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Signed Up May 29, 2014
Last Posted December 10, 2015 at 8:23 PM
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#143 Toronto Winter LAN (Winter TLAN) December 12-13 in LAN Discussion

Couple notes I have from my research that aren't obvious:
-Venue opens at 12 both days, tournament starts at 1
-Apparently there was a rumour about this maybe not happening a couple weeks back, that's unsubstantiated and it is definitely happening now
-This thread has the address typoed, it is 195 Bentworth Ave in Toronto

posted about 9 years ago
#139 Toronto Winter LAN (Winter TLAN) December 12-13 in LAN Discussion

Put me in coach! Don't really do 6s but I guess I can play med or pocket/roamer if you're desperate.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Spread in TF2 General Discussion

Leader of S3 here to clear things up.

First off, feel free to add me and talk if you're a third party that wants our side of the story. My steam name is some variation of PlzPuddngPlz.

Posting in match comms in advance was not possible because we did not know about the roster changes until the players joined the server uninvited.
For those unfamiliar, under UGC rules accounts rostered less than 24h before a match count as ringers (mercs) and can be denied. The timestamps show the players being added three minutes and a day prior to the match time.

posted about 10 years ago