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Signed Up February 22, 2013
Last Posted February 19, 2020 at 12:23 PM
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#13 New Map Cup sponsored by announced in News

Excited to see both Bagel and Cardinal present in this cup. Might push out beta 2 of Cardinal in time for the cup - won't have any major gameplay changes, just a lot more polish + better lighting to make it play smoother.

Really looking forward to this!

posted about 8 years ago
#112 cp_edifice in Map Discussion

Yeah, this map is pretty incredibly old (relative to my other projects). Still pretty amazed people are still pitching/playing it around. It's got a lot of mistakes and issues present as a result of being so old, so it's understandable.

Maybe one day, if I can find the time, I'll go back and remake the map. Not really sure at this point, it's not on my plate and there's a lot of other more modern projects I've been working on. We'll see, I guess?

posted about 8 years ago
#79 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion


This map is still in development - I have in no way forgotten about it!

I've been swamped with real-life responsibilities and the process of moving internationally to the UK, which commences later this year for me. I am very busy, as a result, I've had a lot less time to work on this map. BUT! Rest assured it's coming along. Beta 2 will be much more polished out, refined, and generally smoothed down - we've got a lot in store.

Hopefully you all understand. Moving is a very stressful thing, especially with all the legal hoops I have to jump through before it. Promise you'll all get to see the next version of this map soon.

posted about 8 years ago
#191 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

Yo, yeah, I hear you all re: the shacks on mid. Big changes are better than small ones, IMO, I want to wait the season out + get some high-level feedback on the map before I commit to changing anything from here. I would recommend doing some thinking about how to approach the new mid differently, and come back with more feedback after the map's ETF2L weeks have passed. I can assure you the tactics are going to need to be changed up.

Regardless, let it be known this will NOT be the final revision of the map. As was Sunshine, this map is able and ready to be revised at will, and it surely will be refined more and more as we determine what the best layout for the map should be.

Any in-depth analysis of the current mid vs. older mids vs. potential "new" or "edited" mids is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your continued feedback and support.

posted about 8 years ago
#32 Make Sunshine great again? in TF2 General Discussion

Just gonna pitch in, as the creator of Reckoner and Sunshine, that those of you who seem to hate Reckoner with all your soul should really pitch in to its thread and give some actual, legitimate feedback. You don't have to, of course, but hear me out.

Thing is, Reckoner is not even remotely finished. Sunshine had ten RC versions before it became the map it is today. Reckoner's still in its first. People tend to forget that the map is actively in development and is definitely not as perfect as it could be.

Additionally, keep in mind that RC1 changed quite a few things from the previous version that most everyone is familiar with, and that the next version (if feedback is actually provided) will be even better. Sorry for being the voice of reason in the middle of blind hate, but hearing that it's shit without any good reasoning is absolutely useless to me.

I would rather keep Reckoner in ETF2L and continue to make great improvements to it than to replace it with Sunshine. That's my two cents.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 best music of 2016 in Music, Movies, TV

Oops. I wrote 50 paragraphs on my favourite 48 records of the year. Kind of silly, but y'know, I had fun with it.

Here's a grid for people who don't want to read (or are attracted to images):

What a wild year. Just so much to take in. There's SO much good stuff I've had to leave off, probably a whole 'nother 50 or so records that I really, really enjoyed that aren't on there.

Regardless, if you wanna read my silly opinions on records and why I like music so much, there's it.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 hello my band is releasing an ep soonish. in Music, Movies, TV

That song's fuckin' SWEET. As someone who's really into the underground punk/hardcore scene (Deathwish, etc. & related) you've got something wild going on here. Incredible vocals and I love the guitar tones. Definitely going to follow this project.

I actually know Zegema and that's awesome you're releasing tapes through them. That new Respire 12" is siick.

Honestly, I'm in the middle of producing my own music in the same vein as Zegema's roster and I'm probably going to submit it to that blog once I'm done. That's kinda exciting to know you're there, small world, huh?

posted about 8 years ago
#184 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion
MacA minor issue I spotted is that there's some visible nodraw on the ceiling inside of blue cargo. (I forgot to take screenshots, my bad)

Oops! I have absolutely no idea how that happened, looks like I accidentally made some ceiling panels disappear. It won't impact gameplay at all, so I'll keep the fix until RC2 (which will be a while), but rest assured it'll be fixed for the next version.

If there's any game-breaking bugs found, I'll be sure to update ASAP. I don't think there is any, though, so we should be good.

posted about 8 years ago
#181 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion



Biggest change: mid! The new shack will offer much more strategy: now you can get down below through the stairs without being seen by people on the bridge, if you stay close to the shack. There's a bunch of medium-ground position that's covered by the shack, too; it takes more effort to gather information now! There's more position under bridge where people on top of bridge can't see, as well.

The shack also adds a more complex high ground fight - now if soldiers are on crate, you can counterbomb shack and hold your own space, sorta like granary. The rest of the changelog is below, there's been quite a few other major changes, but this is the one I really wanted to expand on.

Remember to upvote the map on the Steam Workshop if you'd like to support me and my maps!

