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Signed Up August 19, 2021
Last Posted April 11, 2024 at 5:02 PM
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#46 cp_sultry (5cp) in Map Discussion

Gonna be honest. I'm so far removed from tf2/mapping/comp at this point that you guys should just elect someone else to continue this map (refresh team or some shit). I'll give the source files to whoever is capable (keyword capable). I'm not going to drag someone else through the process of updating this map, I've done that with another map in the past and it's stupid as hell. Just make sure you name the next version _fix%n in case my worldview changes and I happen to care enough to try again.

contact me on discord for map files:

Time input to satisfaction outputs is absurdly fucking terrible with mapping. I feel no interest in updating/continuing this map currently. Even if I had a billion dollars, time is something I don't care to contribute.

If you don't like the map and see it has no grounds for viable competitive play: petition for its removal.
sorry, I'm lame...etc...etc...too little too late I suppose :^)

posted 10 months ago
#39 cp_sultry (5cp) in Map Discussion

Spawn time changes
Adjustment to lobby on last

Notes on simplification:
Removed clutter from frog box, made doors into 2nd flush
Removed slope from the towers: see finmans post above
Simplified alley walls
Pulled-in cheese hiding spot a tad, this is to make the crate flush with the wall
Demo stickies are easier to place in the junction boxes by choke/last again
Simplified a bunch of things all around the map... It's not worth explaining here.

Notes on spawn times:
>Not on last:
Both teams have 17-20 second spawn times (Respawn wave of 10)

>On last:
Defenders are 17-20 seconds (Respawn wave of 10; Was 8.5 [15-18 sec])
Attackers now have a 16-18 spawn time (Respawn wave of 8; Was 9.5 [~17-19 sec])

I should have investigated spawn times the second I got feedback on them — sorry for being late.
Overall spawn times are a pinch longer. Let's hope that doesn't have drastic consequences...
These numbers mimic cp_process and cp_snakewater : (A 8- D 10) wave time on last with 10 everywhere else

Lobby adjustment:

Might revert this, or keep half of it. Feedback thoughts, please.

Closing thoughts:
This map uses a new mirror method to make development more efficient. If there are any odd visual bugs please tell me.

finmanIt can be a little hard to effectively clear sticks off the last point due to the shape, more than any other last point

I'll look at this, expect a fix in 8 months. hahahaha... kidding

Download: b8a

posted about a year ago
#28 cp_sultry (5cp) in Map Discussion

wow. chill out flip

loot-sniper sightline from the defender's right spawn on last is too strong

Sightline into alley or out of their spawn door? (does it harm people on last or people pushing into last)

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This is what I find problematic personally, super annoying to touch this person.

loot-there aren't enough ammo packs, or not spread out enough or something

Open to suggestions, what key areas do you find yourself needing ammo?

loot-sniper sightline from both forward spawns, but especially 2nd, is too strong

I feel the forward spawn on mid isn't too bad as there are ways to path around it / pressure it easily. The sightline mainly punishes players coming from cheese/boiler.

2nds forward spawn is.. tricky to design. I don't know how to solve snipers in this particular forward spawn without causing more problems to the core gameplay. Previously I thought of making it harder for snipers to resub-bind by adjusting the respawn room trigger; but it just feels awkward that only my map would do that, unlike the rest.

As for respawn times on last: I've noticed they suck as well, currently can't tell if the respawn times do not fit gameplay or gameplay does not fit respawn times. (Moving forward I'm considering what is more valuable to change and test.)

Expect changes for the lobby into the last, primarily adjusting how sightlines leading out of last work.

posted about 2 years ago
#23 cp_sultry (5cp) in Map Discussion


Notes on mid:
• Reduced scale of mid
One of the primary concerns on mid was that the distance for combat was too far. This resulted in bombs being very hard to follow up on for scouts - to help combat this the mid has been scaled down by about 7%. This reduced distance (from red 'boiler/secret' to blue 'boiler/secret') will hopefully manifest encouraging faster mids.

• Removed clutter from mid
• Adjusted 'frog/glass' area entering into mid
• Widened bridge crossing mid
When rescaling mid, space had to be taken from somewhere, so it was decided to rework the entrance of 'frog/glass' from mid. It should now be a bit harder to hold mid as a defender. (harder to watch all doors from a single spot / short rotation).

