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Signed Up December 12, 2012
Last Posted March 4, 2014 at 11:39 AM
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#10 Mouse Recommendations in Hardware

Razer is known for being somewhat unreliable in terms of manufacturing quality, but people do like the deathadder. The MX518 was a great mouse; its only real fault was the USB's connection to the mouse, which was prone to coming loose. Mine failed after over four years of more or less daily use. The G400 is the replacement for the MX518; it fixed a few minor issues (angle snapping, whiny capacitors) but by and large the design is identical. Some people are concerned because the cord on the G400 is thinner than on the 518, and apparently the cord-shorts-out thing still happens from time to time with the G400. The G500 is the laser version of the G400 pretty much (if you like lasers—I personally don't). A lot of people like the Zowie AM and ec2 but I can't comment on their reliability since I have not used either. You might be able to scrounge up an intellimouse if you search hard, though they are also known to break down—they weren't exactly designed with hardcore gaming in mind.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 PSU, PC case and RAM? in Hardware

i7 seems like overkill. You can save $100 with an i5 3570k and you wont' notice the difference. You can also easily overclock that to 4.0 GHz without changing voltage at all (would work on i7 too, but again, it's $100 more for performance you don't need).

Anything more than 8 GB of RAM is overkill too, but RAM is dirt cheap.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Mumble Overlay in TF2 General Discussion

My overlay also only works if I start mumble before tf2

posted about 11 years ago
#6 UI concept for broesel's Crosshair Switcher in Customization

This is amazing, please make it happen!

posted about 11 years ago
#10 G400 Freeze Issue in Hardware

Had a similar issue with my old mx518. It took a week or so for it to actually make the USB disconnect sound. Just RMA it, I hear Logitech's customer support is great.

posted about 11 years ago
#100 The 120Hz Monitor Thread in Hardware

From the hardforum thread it sounds like BenQ's AMA setting already does something similar, so out of the box it is already as good as the lightboosted asus model

posted about 11 years ago
#35 bl4nk aka guamboy671, AMA in TF2 General Discussion

You should do a demo review of your own POV from a big match and explain what you are doing and why, like the old My Gaming Edge stuff on YouTube

posted about 11 years ago
#7 What rocks are these? in Off Topic

geology protip the answer is almost always quartz or granite.

posted about 12 years ago
#12 Please help me pick a new mouse in Hardware

mx518 is not immune from cord issues. I bought a g400 because the cord on my old mx518 went bad.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 PSU Issues in Hardware

Could be a power coil. Apparently if they are not properly secured (which often happens) the power coil will resonate and make a buzzing or whining noise. I don't really recognize that PSU brand and Google says it's crap, so it might behoove you to buy a new one from a reliable manufacturer like Antec, Corsair, Seasonic, or XFX. Shouldn't set you back that much. I have heard about some people taking apart their PSU to inject hot glue into a coil to stabilize it, but I really don't recommend that for you. Besides you might fry yourself on one of those big capacitors if you are not careful.

posted about 12 years ago
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