• Removed circuit breakers around the entrances to lobby which held stickytraps easily
• Clipped lobby-green-room main exit to second
• Widened said exit in order to make passage easier
• Added shutter door to said exit
• Added window next to the shutter door of said exit
• Note: There are subtle visual indications of the door trigger! Make sure to keep an eye out, and they render no matter what graphical settings you're on. So you won't have to guess where you can or cannot stand to avoid opening the shutter.
• Widened stairs to upper boiler lobby entrance from 112u wide to 160u. This makes movement and retreating easier and more forgiving.
• Moved cover on upper side of last entrances for multiple reasons:
• Cover nearby the entrance didn't provide much usefulness
• It now blocks a sightline from lobby large door in through to that side, making it harder to collect free information
• Pulled out left wall of last, contouring greenhouse nearby to rid the side of its sentry nooks
• Pulled out right wall of last, offering less space for turtling
• Moved around cover to prevent sightline from toxic angled entrance on mid through cargo (let's just see how this works before I commit to changing any major geometry around there)
• Adjusted doorways through cargo very slightly as a result of said sightline blocking
• Removed crates in little rooms beside mid point, filled in with concrete to make a flat-back instead (easier for explosions)
• Removed access to ledge above toxic entrance to second.
• Re-detailed said ledge
• Widened 45° ramp up from grass to forklift on 2nd
• Re-detailed interior roof of Toxic
• Put toxic sign in toxic
• Clipped “open” edges of mid with the delivery truck and metal railings in a better fashion.
• Blockbulleted said railings so splash is much easier.
• Remade small cliff leading from lower connector to far-mid area, now it's a solid brick wall. Can't stand behind the wall anymore on top of the cliff.


posted about 8 years ago
#177 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

OKAY - let's get this map to RC1.

I heard through the grapevine that WARHURYEAH made some comments on this map on stream a while back, anyone remember a synopsis of them? Possibly a way to get me in contact with the man himself so I can ask? Would be good.
Edit: I'm daft, already have him added on steam, lmao. Can't believe I didn't remember.

Any ETF2L/Ozf people who played this map, get your feedback in, I would really like to have RC1 be super polished.

posted about 8 years ago
#71 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion


>> Download HERE <<

• Fixed $envmaptint console spam, it was incorrectly formatted model textures within the Frontline pack.
• Removed paint can
• Quickly lit various incredibly dark gameplay spaces: still needs tweaking, but much easier to fight around
• Fixed clipping and blockbulleting on fountains

Make sure to refresh your texture cache (by changing to a map that does not use frontline assets, or by restarting the game) before playing this version. Other maps (such as Cardinal b1) which have the old incorrectly formatted Frontline models will cause the texture cache to incorrectly render this map. Loading this map upon game launch will work just fine, as well as if you haven't loaded a map with old Frontline textures in the session.

posted about 8 years ago
#68 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion
CitricconsoleCMaterialVar::GetVecValue: trying to get a vec value for $envmaptint which is of type 1this is constantly spammed in console, and when it is, my game feels choppy in an offline server despite having like 500 fps. It sometimes stops depending on where I am in the map and what direction I look, but I can't isolate any particular common factor

Interesting. Going to look into that shortly and roll out a fix if I can. Seems like a custom texture in the map is formatted improperly.

As for the clipping: whoops, heh. Will fix in next version, possibly a b1a for the console spam fix.

posted about 8 years ago
#64 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion
gemmi would sex this art

i didnt really find many bugs that havent been mentioned before. lots of roofs and beige rocks let you hide stickies in them, plus this bucket on the left route from 2nd into mid:

gameplay wise, this area seems the best place to rollout to as demo since it gives you lots of vision over mid (going right can let you sticky this door but not much else unless they go valley). however it seems if the other demo's a second quicker than you they can completely deny you from doing anything with two sticks. would it be a good idea to add a secondary door on the right?

one thing i noticed is that it looks REALLY easy to roll into last if you frag on 2nd (or backcap 2nd) since the route from 2nd to last is really short and you're covered so well from the spawn doors. not sure whether this is good or bad for gameplay

Hey, yeah, some good observations here! Of course, hard to tell whether the last observation will react like you said, so it's all up to play. I did intend the last to be fluid, fairly simple to get in with - since last holds can become very very brick-wall-like on other maps I feel like one easier to poke into would be quite interesting.

Stickies end up inside of some rooves because of the brush method used to make some of them render properly and/or have their edges pass-through to jumpers. If anyone wants to point out particular rooves that this may become a problem on, I'll be sure to futz with the brushwork in order to make stickies lay more realistically.

As for the second door into mid from the left entrance, it could be a very neat idea! I'll watch some games on it and ask around for other opinions. Might be a way to relieve spam on the door, too.

Thanks for the warm reception! Feedback is welcome.

posted about 8 years ago
#60 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion


Download here!

The lighting isn't finished whatsoever and there's a lot of rough edges. Be patient with me. It'll all get fleshed out in beta 2; I just really wanted to push a version of this out with detailing to get gameplay testing. There's a few dark spots and I promise these will be filled out and brightened in the next version.

• Expanded curve route from mid to second
• Removed glass pane on said route
• Added shutter door to side flank into last
• Moved last point forward a tad and added small bridge around hut side
• Honestly can't remember everything that changed - there was a ton of little things


posted about 8 years ago
#58 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion

It's been a while...

posted about 8 years ago
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