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Last Posted June 17, 2024 at 9:02 PM
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#4 FROYO black not paid up for esea? in TF2 General Discussion

k nvm, just was a question

posted about 8 years ago
#1 FROYO black not paid up for esea? in TF2 General Discussion

Heard some rumors about FROYO black dying

posted about 8 years ago
#105 6vs6 Pug/Team Tournament - hosted by SolidPugs in TF2 General Discussion
Smesialso i would like to say me and sandblast joined entropy's mumble / console's team mumble to POLITELY discuss about the dq and we said that we could wait in another room until console's match was over so that we could discuss but instead console banned us

Smesi, we had to pause our match because you guys interrupted his mumble and were yelling at him mid-match. Console wouldn't just ban you for some dumb reason.

posted about 8 years ago
#100 6vs6 Pug/Team Tournament - hosted by SolidPugs in TF2 General Discussion
RainofLightlol just admit it, you were looking for any reason to "disqualify" us because you don't like us personally

stop skating around it, you have the right to remove people you don't like from your tournament
just say that instead of trying to justify it with rules you make up mid-tourney

You're right, I do have a personal problem with you. You killed two teams, and left the admins in the dark about it and forced us to fix things on our own. You failed to respect the admins and the goal of the tourney, and failed to maturely be a participant for a tournament you were UNBANNED from to play in. I'd literally not even met half your team before this tournament started. So how in the hell could I have a personal problem with them. The only two people on your team I knew were you and Smesi. And you both were BANNED from our group and then unbanned for the tournament. You literally showed up in our mumble and used a VPN to attempt to mess with our match. Learn some respect before you start talking about person problems.

posted about 8 years ago
#93 6vs6 Pug/Team Tournament - hosted by SolidPugs in TF2 General Discussion

The match was scheduled to start at 8:30 eastern. According to your messages Sandblast didnt show until 9:20 eastern. Your argument is invalid, friend.

posted about 8 years ago
#88 6vs6 Pug/Team Tournament - hosted by SolidPugs in TF2 General Discussion

Quote got messed up sorry. But AlexanderTheGreat mentioning second changes and reconsideration:

A rematch wasn't considered because your team called us retards in chat, and said some other pretty nasty shit. I dunno what kind of admin would re-consider a DQ after getting called that kind of stuff. Especially when two of your teammates (Smesi and Rain) had both been banned from the group in the past for the exact same reason.

posted about 8 years ago
#80 6vs6 Pug/Team Tournament - hosted by SolidPugs in TF2 General Discussion
Pont Our intention was to have a fun, PAYMENT FREE ENTRY tournament that would benefit our great community. If anyone would like to discuss this with me personally my steam id is http://steamcommunity.com/id/ponterrific/ . Did myself and the other admins execute the tournament perfectly? Absolutely not. But I would appreciate if people try to see this from both sides of the story. I attempted to do so in this post. Thank you for reading. Again, ill answer any questions you guys have. All Roster info is in the original post and can be publicly viewed. Thank you

Dude, read please.

posted about 8 years ago
#78 6vs6 Pug/Team Tournament - hosted by SolidPugs in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah we let a team with multiple invite/IM players(Luvsic, Goldfish, Etney, Jaay, Brulee and Catface). Woodpig Black, and multiple other really good teams play. So saying that we would sabotage this tourney for keys is stupid.

posted about 8 years ago
#74 6vs6 Pug/Team Tournament - hosted by SolidPugs in TF2 General Discussion
AlexanderTheGreatHe let us have 4 ringers in the group stage, regardless of the value of the match its still hypocrisy to let us have the ringers and than not let us have 2 rightful ringers and making up bullshit excuses like rain of light counts as a ringer when rostered.

And again they didn't give a shit about when sandblast came back.

Nobody messaged me about Sandblast coming back. I would've happily reconsidered if anyone had said something to me.

posted about 8 years ago
#72 6vs6 Pug/Team Tournament - hosted by SolidPugs in TF2 General Discussion
AlexanderTheGreatRain of Light was on the roster the whole time, if the roster was so important why didn't you update the roster to accommodate me and fix the class stuff. Also, if roster changes were locked why did you allow Rain of Light to move to different teams. If he wasn't allowed to play when before he was told he could play why wasn't this mentioned to smesi before and this was when both teams were ready to play.

Rain was not on the team until earlier today, so saying he was "on the roster the whole time" is a blatant lie. We have a Spreadsheet edit log showing Console adding Rain to the roster earlier today. I'll be glad to link it if you wish.

