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Signed Up February 22, 2013
Last Posted February 19, 2020 at 12:23 PM
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#250 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion



The most major change is the movement of the forward spawn on mid into toxic and a subsequent minor one-unit decrease in respawn times. A quick fix can be applied later this week if any bugs are found—after that, might take a while.

- Added blockbullet to greenhouses next to second to fix collision bugs
- Removed duplicate ammobox on mid
- Adjusted yellow barrels on upper-last area and shortened doorway into said area by 8u to cover unruly sightline
- Removed boxes on mid, and shaped doors carefully in cargo to avoid sightline through said room
- Reduced size of flowerboxes where boxes were on mid
- Added blockbullets to windows near flowerboxes that could potentially eat splash
- Textured visible nodraw in bottom of toxic
- Moved forward-mid spawn into toxic on low ground
--- Clipped off area where said spawn used to be
- Decreased spawn times for forward-mid spawn slightly to accompany the movement back
- Fixed red forward spawn door on second clipping through brush above it when opening
- Textured nodraw behind boxes in cargo
- Changed window + table textures in a building near 2nd

posted about 4 years ago
#248 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

Will be compiling + releasing tomorrow.

Prelim list of changes:
- fixed collision bugs on greenhouses next to second + made stickies stick to it properly
- removed duplicate ammobox on mid
- moved around things a tad on upper-last to nullify sightline
- removed boxes on mid
- textured the nodraw in the bottom of toxic stairs
- moved forward on mid into toxic, slightly changed respawn value
- clipped off completely the area where the mid spawn used to be in rc5
- various other small things to fix odds and ends

Not going to change the spawn on second yet unless there are more people who agree that it should be moved down, as it will be a much larger job to reorganise that geometry + I'm not certain it's needed yet.

Let me know if anything else needs changing and I'll get it in the update for tomorrow.

posted about 4 years ago
#246 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

Will patch things up probably this week, have been very busy through Jan and unable to do any map work. Can probably put the forward somewhere in toxic and mess with the respawn times by a second like Collaide's suggestion, see how that goes. Will update here in due time when I get things fixed up.

posted about 4 years ago
#240 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion



The long-awaited new update is here! All sorts of polish and some important layout changes.


- Mid is back under the bridge, baby!
---- Alongside this, the two small healthkits on mid have been moved to the stairwell areas, rather than on the grass.
- Toxic has been completely redone!
---- It now comes out in the old location, but with a much nicer route to push through.
---- WAY higher ceilings
---- Side area for dodging spam
---- The forward spawn had to move, so it's got a new area
---- There's a little ledge in front of the forward to stand on now
---- Medium ammo moved to little nook beneath forward
- New route added between Lobby and Second!
---- This has been much-requested, should be good
---- Nice big doors too
- Doors from cargo into second have been embiggened
- Dropdown has been removed
- Last has been moved forward a bit.
---- Can still move spawns back if necessary, but it'll be a lot of work, so might have to happen at a later date
- Dead zone near second moved in a little
- Redundant pickups in lobby removed
- Lighting changes all around

Hope y'all have fun, let me know if anything's broken and I'll get a fix out shortly.


posted about 5 years ago
#236 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

New version of Reckoner should be out around the new year. The changes above have been taken into consideration, major changes will be to toxic, the proposed additional route into second from lobby, the opening of cargo's door, removing the dropdown (didn't encourage good gameplay). Plenty of other minor changes as well.

The one change I am unsure about is to mid. Originally, the decision to put the point on top of the bridge was to see if it would create better gameplay, but I don't believe that is happening much. Alongside the major toxic changes, I'm considering putting the point back on the low ground, and would like opinions.

If you don't agree with the decision to put the mid point back on the low ground, now's the time to pipe up. Not gonna be taking too many days to get the update out, so the quicker the better. If I don't hear anything, I'm just going to go with my gut instinct and put the point back where it was on the low ground.


posted about 5 years ago
#230 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion


I'm planning an RC5 update to Reckoner. I am not returning to the community, but I would like to hear what everyone considers to be aspects of the map that could do with change in a new version.

The new version will be out in January 2020 alongside an update to Cardinal. This date is not subject to change so I would appreciate all feedback to be in before December. If there isn't interest or enough feedback, I'll take that as a sign that my time is best spent elsewhere. The update will focus on feedback posted in this thread, so please don't leave out things because they were said in a different thread 6 months ago. All feedback from bug fixes to major layout issues are welcome.

If you've tried/are trying to contact me about this map over Steam, please post feedback here instead.


posted about 5 years ago
#128 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion


I'm planning an RC2 update to Cardinal. I am not returning to the community, but I would like to hear what everyone considers to be aspects of the map that could do with change in a new version.

The new version will be out in January 2020 alongside an update to Reckoner. This date is not subject to change so I would appreciate all feedback to be in before December. If there isn't interest or enough feedback, I'll take that as a sign that my time is best spent elsewhere. The update will focus on feedback posted in this thread, so please don't leave out things because they were said in a different thread 6 months ago. All feedback from bug fixes to major layout issues are welcome.

EDIT: While the date was originally "not subject to change", I don't believe I will be releasing an update for this map anytime soon for the time being. If I do finish the update I will post it here. I'm not participating in the comp community anymore, this is merely updating its existing thread, and this will happen on my own time if I decide it is worth it.

