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Signed Up November 14, 2016
Last Posted June 5, 2017 at 2:50 PM
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#27 Valve's comp Format? in TF2 General Discussion

The only change I want is for them to make is to stop people from hacking. I don't play MM because a majority of games include hackers.

posted about 7 years ago
#18 NA mixes 3.0 in TF2 General Discussion

I'm definitely not good enough to coach, but if there's anything else I can do to help, I'd be glad to.

posted about 7 years ago
#17 Any advice for me? in Q/A Help
Cyanicthanks for the helpful and supportive comments. i think if i change my mindset a bit i might be ok but it's a long way to go.

Best advice I can give you if you're getting pissed at your team - focus on improving your game. You can't do anything about other people not playing well, but you can help yourself.

posted about 7 years ago
#15 Any advice for me? in Q/A Help

Stop treating the game so seriously and have fun. You're getting in your head and it's going to ruin any chance you have at enjoying yourself.

I'm not sure how old you are, but look, life is going to throw enough shit at you, there's no need to create more for yourself. The day this game starts to wear on me and stress me out, I'm done. But that's not going to happen because of my name.

"Pinky_Narf" - not only is Pinky (check out Pinky and the Brain) hilarious but it reminds me never to take things too seriously. Sure I want to win and I want to be better than I am now, but at the end of the day it's a game we should be playing because we enjoy it.

Edit: Who the hell cares what some stooge says on the internet? Don't sweat the mouth breathers.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Help me get better at this game. in Q/A Help

MGE isn't always the best to improve your game. It does help, don't get me wrong, but not with everything.

I'm not great at this game, but what I've found has helped me to improve is playing in pubs with a different focus each time. (I normally play Scout); one day I'll focus on trying not to miss a single shot, or will try to aim at different hitboxes from different angles/distances to understand how the game responds with damage; one day I'll just pick meds (especially when they're grouped with a bunch of teammates). Different focuses improve different aspects of play.

Then there's playing Faceit, etc, to learn competitive flow.

Do your best to understand why/how things work, then you can better focus on improving. Just like sports in real life.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Need discount code in Q/A Help

Can you use "uncle" more than once? Just buys the keys in multiple transactions...

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Right Clicking Closes Browser in Q/A Help

Had the same problem -

Do you have Avast? Apparently it might be your anti-virus.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 ping issue. in Q/A Help

Generally you don't want to use wifi, but that's not always practical and you shouldn't have these kinds of issues with your wifi regardless (I play on wifi mostly because I don't want cords all over my house).

I would definitely call your ISP (internet service provider) and get them to run some tests. This is especially effective if you're able to get them on the line when you're experiencing issues (but do it even if you can't).

My first step would be to contact AT&T and make sure everything checks out. They should also be able to help ensure you've set up your wireless for the best connection to your devices. If that doesn't resolve the problem I'd try another computer/laptop to help ensure it's a PC problem, then move forward from there.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 ping issue. in Q/A Help

I had a similar problem, had to replace my cable modem/router. I'd be in-game and not have any problems, then my ping would spike up to 800+ and sometimes disconnect me from the server altogether.

There was a problem with it assigning proper "names" to devices connecting to the internet. Since I swapped it out I haven't had any issues (knock-wood).

That said, it could be a result of a lot of different things. Did you only change your internet provider, or did you also change some/all of your hardware? Have you called your internet provider and had them check the lines to make sure everything is registering normal and there aren't any problems?

posted about 7 years ago
#51 my 5cp idea to help with stalemates in TF2 General Discussion
DirtyMortim pretty sure this would just encourage teams to sit on the 4th point and make it so the team holding last would be forced to push out 6v6 with no advantages. I dont really think that's at all better as it would be a lot harder to push out of last than to push into last. Teams that held the 4th point wouldnt sack any players into last and would probably just set up on 2nd and pretty much win the game. People already complain that its really difficult to push out of last, could you imagine how much harder this would be if the team that held the 4th point was playing back and trying to defend 4th rather than capping last?

Look at a map like badlands for example: if a team wins mid and caps 2nd for free, all they would have to do to win the round is sit on top spire with 2 soldiers, a medic (and probably a heavy if you're playing really gay) and then have your demo trap shutter and drop down. How is a team supposed to push out of last and re-cap 2nd against this? There's no incentive for the team that holds the spire to push last because 99% of the time they'll be more likely to win the round by turtling on spire and running out the clock while the other team is forced into a terrible push out of last. If you think its hard pushing out of badlands last now, just imagine how hard it would be if the team that has spire capped was just sitting there with full uber waiting for you to try and push out.

Either way you're going to have stalemates. But i'd much prefer to have the burden to push be on the team holding second than on the team holding last. Otherwise a team can just cap 2nd, play really gay and hold it until the round ends.

Very good points. I hadn't given much thought to map-specific examples.

If stalemates are an issue, then perhaps the solution is adjusting maps to make pushing out a bit easier? I assume that this would also make pushing in easier (larger or more doors, for example). Seems like a win-win.

posted about 7 years ago
#48 my 5cp idea to help with stalemates in TF2 General Discussion

What if you added a KOTH-like element to 5CP?

When you hit the round time limit, the team with the most time on the forward cap wins.

I think that most time with the 4th capture point would work, but maybe you'd have to toss mid in there if that doesn't work as planned. This way there's always an incentive for a team to push out.

This is much simpler than some of the suggestions with a different point system, doesn't require a change in the round timer, and could be fairly easily integrated into the game, displaying a countdown clock and a red/blue count up clock recording amount of time with a forward cap held.

In a nutshell:

Everything remains the same, except:
Track the amount of time red/blue has held 4th point (maybe mid if that doesn't work after some trials)
If the round times out, the team with the longest time where they've held that cap wins.

Will encourage teams to push out of last and not turtle

Might encourage teams to sit on 4? (I'm not too worried about this though, because people will still want to cap and end the round and defenders won't want to waste time sitting on last).

posted about 7 years ago
#39 Future Toronto LANs Discussion in LAN Discussion
DirtyMortYipyapperHidiShould I go through with organizing an independent event, I'm looking at early June. If I piggyback on another event, it'd depend on that event.There are a LOT of tf2ers coming to anime north from all over the states so if you did one there then it'd gather a lot of eyes probablyI'd really rather not have to step foot inside an anime convention in order to play tf2

I assume costumes will be required for the LAN if this is the case? Bonus points if you play in said costume, especially if it involves massive hand attachments preventing you from clicking one button at a time.

Would there be any advantage/disadvantage to the timeline including a holiday?

posted about 7 years ago
#11 where to find cheap big cardboard boxes in Q/A Help

Universities/colleges also tend to have cheap boxes for students moving.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 FACEIT Solo Queue Cup - Thursday 1/19 in TF2 General Discussion
SpaceCadet6-9 PM is chosen to allow players/teams to scrim at normal times after the FaceIT Cup is over.

Ah, I understand. Thanks.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 FACEIT Solo Queue Cup - Thursday 1/19 in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not sure which regions generally play and what these times are like there, but 6pm est start time is a bit early, no?

posted about 8 years ago
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