RainofLightlet's be real if we weren't disqualified we would have got prize winnings,
the "no more than so many ringers" rule was just made to stop us

If you had actually shown up to any of the 3 mandatory meetings we hosted, you would've heard us mention the ringer rule. And if you were manipulating Console, and our team list only for the keys then it just proves my point further.

posted about 8 years ago
#66 6vs6 Pug/Team Tournament - hosted by SolidPugs in TF2 General Discussion

On the issue of the DQ that happened. Our team registration/roster-ing closed a long time ago. Before the tournament had begun. During our MULTIPLE MANDATORY meetings we hosted in our mumble to address tournament roster/match/execution questions, we confirmed that rosters were set after the team registration periods were set AND that more than 2 ringers were not allowed and were also required to be "similiar skill level" and be approved by the admins. DURING TODAYS PLAYOFF MATCH, Smesi had 3 ringers, Catface, Akinfenwa, and GAB. (none were rostered). Before the match Smesi lied to the admins, saying he only HAD ONE ringer. After checking into the server before the match begun I realized he had all 3 of the ringers named above.
Prior to this, RainofLight had signed up with his team "Hurricane Watch" before the deadline knowing IN ADVANCE that half of his team was not able to make the tournament. He "Wanted to be rostered so he could be counted as a ringer for other teams". AFTER the deadline, it was confirmed that his team had died and could no longer play. RainofLight then asked me if he could sign up the other team he was playing for in their place (He told me this was "KevinisPwns team"). I agreed. Later on, RainofLight told me he had actually never asked the "replacement team" if they could play but had continued to sign them up anyway. So I had to submit 3 forfeit wins because RainofLight NEVER messaged me that the team had died until the 2nd night of the tournament. Because of all the Forfeit Wins caused by teams dying, I granted Smesi's team more than 2 ringers for a group stage match due to both teams moving on regardless of the result so the match did not matter for either side. RainofLight was one of the ringers in the group stage. Earlier today, RainofLight told Console that he was supposed to be on Smesi's roster and had been this entire time. Little did we know, Rain was talking about the UGC roster that him and Smesi are on together not the tournament roster. So Console put RainofLight on the team roster for Smesi. Console did not message any of the other admins about this so nobody else's opinions were used. After learning that Rain was added to the roster i promptly told Smesi via steam message that RainofLight was not allowed to play. RainofLight had killed 2 teams in the tournament causing many Forfeit Wins for other teams and that was my reasoning for not approving the roster transfer, regardess of if he was rostered in UGC or not. IN THE SERVER before the match: on Smesi's team were Catface (who's team also died and attempted to alias as "Sandblast" in the server to cover up their ringer status), Akinfenwa (also not rostered), GAB (also not rostered) and RainofLight (incorrectly rostered and told could not play). These ringers were not "similar skill level" to the players Smesi was replacing and numbered more than the 2 we allowed. After multiple interactions of explaining that there were too many ringers and Rain was NOT ALLOWED to play, I, after talking with the other admins AND ALSO other tournament players, I issued a disqualification for Smesi's team. TO REPEAT THIS, RainofLight WAS ADDED to Smesi's roster. But regardless of Rain, Smesi's team still had more than 2 ringers. His whole team proceeded to call the admins retards and refused to calmly discuss us. AFTERWARDS, while my team was playing our playoff match RainofLight used his VPN to get into our mumble server and continued to mic spam during our match. We told him we would talk to him after the match but he left.
We WERE NOT trying to steal keys from players. THE ONLY TWO DONATORS were Entropy (Admin) and Phlash, who is a close friend of ours. We had many players offer to donate but NO OFFERS WERE ACCEPTED. We will be issuing a refund to Phlash. We humbly apologize for all the issues this has caused, but these rules were made very clear in the mandatory meetings. I would also like to add that NONE of Smesi's team showed up to the meetings except Smesi. So he was very aware of the rules and failed to follow them. That ultimately led to his team being disqualified. Again, I would like to apologize for this happening. Our intention was to have a fun, PAYMENT FREE ENTRY tournament that would benefit our great community. If anyone would like to discuss this with me personally my steam id is http://steamcommunity.com/id/ponterrific/ . Did myself and the other admins execute the tournament perfectly? Absolutely not. But I would appreciate if people try to see this from both sides of the story. I attempted to do so in this post. Thank you for reading. Again, ill answer any questions you guys have. All Roster info is in the original post and can be publicly viewed. Thank you

posted about 8 years ago
#61 6vs6 Pug/Team Tournament - hosted by SolidPugs in TF2 General Discussion

Response coming soon with accurate details of what happened. I would prefer people not assume anything until the facts are released. Thank you.

posted about 8 years ago
#49 6vs6 Pug/Team Tournament - hosted by SolidPugs in TF2 General Discussion

bump, tournament starting tomorrow, with meeting TONIGHT at 9:30pm eastern

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Fuck Microsoft in Off Topic

is this the great Wshh IRL

posted about 8 years ago
#33 6vs6 Pug/Team Tournament - hosted by SolidPugs in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
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