The update will include re-detailing focused on removing noisy textures and props (Frontline et. al.), reducing filesize, and optimising; alongside changes based on feedback posted here.

If you've tried/are trying to contact me about this map over Steam, please post feedback here instead.


posted about 5 years ago
#125 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion

I'm breaking the collaboration between myself and b4nny for my map, Cardinal, as well as departing from competitive TF2 as a whole. I figured you all deserve to know what's going on.

I will still be updating this map to see it out, but working with the community as a whole has drawn to an end for me. I really don't want to leave, as the 5cp 6v6 gamemode is the single most interesting version of TF2 to make my maps for – but I don't feel like I can stay any longer. I won't be making any more competitively-focused maps.

Thank you for all the feedback, help, and opportunities. I wish I could stay around for just those aspects and not everything else I encounter.

It's no specific incident that created this, just a long stream of constant negative experiences that made me slowly move further and further away from the community. What made me decide to break it off now was just a culmination of everything.

I've been experiencing harassment due to being trans ever since Sunshine became popular. If you've ever wondered why I never show up on any streams, or interviews about my maps, even though I've been offered multiple times... that's why. I keep myself distant because I know so many people in this community hate my guts. Not because of what I do, but who I am; and I know this from what I see.

The recent events happening involving multiple specific high-level players, alongside the responses made from certain others, lead me to fully understand this is not a scene which I want to be in. Nothing was specifically targeted at me as an individual, but trans harm affects all trans people. I see no desire by the top players themselves to improve the community, only the messed-up moral high ground they poise themselves on, claiming that the publicity being given to these issues is 'bad professionalism'.

I don't gain anything from this. Hell, I'd be better off if I left silently, without a word, quietly updating my maps until they completed, then vanishing. I vanish enough as it is; it wouldn't be hard. I lose access to testing, connections to Valve, and immensely valuable feedback. I am voluntarily withdrawing from the competitive TF2 community not because I gain social points for doing so, but because of people who neglect to care about attempts to bring to light deep-seated issues in the scene. I am withdrawing because I do not feel like the scene will ever learn to care about people like me.

Please, if you're a top-level player and you disagree with your comrades, perhaps you should speak up instead of letting them speak for you.


posted about 6 years ago
#96 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion



- Fixed fence clipping bugs and a few others in preparation for the Meet Your Map competition end

posted about 6 years ago
#94 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion



As always, if there are issues, let me know ASAP and I will produce an rc1a.

Some of the minor issues present in the thread are still present within the map due to incorrect internal versioning, it will be fixed in rc2 (or an rc1a if a big issue is found).

- Fixed invis props on 2nd
- Fixed nodraw holes
- Added shutter door to fountain-side of mid-second connectors
- Made second cap slower
- Replaced octagon on mid with fountain
- Replaced fountain in second with crate stack
- Opened passage through shed kind of like granary's Z
- Added new barriers to block sightline on second
- Added wooden boards to scaffolding on archway into second to let soldiers do wall jumps easily
- Repositioned lamppost on second
- Put boards over shutters under second
- Various lighting and detail touchups


posted about 6 years ago
#227 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

RC4A Download

I will also edit the download in the RC4 post above.

- Fixed clipping issue on ramp on second
- Changed instances of the shutter door prop, made them easier to avoid interacting with
- Edited fence props on second slightly
- Removed fence in cargo
- Removed lip in new area on 2nd
- Removed pipe on greenhouse
- Edited some clipping

posted about 6 years ago
#226 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

Will be sending an rc4a around this way later on today to fix the minor issues as pointed out by junnu/degu. Figure that's necessary. Sorry server folks, but I gotta make up that slack.

Not gonna stop updating the map just cause it's got a 'bad rep' - every custom map outside of the main 7 has that, and I don't see any maps trying to take Reckoner's spot.

RC4A coming in a couple hours.

posted about 6 years ago
#222 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion


The Reckoning


As always, let me know if anything is wrong - this time I will be putting out an rc4a if any bugs have made it through!


***Gameplay Changes***
- Shortened length of the entire second point area by at least 128 units in all spots
- Moved greenhouse on second point area to a more centralised location

***Aesthetic and Quality-of-Life Changes***
- Removed a building on the edge of the second point to provide a much better view to the beautiful skybox
- Removed second crates on mid
- Fixed clipping bug
- General polish and preparation for the future.

posted about 6 years ago
#221 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

Going to do a quality-of-life update (probably call it RC4) very soon just to get it out there: I doubt the timing is great, but I've waited long enough (too long) and there needs to be at least a FEW fixes.

Will be fixing that damn clipping and removing double crates - reverting to one.

Will be going through various feedback logs and fixing things here and there but don't expect a huge layout revision unless someone contacts me directly with feedback.

Sorry about the lack of attention - moved to a different country, started university back up, searching for a job/working, it all consumes time. Will get this out within the week.


posted about 6 years ago
#93 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion

So this map is still on my table - haven't been actively working on it as of late because of Reckoner and university. Want to let y'all know that it is still in development and I am planning another update in the future.

Hope you all have a happy holidays, stay safe out there.

posted about 7 years ago
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