Notes on last:
• Reduced scale on last
• Adjusted high ground on last
• Ground on the left is now high ground (defender pov)
• Wood patio extends closer to spawn and further from the 'valley/alley' attacker door (defender pov)
• Crate added to assist scouts out of the right spawn (defender pov), hopefully allowing a scout to retake some high ground
Last often felt anti-climatic: the potential for recovering from disadvantage as a defender was gimped by the difficult-to-exit exposed spawns. To help a bit with retaking control of your own last, the spawns were shifted in addition to other general changes to last. The high grounds on alternative sides of the point now serve as a side to push up. Whereas the middle being more "pit-like" offers a risk-reward - forcing attacking teams to make a decision to rush the point or hold a side for better post-uber control. Props have been edited to assist defenders (Crate to allow a non-winger scout to access the prop between defenders spawn & point)

• Removed crate near point, pulled spawn 64 units closer to point (One body width)
• Tried to minimize hiding spots on lasts capture zone
• Crushed lower door into last by 32 units horizontally
• Crushed top left door into last by 32 units (defender pov): This door was crushed to allow squeaking by a sniper sightline that has been reopened from spawn.
The point was made more exposed to help defenders, and doorways were adjusted to accommodate for the strengths of the areas immediately after the door. In general, pushing out of lower was too powerful for how deeply it infiltrated, with the ground around it changed hopefully there will be more variety in push directions (each route better exemplifies their different purposes).

Notes on 2nd:
• Removed more awkward clips and bevels
• Smoothed areas around 'boiler' leading into 2nd
• Raised planter on 2nd so scout leaving lobby can't directly access this without utilizing winger (Questionable?)

Some clips were adjusted to be less awkward, mainly around 2nd and last. The planter attached with the 'batts' was increased in height, this area was always more intended to be soldier ground, but the height allowed scouts to use it in combat. With the increased height hopefully, it is now better/more easily utilized by soldiers.

Closing statements:
I'm currently considering "crushing" valley/alley and later 2nd by a similar margin similar to mid (~10%). I received a lot of feedback on the scale, and I'm happy to shrink things down.
In this latest version (b7): I think the changes to last are significant enough and large enough that I can't fully comprehend how the game would play. Sorry if anything fucked up in advance. :^)

Overall I strongly believe that the adjustments made are positive. As always, I'm open to feedback and I appreciate those willing to take the time to convince/explain changes to me.
-Flip & Pig


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Download: b7
[Note: Didn't update workshop]

posted about 2 years ago
#22 cp_sultry (5cp) in Map Discussion

Small tweaks and such.

Adjusted awkward rooftop collisions that made soldier bombs annoying to execute
Added more clipping on last to block oddly powerful sniper sightlines
Patched "texture bugs" on blue 2nd (Odd hiding spots for soldier)
Improved movement around the map, streamlined some areas slightly
Removed unimportant console errors relating to Vphysics on props when loading the map
Fixed area portal on red "frog box" showing the void when far away
Added bullet block to pipes on mid
Cleaned up exit patio leaving "frog box"
Adjusted all pillars across the map to have consistent collision boxes:
Reverted high ground cover piece on last to b4's cover (Small adjustment, don't worry about it.)

Download: b5a
[Note: Updated workshop]
I think sultry is in a good position right now, its time for me to move on to other projects. I'll come back if anything happens with this map, however that seems quite unlikely.

posted about 2 years ago
#19 cp_sultry (5cp) in Map Discussion

B5 Update
Simplifying the layout and trying to hone in on what makes areas work.
Thank you for the feedback, it all is very agreeable.

(TBH just look at images, saves time)
Streamlined highground and lowground on 2nd
Removed tiles building on last, replacing it with an open alternative
Removed aids hiding spots near the frog route, removed clutter from there as well
Attempted to create space around health packs and ammo packs
Adjusted health and ammo on mid to aid players rolling out
Attempted to streamline/remove mids dead ends and hiding spot
Many other small things, Just in general trying to simplify and strengthen gameplay to be appealing.

My thoughts:
IMO mid looks like complete shite right now.
Dissecting how it will play out in my head is nearly impossible due to how spaced out the high ground is. I feel mid fights can only last as long as soldiers delay their bomb. I foresee horizontal bombs approaching any combo low and fast to be too devastating (These happen to be everywhere on this mid). Ultimately the next version will likely overhaul mid, problem is I'm not sure what change, in particular, will solve all my problems. Each time I attempt to adjust the cock and ball towers it just opens craphole sightlines out of 2nd. Any input on mid currently can help out a lot.

