Step 1:
The first two steps to installing a HUD crosshair is involved in HUD/resource/clientscheme.res. After you’ve opened this file scroll down to the very bottom to a section that should look like this:
Now paste the text from this pastebin: at the end, and change “x” to the next ascending number to look like this:
Step 2:
Also in HUD/resource/clientscheme.res, use ctrl+f to find ECON FONT. After this section, paste the text from this pastebin: to look like this:
Step 3:
Now open the file HUD/scripts/hudlayout.res. This will be where you will edit the crosshair, it’s size, and it’s color. Use the text found here: as a template. The text should go near the top and look like this:
Now to edit your crosshair you have 3 major areas of customization:
1. “labelText”- This is how you change which crosshair is being displayed. You should reference this image: to see which crosshair is related to each labelText
2. “font”- Here you change the size of the crosshair and if it has an outline, it’s a little self explanatory.
3. “fgcolor”- Here you can edit the RGB and alpha values.