logs in/logs out even if you are not on the main page, should reduce network usage a bit (very minor), you can also increase the 'ready up timer' from 3 minutes to virtually anything. I won't say how to do those unless its highly requested as I don't think Tf2Center would appreciate me removing/editing core features of their site.

Edit: Added more information + Screenshot..

Quick reminder about any updates I make, since it works by using pastebin, I will just update the same pastebin each time. Therefore you will receive updates as soon as you refresh your page.


  • Added Country to notification


  • Added notifications for sub slots
posted about 9 years ago
#15 Source Engine Console Parser in Projects
deetrDoes the game log events before they in game happen or at the same time? For example, could I read messages in chat and filter them by changing hud_saytext_time? I only ask because I know a lot of Unity games log events as soon as they are called instead of when the code actually executes.

Outputs at same time to console.

Updated git and download link with proper references for KeyPressLibrary.dll, just place in running directory now, sorry!

komorebiIs there any console output when you take damage? If so you could potentially have a hud element that pops up when you have crit heals and disappears when you lose them.

I'm currently looking into a way to see which elements can have the "command" "xyz" attached to it, regarding hud elements. If I figure out a way to do that then it would be possible. Otherwise no.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Source Engine Console Parser in Projects
Not_MatlockCould it also be used like a crosshair switcher but for HUD crosshairs as opposed to the custom crosshairs?

Could this also mean that crosshairs could actually be triggered by what weapon is equipped rather than by the frequently inaccurate butt on press method used by the other crosshair switchers currently available?

I'll try to answer the rest later but I've got to go to work right now, deetr is doing a good job anyway, thanks!

Yeah it can be used to change HUD crosshairs, just create a backup of your hud's resources/scripts and edit the hudlayout.res or wherever your xHairs are then run the parser command. As for changing crosshair per weapon, I don't recommend it due to the slight freezing that occurs when you reload hud.


Look forward to seeing what you do with this

Also forgot to change reference on KeyPressLibrary from my private version of this. For now you will need to copy KeyPressLibrary.dll to C:\ Oops...I'll fix it later

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Source Engine Console Parser in Projects
Not_MatlockThinking of some possible uses, this could be used to play a sound for whenever you get a kill.

Could it potentially be used to track which players are alive? I know people have wanted to be able to play with the scoreboard enabled during normal gameplay to see who is up and who is dead. Could this enable/disable hud elements when players die or are spawned?

Could this potentially be a way around using the wait command in certain scripts?

You can use the mp_showrespawntimes command to show a rough idea when players spawn. I have tried to implement that + tracking when players die a long time ago, to no success. I might try again though. It is possible using this command in conjunction with this program, just I'm not sure to the accuracy of it.

As for playing a sound when you kill someone, you can modify one line of the SmileyBinder.cs. To do that change the Program.ExecuteIngame("say =)"); to Program.ExecuteIngame("playsound <whatever>");

As for bypassing wait commands, you are better off using AutoHotkey or similar but you could do it with this program; but it's much less work to use AHK.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Source Engine Console Parser in Projects

People suggested I post here, original thread here,

Hello friends from afar this project is a console parser for all Source Engine based games it uses the inbuilt log commands and reads that information to execute commands in-game and out without hooking into the game at all, so no chance of VAC. I'm not sure about ESEA Client but I assume it should be fine since it only reads the log file the game outputs. (Please confirm)

Taken from the project's git wiki


This repository provides an easily extensible Source Engine console parser capable of reading all output from the in-game console and sending commands to the game. At the time of writing there are four example extensions:

1. An example extension to show the basic usage to create your own (Extensions\ParserExtended.cs)
2. An auto-spectate extension (Extensions\AutoSpec.cs) that will automatically send you spectate when the console outputs spec; useful for pugs where spec is called and you don't want to play medic
3. A silly extension that smiley binds every time you get a frag (Extensions\SmileyBinder.cs)
4. A dynamic hud switcher (Extensions\HudSwitcher.cs) which can be used for various uses such as using a different hud per class (including a different hud crosshair), changing between a spectator hud and a normal hud and whatever else.

These extensions are aimed towards Team Fortress 2, but any Source Engine game will work such as Counter-Strike Global Offensive, Left 4 Dead etc and just scrape the surface of what is possible. I'll let you figure out some interesting uses for this, I've gotta keep some secrets :+1:


Basic usage is as follows, the arguments sent to the exe tell the program which cs files to compile (don't include the extension on the end it assumes .cs for all files). Please note, extensions should be placed in the running directory of the application. Eg. "SourceEngineConsoleParser.exe SmileyBinder AutoSpec" Would compile both the SmileyBinder and AutoSpec extensions and use both of them. If arguments aren't provided it writes the engine output to its own console.

How to use AutoSpec
Start the exe with AutoSpec as a command line argument, and ingame type _parser_autospec_enabled_. You should get a message saying Parser > Auto-spectate enabled in the in-game console. From there on it will auto-spectate you whenever it detects 'spec' in the console. Quite a basic way to do autospec but can be extended easily if needed.

How to use SmileyBinder
Same as above but replace with SmileyBinder in the arguments and ingame type, _parser_shittalk_enabled_. You will get a confirmation message in the in-game console. It will then smiley bind every kill you get. Enjoy..

How to use HudSwitcher
This one requires more user actions than the others so make sure you follow the instructions completely or it will delete your hud. To change hud you can type _echo parser_hudswitcher_changehud \path relative to running directory\_. Please note a hud_default should always be placed in the running directory containing a backup of your resource/scripts folder. Upon game close the program will attempt to restore this hud back into your custom folder.

For example if you wish to have a separate hud for scout, you would put in your scout.cfg _echo parser_hudswitcher_changehud \hud_scout\_. Upon going scout it will replace the hud and reload the hud for you. It is then recommended you place _echo parser_hudswitcher_changehud \hud_default\_ into the other class configs to swap back when you change class.

One more thing to note is that ClientScheme.res and SourceScheme.res in \resource\ cannot be changed without restarting your game. Therefore if you wish to use completely different huds, you will need to merge these files together for every hud you wish to use, or they will not work correctly.

The base program does automatically update your autoexec (it only appends never overwrites) with the required commands to make itself work. It should never corrupt your autoexec, but just in-case make a backup of it. You have been warned.

Go here for more information.

Not sure if I'm allowed to post download links but it's here

posted about 9 years ago