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Signed Up October 8, 2017
Last Posted April 16, 2019 at 10:58 AM
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#120 ChillyMGE: New MGE Map in TF2 General Discussion
EemesJust want to point out that as someone who has spent many hours grinding out solly vs solly on blands mid and spire, there is actually a lot of utility in trying out other arenas that this excellent map offers - specifically process spire is actually very interesting for the solly vs solly matchup, and much more entertaining than playing the same old /add 4 again and again as the map actually requires you to think a bit about what rockets to go for as opposed to just going through the motions on a map you've played so many times it's automatic.

Thanks for the support! :)

Another update to the map

- fixed clippings in granary middle and propaganda middle
- updated temple knockout to be open
- removed sunshine temporarily due to issues
- updated config for ammomod mge to be 300 hp by default

Download Link:

posted about 5 years ago
#118 ChillyMGE: New MGE Map in TF2 General Discussion
coyo_geezerwhy dont u just have it like all the other mge maps and have it at 300?

I pretty much copy paste configs for most of those areas and dont really pay much attention to the values since people change it anyway, maybe the wrong value slipped in while pasting for ammomd.

Will change it to 300 hp by default in next config version, you can also ask the owner of the server you play in to change it.

posted about 5 years ago
#116 ChillyMGE: New MGE Map in TF2 General Discussion
coyo_geezerwhys ammomod mge and counter jump only 200hp? pointless at those values.

Normal ammomod has high HP so ammomod mge has normal mge hp.
Counterjump's HP is fixed in new final4_fix config

posted about 5 years ago
#114 ChillyMGE: New MGE Map in TF2 General Discussion


Update with a bunch of fixes for final4 version

- fixed clippings in badlands spire
- fixed sunshine and process having invisible walls
- readded 2nd product middle and metalworks middle
- reduced lighting intensity in granary middle


posted about 5 years ago
#112 ChillyMGE: New MGE Map in TF2 General Discussion

Hello People,

Major update to the MGE map after a long time

- fixed clipping issues in badlands middle and spire, sunshine middle and reckoner middle
- added propaganda middle and logjam middle
- removed few duplicate areas
- updated amphi and reckoner
- changed overall lighting

Download Link:

posted about 5 years ago
#111 ChillyMGE: New MGE Map in TF2 General Discussion
rmmp_timelimit seems not working on this map.
i need to restart my server automatically to prevent lags, can you suggest some decision?

Does not seem to be an issue with the map, it seems to work fine for me and some others, if you are still having issues then hit me up in steam and I can look into it.

posted about 6 years ago
#107 ChillyMGE: New MGE Map in TF2 General Discussion
Alfiekeep it up PepperKick we all love what you're doing

Thank you for the support! :)

Quick Update
- fixed spawn issue in baloo 2 and ammomod midair
- fixed a typo

Download Link:

posted about 6 years ago
#12 ChillyDM: New FFA way to DM in TF2 General Discussion
gemmfelt quite fun for me actually even on demo. your kills get stolen more often, but theres way more stuff to shoot and it feels like you get focused more often though. im sure its easier to "game" by standing on the edge of the fight constantly but whatever
  • player collision would be nice, you've probs taken this into account since you disable pushaway though. i guess it requires plugin work
  • not seeing player's health would be cool, but not super important. again i guess requires plugin work
  • having a working scoreboard (no minus kills when you kill a teammate) would again be cool but not super important

I have implemented first and third with next version, 2nd point though I think is kinda not possible to do as the health and player info shown are in client side's hud, but I will try to find a solution.

New update
Changelog v1.0.1
- Player collision auto enables along with FFA
- Worked around player kills going negative
- Fixed player respawing when hitscan weapon is used when alone
- Fixed all players respawing when all shoot at the same time

Download Link:

posted about 6 years ago
#10 ChillyDM: New FFA way to DM in TF2 General Discussion
Sherwoodfanpepperkick delivering the amazing again!

how's NA servers looking?

Thanks! :)

None have picked up the plugin yet, still trying to contact NA DM servers owners.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 ChillyDM: New FFA way to DM in TF2 General Discussion
carterdo rockets behave regularly? in the past i’ve tried FFA mods and rockets go through your teammates, same with pipes

Yup all projectiles behave regularly (except few, still testing then all), fixed the passing through issue with the plugin.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 ChillyDM: New FFA way to DM in TF2 General Discussion
warriordragon12does killing your teammates add to strange weapons?

Yes, they do count, though I cant say if all strange parts will work as intended.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 ChillyDM: New FFA way to DM in TF2 General Discussion

Hello everyone!

Recently I played a lot in DM servers and 8 players team deathmatch was pretty chaotic already, but I wanted the true deathmatch like in other games where it is free for all, every player against all other players which was complete chaos and I wanted to try FFA DM in TF2. So I made a plugin to try out free for all DM and later try out new features. The plugin works alongside the classic SoapDM plugin to make it easier to setup the server.

This is an experimental plugin, so stuff may break and may change frequently.

Give this a try and leave your feedback here which will help me a lot to make this much better.
Here is a list of servers currently running it.
EU @ (Thanks to Spenny)
AU @ (Thanks to Kodyn from Qixalite community)
AU @ (Thanks to Obla)

Download Link:
GitHub Link:
Latest Version: 1.0.1

I am looking for other server owners to run the plugin for trial, if you need help in setup or testing then you can add me in steam.

Thank You,

posted about 6 years ago
#105 ChillyMGE: New MGE Map in TF2 General Discussion


New map update

- added 2 proper ammomod mge and 2 ammomod circular mge
- removed 2nd product middle
- replaced ultiduo canal with 2nd ultiduo baloo
- updated lot of lightings in arenas
- fixed clipping issue in process second
- updated how map names are shown in the menu

Download Link:

posted about 6 years ago
#103 ChillyMGE: New MGE Map in TF2 General Discussion
ratawarPepperKickratawarone thing i found kinda uncomfortable is how the numbers of players in an arena are shown in the !add menu, all of the arenas have this (2v2) or (1v1) tag next to their names and it takes me a couple seconds to figure out if there's players in some arena so i can quickly play there because the number of players in parenthesis looks almost identical, something i'm used to do fast in the regular MGE mod because there isn't another ()
I understand what you are trying to say, I will look into different ways to notify the player that the arena is 2v2 or 1v1. I am open to suggestions for this. Maybe [2v2] or just 2v2 will be different enough?

You can do something like placing the 1v1 or 2v2 in front of the arena name rather than in the end of it, maybe changing the color of the amount of people currently in that arena as well, so 1v1 is white and (2)(1) is in red for example, or any other color easily distinguishable.

Adding in front might be a good idea, but might ruin the arena numbers. Sadly color of text cannot be changed in a menu. :/

posted about 6 years ago
#101 ChillyMGE: New MGE Map in TF2 General Discussion
Kingorcocadd gpit spire I'm probably the only one that cares but its still the best arena IMO

I tried adding it but due its big size it took too much space for which I had remove 2 or 3 major arenas so I thought it's not worth it.

ArieSwitched all servers to ChillyMGE.

Also, your Github repo is out of date, would you mind updating it PepperKick?

Yeah, my whole project folder is a mess currently cause I started using scripts to help make the map. I will try to update GitHub along with next update for the map.

posted about 6 years ago
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