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Last Posted July 28, 2015 at 10:02 PM
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#1607 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
barycenterclassicNothing i've seen from bo4r looks suspicious in my book. All of the times he's been accused of wallhacking its a shot that just makes sense to look for as a sniper(eg watching a spawn door for a medic that just spawned, cutting off vision of one sightline so the sniper has to peek you from the one you're already watching, etc.). None of the shit you people post looks anything like a wallhack/aimbot on bo4r. Just give up he's better than you.
idk if people forgot about my vid, but the first and third shots in it are not shots that a normal sniper would take. Who shoots randomly at a blank wall (especially with the machina)? And who suddenly mouses over the wall on right spawn right as the sniper comes out, even though he hasn't peeked the wall yet?
(these are taken from POV demos btw)

Couple of questions for you, because I feel like there's confirmation bias in pretty much every video posted here. It's not to be condescending, I'm just curious to see what the other side of the fence is thinking.

Would you not empty a fully charged Machina shot on the off chance you hit someone before rotating?
Can you honestly tell me you can't go through your own POVs and find a circumstance that's suspicious with wireframes enabled? Because when you have a situation like that where a player's crosshairs return to their previous position, can it not just be completely coincidental that someone is behind that wall to start? Wouldn't he have positioned his crosshairs to where that person is going to peak?

posted about 9 years ago
#1349 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
There we go more of him walling and less on aiming

The sad thing is I can't actually figure out whether or not this is satirical or serious.

It's actually great seeing how hard you guys are circle-jerking this. Apparently because I'm calling our Rick for making a shoddy video that has no real validity to it, I'm guilty of something horrible. That's awesome guys. Good to see witch hunting didn't die after Salem.

posted about 9 years ago