Thanks for the feedback guys! Tried to be quick to update, however, some stuff came up. Hope I nailed the changes / am working in the right direction. :)


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Download: b5
[Note: Not updating workshop]

posted about 2 years ago
#15 cp_sultry (5cp) in Map Discussion

B4 Update (b4,b4a,b4b)
Mid changes, Small fixes, Visibility, Spawntimes.
6 months! Graveyard, zombies, agh!!!

Made mid smaller and easier to navigate (downscaled and added staircase)
Changed around health kits on mid
Moved forward spawn further back
Fixed sticky hiding spots on the middle control point
Lighting adjustments/ improved visibility
Fixed odd visual glitches (Above batts/door trim on shutter)
Fixed soldiers odd rocket jumping sightline from last to second (it's complicated)
Adjustments to props for dx8 users
Players can no longer capture the last control point while standing on top of the crate
Fixed blue capture zones being misaligned
Lowered spawn times across the board:
8.5 Respawn wave time (16-19 seconds in practice)
+1 second respawn wave to attackers pushing last (~18-20 seconds in practice)

Things to look forward to:
Waiting for more testing before I start changing last. Thinking about nuking the rotation tunnel / Possibly opening up the leftmost route (window room).
I'm not dead and I've always been ready to work on this map again. Just torn on in too many directions with feedback. (Also lack of testing xd1!1!1!!)
I've been posting experimental versions on TF2Maps.net, Not really interested in bumping threads without serious reason.
Oh! Also, might look into setting up soap dm spawns.


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Download: b4b

Also new workshop link, Only updating this when I post here.

posted about 3 years ago
#14 cp_sultry (5cp) in Map Discussion

B3 Update
Optimization, Detail and overall touchups...

Grate cover pieces now use the same texture on all graphics settings (Low-end configs made some users unable to see through the cover)
Finished detailing last
Optimization near valley

Things to look forward to:
Awaiting more feedback if there is any interest in sultry moving forward, Besides that, I have a few clips and tweaks that are on the back burner.
I'm thinking of lowering spawn times across the board. Except perhaps attackers pushing into last.


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Download: b3

posted about 3 years ago
#13 cp_sultry (5cp) in Map Discussion

B2 Update
Optimization, Clipping, Visibility and more

Made bulletblock less aggressive (On detailed walls)
Added underpass route on mid's forward spawn area
Made oilshack on mid narrower (See images)
Made 'skilljumps' on mid less tedious
Added a window to lower on last for visibility
Made cover near point on last transparent for attackers. (super low settings currently will have problems seeing through these, A fix for this will be made in the next version)
Covered up some sniper sightlines on last
Pulled in wall lower lobby to hopefully allow for better bombs (Looking for feedback on this change)
Added hiding spot to lobby

Optimized around 2nd through choke to mid
Replaced unimportant 3d models with 2d cutouts (Windows, fences, chimneys)
(After these changes I get ~400 everywhere, ~300 while viewing larger sightlines, previously I had ~350-290, benchmarked with no players)

Things to look forward to:
Changes based on feedback
Optimization from boiler into 2nd, 2nd through frogbox into mid, and lasts valley. These are currently the most unoptimized locations. They are next on the list.
Detail on last, Trying to add more greenery so the maps not brown.
More theming, each control point will have a purpose in universe. (unimportant nerd shit)
Possibly moving the forward spawn located on mid / cutting sightlines from this spawn


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Download: b2


posted about 3 years ago
#1 cp_sultry (5cp) in Map Discussion


Latest Version: b8a| Download
Last Updated: 6/20/2022
# The TF2maps download is out of date! Get the latest version above.
TF2Maps Page: https://tf2maps.net/downloads/cp_sultry.11328/


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Sultry is a map designed for competitive 6s drafted by PigPig and FlipFTW. The goal was to make a fun map driven by competitive feedback and playtests.

Map has been played in pug tests, but has yet to see gameplay in team vs team environments. Let me know if you run into any issues. (trap spots, clipping, optimization/badfps spots, spawn times, sightlines, etc...) We are also open to suggestions of any kind, we can be found on discord at:


Special thanks to:
Anglerfish Holdings & Associates for participating in map pugs.
B4nny, Walrex, and SIN KARMA for direct map feedback.
The competitive community for being so welcoming during the development of the map.

Downloads | [ Full History ]
b1a | b2 | b3| b3b | b4b | b5 | b5a| b7| b8 ... Just get the latest version

posted about 3 years ago